e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706191007047_9419017013837541" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Aster<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706191007047_2638337417777852" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • This is an aggregated key in which the ranks between that of Family and of Genus are ignored
  • * Consider cypselas to be black if the body of the mature cypsela is shiny-black, at least in part; paler striations, ribs or wings may be present
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  • Plants monocotyledonous in appearance
  • Capitula discoid, 1-flowered
  • Upper involucral bracts sheathing flower
  • Plants not exhibiting the above characters in combination
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  • Corollas not strap-shaped, if radiate, then these with 4 or fewer equal or unequal apical teeth
  • Latex rarely present
  • Corollas all strap-shaped, equally 5-toothed at the apex (florets ligulate - no. 6)
  • Latex present in plant
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  • Sweeping hairs, endothecial cells and lobes of disc florets not as below
  • Style branches with sweeping hairs consisting of 2 or 3 cells separated by vertical walls
  • Endothecial cells with transverse thickenings in only basal half
  • Lobes of disc florets with accessory apical vein
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  • Style branches, capitula, corollas and mature cypselas not showing the below combination of character states
  • Style branches with conspicuous papillose appendages
  • Capitula discoid, with florets all bisexual, not yellow
  • Corollas with 5(4) relatively short, broad apical lobes
  • Mature cypselas black*
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  • Involucral bracts uniseriate, cohering by their overlapping margins, or partly or wholly connate, with or without a calyculus
  • Pappus present
  • Involucral bracts imbricate, in 2 or more rows, free or connate
  • OR uniseriate but then bracts not cohering or pappus 0 or capitula unisexual or cypselas densely villous with long hairs from base
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  • Involucral bracts with evident elongated oil glands
  • Cypselas black# when mature
  • Involucral bracts without elongated oil glands
  • Cypselas not black# when mature
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  • Styles and capitula not exhibiting below combination of character states, or capitula unisexual
  • Style branches long, gradually attenuate-acute, shortly hairy on outside, style shaft similarly hairy on upper part
  • Capitula homogamous, all florets bisexual
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  • Capitula without any such bilabiate florets
  • Capitula with all or only outer florets bilabiate
  • Corollas with 3-toothed outer lips and 2-lobed inner lips
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  • Capitula discoid; iInvolucral bracts without scarious unlobed appendages or apices, and without scarious margins
  • OR capitula radiant (capitula discoid but outer florets ± enlarged and sterile, not true ray flowers)
  • OR capitula unisexual and plants dioecious; appendages of involucral bracts, if present, spiniform and/or pinnately divided
  • Capitula radiate or disciform but not radiant as above
  • OR capitula discoid and involucral bracts with unlobed, scarious, often white or coloured appendages or apices or with scarious, usually brownish margins, but not with spiniform and/or pinnately divided appendages
  • OR capitula unisexual and plants monoecious
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  • Leaves spiny or bristly spiny at least towards base
  • Leaves neither spiny nor bristly spiny
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  • Anthers not tailed (ecaudate)
  • Receptacle alveolate with fringed alveolae
  • Anthers tailed (caudate)
  • Receptacle densely setose
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  • Corolla lobes of tubular florets much longer than broad
  • Leaves alternate
  • Capitula of more than 1 floret, not aggregated into glomerules
  • Corolla lobes ± as long as broad, or if much longer than broad then leaves opposite
  • Capitula sometimes of only 1 floret, or capitula aggregated into glomerules (go to couplet 14)
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  • Receptacle densely setose
  • Inner florets bisexual, outer sterile
  • Receptacle naked, not setose
  • All florets unisexual
  • Plants dioecious
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  • Style branches of disc florets long to short or 0 but connate lower part of style branches, if present, not as below or capitula unisexual and plants monoecious
  • Style branches of disc florets connate in lower part, connate part thicker than style shaft and abruptly marked off from it by ring of short hairs at its base
  • Capitula always bisexual
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  • Receptacle epaleate (although sometimes hairy or fimbrillate)
  • OR receptacle paleate and leaves not opposite (although sometimes opposite on upper stem) and cypselas not black# when mature, or capitula not unisexual; capitula glomerulate or not
  • OR if lower leaves opposite then pappus of slender barbellate bristles, at least in disc florets, or pappus 0, receptacle naked and capitula not glomerulate
  • Receptacle paleate and leaves opposite, or leaves not opposite and mature cypselas black# and/or capitula glomerulate
  • OR receptacle epaleate and pappus of scales and/or leaves opposite and/or mature cypselas black and/or capitula unisexual and/or capitula glomerulate; pappus not of slender bristles, or if of bristles then bristles plumose
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  • Style branches of bisexual or functionally male florets each with a subulate to triangular papillose appendage
  • Style branches of bisexual or functionally male florets acute to rounded, or truncate and fringed with short hairs or papillae, or shortly conical at apex with subdistal fringe of hairs, not appendaged; or style undivided
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  • Receptacle, pappus and capitula not showing the below combination of character states
  • Receptacle alveolate
  • Pappus a deeply and unequally laciniate corona
  • Capitula disciform
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  • Involucral bracts green and herbaceous (though often with hyaline margins), or with scarious, membranous, often white or coloured appendages or apices, or rarely appendages foliose
  • Leaves never pinnatipartite
  • Pappus of hairs or scales present in at least some florets, or if 0 then style branches not truncate and fringed
  • Involucral bracts with scarious, usually brown, often erose margins, not appendaged
  • Leaves often pinnatipartite
  • Style branches apically truncate and fringed, or style undivided and truncate
  • Pappus 0, or if present, then a short lacerate crown or lobed auricle, or leaves pinnatipartite and outer pappus of 5 white petaloid scales
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  • Pappus present or 0
  • Fruit small cypselas and not as below
  • Capitula radiate or disciform
  • Pappus 0
  • Fruit large, curved, angular or winged cypselas, or smooth drupes
  • Capitula radiate
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  • Capitula radiate, disciform or discoid
  • Ray florets, if present, female
  • Style branches not as below
  • Capitula radiate
  • Ray florets neuter, or if fertile then style branches shortly conical at apex with subdistal fringe of hairs
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  • Stems with or without resin ducts
  • Leaves dentate, denticulate, serrulate or pinnatifid, rarely entire, with hairs of type A (multiseptate hairs with short cells)
  • Involucral bracts with undivided sclerenchymatous portion
  • Pollen with 1-layered sexine
  • Stems without resin ducts
  • Leaves generally entire, with hairs of type B (hairs with 1 basal cell and a very long terminal cell)
  • Involucral bracts with entire or divided sclerenchymatous basal portion
  • Pollen with 2-layered double sexine
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  • Female florets in 1 row, radiate, miniradiate, rarely filiform, or absent
  • Style with acute sweeping hairs ending below furcation, rarely with obtuse sweeping hairs (Anisopappus)
  • Female florets in several rows, filiform or rarely radiate
  • Style with obtuse sweeping hairs
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  • Receptacle distinctly paleate with paleae subtending florets
  • Receptacle completely epaleate (though sometimes pilose or hirsute) or capitula few-flowered and presence of paleae unclear
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  • Capitula radiate
  • Capitula discoid or disciform
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  • Rays yellow, rarely abaxially reddish
  • Rays white or rarely pink to reddish on both sides
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  • Involucral bracts in 5-7 rows
  • Involucral bracts in 1 row
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  • Pappus of 5 (rarely 8-10) large obovate scales and sometimes 5 additional subulate scales
  • Pappus a shallow corona, an auricle or of small scales or 0
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  • Cypselas copiously villous
  • Cypselas glabrous, sometimes glandular or papillose
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  • Involucral bracts in 2-4 rows
  • Involucral bracts in 1 row
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  • Shrubs with opposite leaves (leaves alternate in Eumorphia davyi)
  • Cypselas with 10 or more ribs
  • Herbs or rarely shrubs with alternate leaves (rarely with some leaves opposite basally on stem)
  • Cypselas various
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  • Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened and with 2 lateral ribs but no wings
  • Cypselas various, sometimes dorsiventrally flattened but then rhombic in cross-section and without 2 lateral ribs and not or only narrowly winged
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  • Leaves serrate-dentate, rarely pinnatifid or entire
  • Anthers caudate
  • Leaves pinnatisect to variously lobed
  • Anthers not caudate
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  • Pappus present, of scales, an auricle or a corona
  • Pappus 0 but cypselas sometimes apically with obtuse rim (rarely with pseudopappus of bristle-like stalked glands in Athanasia)
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  • Pappus of 5 (rarely 8-10) large obovate scales and sometimes 5 additional subulate scales
  • Pappus a shallow corona, an auricle or of small scales
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  • Capitula narrowly oblong-obconical, slender and few-flowered
  • Indumentum of stellate hairs
  • Capitula rather widely urceolate to cyathiform-campanulate
  • Indumentum of simple or bifid hairs
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  • Cypselas glabrous, sometimes glandular
  • Cypselas copiously villous
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  • Involucral bracts in 2-4 rows
  • Involucral bracts in 1 row
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  • Capitula radiate
  • Capitula discoid or disciform
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  • Rays yellow, rarely partly white or reddish or abaxially reddish
  • Rays white, rarely pink to reddish, bluish violet or creamy orange, but not yellow
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  • Pappus present in ray or disc cypselas or generally in all cypselas, of scales, an auricle or a corona
  • Pappus 0 but cypselas sometimes apically with obtuse rim
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  • Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened and with 2 lateral broad wings, annual herbs with entire, fleshy leaves
  • Cypselas oblong, 4-angled, perennial herbs, leaves not fleshy
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  • Ray cypselas triquetrous, winged
  • Disc cypselas prismatic with narrow adaxial wing or terete and apparently ribbed
  • Cypselas all equal, oblong or obovoid, without wings or dorsiventrally flattened and laterally winged
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  • Disc corolla 4-lobed
  • Rays not true ray florets but outer disc florets with 1 corolla lobe expanded to a limb
  • Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened
  • Disc corolla 5-lobed
  • Rays true ray florets with apically 3-lobed laminas
  • Cypselas oblong or obovoid, ribbed
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  • Pappus present at least in ray cypselas, of scales, an auricle or a corona (sometimes almost absent in Tanacetum but cypselas then apically with acute rim)
  • Pappus 0 but cypselas sometimes apically with obtuse rim (mainly abaxial and somewhat toothed in Oncosiphon)
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  • Annual herbs
  • More or less suffruticose perennials, shrublets or shrubs
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  • More or less suffruticose perennials
  • Woody shrubs or shrublets
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  • Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened and laterally winged
  • Cypselas ± terete, not winged
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  • Disc corolla 4-lobed
  • Disc corolla 5-lobed
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  • Leaves entire, lanceolate to linear
  • Leaves variously lobed or pinnatisect, not entire
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  • Disc corolla tube very much swollen and brittle
  • Disc corolla tube not or only slightly swollen
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  • Leaves with few, oblong to rounded, apically mucronate lobes
  • Receptacle pilose
  • Leaves variously pinnatisect
  • Receptacle glabrous
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  • Shrubs
  • Cypselas subglobose with 2 or 3 adaxial faint ribs
  • Herbs
  • Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened
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  • Rays not true ray florets but outer disc florets with 1 corolla lobe expanded to a limb, ray florets and cypselas stalked
  • Rays true ray florets with apically 3-lobed or entire lamina, ray florets and cypselas sessile
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  • Leaves opposite
  • Leaves alternate
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  • Disc corolla tube confluent with cypsela
  • Cypsela ribs with resin ducts
  • Leaves serrate
  • Disc corolla tube not confluent with cypsela
  • Cypsela ribs without resin ducts
  • Leaves entire or few-lobed
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  • Pappus present, of scales, an auricle or a corona
  • Pappus 0 but cypselas sometimes apically with obtuse rim (mainly abaxial and somewhat toothed in Oncosiphon
  • Rarely with pseudopappus of bristle-like stalked glands in Athanasia)
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  • Annual herbs
  • Perennial herbs or often subshrubs, shrublets or shrubs
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  • Cypsela wall and pappus white and spongy, abaxially thin
  • Cypsela wall not white and spongy
  • With 1 adaxial and 2 lateral ± thick ribs
  • Pappus a stiff corona covered with myxogenic cells
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  • Capitula closely aggregated at stems
  • Leaves small, ericoid, entire or occasionally few-lobed
  • Pappus of 7-10 oblong, adaxially longer scales
  • Capitula solitary or laxly to densely corymbose
  • Leaves and pappus various
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  • Capitula narrowly oblong-obconical, slender and few-flowered
  • Pubescent shrubs
  • Indumentum of stellate hairs
  • Capitula generally urceolate to cyathiform or campanulate
  • Habit various
  • Indumentum if present of simple or bifid hairs
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  • Shrubs with corymbose capitula and pinnatisect leaves
  • Cypselas 8-10-ribbed
  • Pappus of small scales projecting from cypsela ribs
  • Shrubs with ± ericoid leaves\
  • Pappus of scales not distinctly projecting from cypsela ribs, a corona or an auricle
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  • Leaves opposite
  • Shrubs with sessile or corymbose capitula
  • Leaves alternate, rarely opposite but then habit or capitula different
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  • Leaves entire
  • Capitula sessile
  • Leaves pinnatifid
  • Capitula corymbose
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  • Capitula in elongated and paniculate, rarely racemiform or spiciform synflorescences, often small and many
  • Capitula solitary or in lax to dense corymbs, small to medium-sized
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  • Central floret corolla 4-lobed (rarely 3-lobed in Cotula)
  • Central floret corolla 5-lobed
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  • Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened with 2 lateral ± distinct ribs or wings
  • Cypselas not or only slightly dorsiventrally flattened without or with 3-5 ribs and no wings
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  • Shrublets or subshrubs with corymbose or occasionally solitary capitula
  • Annual or perennial herbs with solitary capitula, rarely few together
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  • Capitula sessile
  • Outer female florets without corolla and with style persistent and spinescent in fruit
  • Capitula ± pedunculate
  • Outer female florets with corolla
  • Style not persistent
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  • Disc corolla tube very much swollen and brittle
  • Disc corolla tube not or only slightly swollen
  • Cypsela wall either white and spongy with 1 adaxial and 2 lateral weak ribs, abaxially thin or cypselas almost terete and thin-walled all around
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  • Annual herbs
  • Perennial herbs or often subshrubs, shrublets or shrubs
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  • Cypselas dorsiventrally flattened, with or without lateral wings
  • Cypselas not dorsiventrally flattened, not winged
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  • Cypsela ribs acute, with secretory cavities
  • Corolla gradually expanded and funnel-shaped
  • Cypselas without ribs or ribs faint or rounded, without secretory cavities
  • Corolla ± distinctly divided into tube and limb
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  • Cypselas 10-18-ribbed
  • Cypselas with 0 or fewer than 10 ribs
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  • Corolla lobes cucullate, anthers shortly calcarate, involucral bracts in 3(4) rows, inner row smaller than outer 2 and membranous
  • Corolla lobes not cucullate, anthers ecalcarate
  • Involucral bracts in 3-5 rows
  • Capitula discoid, massed in a cushion covering the crown of the root and surrounded by a rosette of leaves
  • Capitula radiate, if discoid, then not massed in a cushion surrounded by leaves
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  • Involucral bracts ± free, the inner ones at least obtuse, scarious at the tips and on the margins
  • Involucral bracts connate at base or higher, acute or acuminate, often spine-tipped
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  • Pappus with subplumose bristles
  • Pappus 0 or of scales
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  • Ray florets sterile, not producing cypselas
  • Pappus 0 or of small scales
  • Ray florets female, producing cypselas
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  • Acaulescent herbs
  • Stems diffuse or matted
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  • Cypselas flat and deeply grooved on one face, convex and tubercled on the other
  • Cypselas turbinate
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  • Stems forming dense mats
  • Pappus of two rings of short, ovate-acuminate, laciniate scales
  • Stems diffusely branched
  • Pappus 0 or of 1 or 2 rows of larger or small scales
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  • Pappus 0
  • Shrublets
  • Branches slender, densely leafy up to the capitula
  • Pappus present
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  • Receptacle with outer honeycomb-cavities thick-walled, inner ones membranous
  • Pappus scales ciliate to fimbriate
  • Receptacle uniformally honeycombed
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  • Involucre bracts in 3 rows, the middle ones the largest
  • Receptacle not breaking up at maturity
  • Involucre bracts in 2 rows, outer ovate, inner slender
  • Receptacle breaking up at maturity
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  • Annual herbs, sometimes wiry
  • Seeds germinating from within old capitula
  • Perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs, rarely annuals
  • Seeds not germinating within capitula
  • Pappus biseriate
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  • Disc florets with only a few fertile
  • Pappus short, coroniform, hidden by hairs of cypselas
  • Disc florets bisexual, all fertile
  • Pappus scales linear
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  • Involucre bracts slightly fused at base, pungent-toothed or -lobed
  • Involucre bracts fused in the lower half, sometimes setose, not spinescent
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  • Pappus scales of outer whorl not overlapping, the inner ones equal or somewhat longer
  • Sap milky
  • Pappus scales of outer whorl spirally overlapping, inner whorl small or obsolete
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  • Plants dioecious
  • Plants monoecious
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  • Pappus uniseriate
  • Pappus biseriate
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  • Anthers shortly caudate
  • Receptacle paleate
  • Anthers ecaudate
  • Receptacle epaleate
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  • Capitula distinctly radiate
  • Capitula disciform or discoid
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  • Cypselas ellipsoid-oblong, with swollen margin and apically surmounted by horny collar
  • Cypselas strongly compressed, without apical ring
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  • Pappus of plumose bristles
  • Pappus of barbellate bristles
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  • Fertile cypselas moderately to densely strigose-sericeous with filiform hairs
  • Rays white to blue or yellow
  • Pappus of ray cypselas similar to that of disc (sterile) cypselas, of plumose bristles
  • Fertile cypselas moderately to densely invested with short, white papillae or glabrous to glabrate
  • Rays white to blue
  • Pappus of ray cypselas 0 or of only 1 or 2 plumose or short-serrate bristles (with many bristles in 1 species), disc (sterile) cypselas with more bristles
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  • Scandent or twining shrubs
  • Herbs or shrubs, not scandent or twining
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  • Disc florets bisexual, rarely functionally male
  • Pappus bristles many
  • Disc florets functionally male
  • Pappus bristles 0 or 1-3
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  • Capitula discoid
  • Capitula disciform or shortly radiate
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  • Outer female florets in 1 row
  • Outer female florets in 2 to many rows
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  • Receptacle ± swollen
  • Style branches with lanceolate appendages
  • Pappus 0 or of 1 or 2 bristles
  • Characters not as above
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  • Pappus of few basally connate scaly bristles, a corona or 0
  • Pappus of many barbellate bristles
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  • Disc florets functionally male
  • Cypselas turbinate
  • Shrubs
  • Disc florets bisexual, rarely some functionally male
  • Cypselas obovoid-oblong or ellipsoid, compressed
  • Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs
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  • Marginal florets (short rays) yellow
  • Marginal florets (short rays) white, pink or mauve
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  • Style branch appendages larger than stigmatic area, lanceolate-linear, acute or acuminate
  • Cypselas obovoid-oblong, somewhat compressed, pubescent and glandular
  • Style branch appendages lanceolate to triangular
  • Cypselas obovoid-oblong, sometimes compressed, pubescent
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  • Capitula radiate
  • Capitula disciform or discoid
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  • Pappus of bristles only
  • Pappus an outer row of scales and an inner row of bristles
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  • Leaves in basal rosette
  • Pappus of plumose bristles
  • Leaves alternate, scattered along stem
  • Pappus of barbellate bristles
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  • Style branch appendages longer than stigmatic area, lanceolate-linear, acute or acuminate
  • Style branch appendages shorter than stigmatic areas, lanceolate to triangular, acute or obtuse
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  • Pappus bristles plumose
  • Pappus of barbellate bristles
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  • Leaves opposite
  • Leaves alternate, rarely lower ones opposite
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  • Receptacle mostly paleate
  • Receptacle epaleate
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  • Leaves small, ericoid
  • Cypselas with 2 resin sacs in ribs
  • Leaves usually broad or long, not ericoid
  • Cypselas without ribs and resin sacs
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  • Capitula disciform
  • Capitula discoid
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  • Pappus of bristles only
  • Pappus of bristles and scales
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  • Pappus of bristles only
  • Pappus of bristles and scales
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  • Perennial herbs
  • Leaves alternate, sometimes radical
  • Cypselas oblong-obovoid, slightly compressed, usually 3-ribbed, glandular
  • Shrublets or shrubs
  • Leaves mostly opposite, sometimes fascicled or alternate
  • Cypselas obovoid or turbinate, sometimes compressed, sometimes narrowed into short, apical beak, glabrous to villous
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  • Cypselas without resin sacs
  • Receptacle mostly paleate
  • Cypselas with resin sacs in ribs
  • Receptacle epaleate
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  • Leaves opposite
  • Leaves alternate, ericoid
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  • Fruit a drupe
  • Fruit a cypsela
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  • Style deeply bifurcate with hairs reaching below point of furcation
  • Style shallowly bifid or bilobed with short apical collar of hairs
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  • Cypselas homomorphic, rarely hetero- or dimorphic
  • Cypselas hetero- or polymorphic
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  • Ray cypselas kidney-shaped with ventral cavity
  • Ray cypselas 3-winged with apical fenestrate airchamber
  • Sometimes some cypselas wingless and rostrate
  • Ray cypselas straight or somewhat curved, triquetrous, 3-winged or terete or ribbed or tuberculate or with various processes
  • With or without apical cavities
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  • Disc florets mostly bisexual, fertile
  • Disc cypselas laterally flattened with thickened margins
  • Disc florets functionally male
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  • Outer ray cypselas cymbiform, somewhat curved, rostrate or triquetrous; inner distinctly curved, sometimes winged, sometimes annular; dorsally rugose to tuberculate-aculeate
  • Ray cypselas slightly curved and wingless or straight and 3-winged or rostrate and wingless, with or without apical cavity; smooth or rugose-aculeate
  • Ray cypselas straight or somewhat curved, triquetrous, 3-winged or terete or ribbed or tuberculate or with various processes; with or without apical cavities
  • Dwarf shrubs
  • Leaves with a spinose-dentate margin
  • Herbs
  • Leaves not as above
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  • Pappus with hairs connate at base
  • Pappus with hairs free to base
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  • Pappus of plumose hairs
  • Pappus of scabrid hairs
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  • Filaments free
  • Filaments connate
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  • Pappus of long, subacuminate scales surrounded by long hairs
  • Pappus of several rows of simple, sometimes scale-like, hairs
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  • Capitula discoid
  • Leaves spiniform
  • Corolla limbs glabrous
  • Anther appendages shortly oblong with apiculate tips
  • Capitula radiate
  • Leaves oblanceolate
  • Corolla limbs with hairs and glands outside
  • Anther appendages lanceolate
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  • Anthers without an apical appendage or minutely apiculate
  • Pappus of 3 or 5 gland-tipped processes
  • Anthers with an apical appendage
  • Pappus of eglandular bristles or scales
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  • Pappus of scales
  • Pappus of bristles
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  • Involucral bracts 4 or 5
  • Plant a twiner or scrambler
  • Involucral bracts many, if few
  • Plant erect, not twining
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  • Receptacle rounded to conical
  • Receptacle flat or convex
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  • Individual pappus bristles easily deciduous
  • Pappus bristles persistent, not easily deciduous
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts with tips coloured, deciduous
  • Pappus of many, capillary bristles
  • Involucral bracts and pappus not as above
  • Cypselas 5- to 8-ribbed, with many setulae
Backtrack a
  • Leaves denticulate, dentate, serrulate, serrate or lobed
  • Involucral bracts cartilaginous or herbaceous, without papery lamina
  • Leaves entire or else involucral bracts have a papery lamina
Backtrack a
  • Capitula radiate
  • Capitula discoid or disciform
Backtrack a
  • Receptacle paleate
  • Receptacle epaleate
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of barbellate bristles and crown of scales
  • Pappus of rigid awns
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts with terminal arista
  • Ray florets purple
  • Disc florets yellow
  • Pappus of 5 scale-like awns with bristle-like projection
  • Involucral bracts without arista
  • Ray florets creamy white or blue
  • Disc florets purplish black
  • Pappus of few rigid canaliculate awns
Backtrack a
  • Ray florets yellow or white
  • Pappus of bristles in 1 row with outer row of scales (N.B. some Printzia species may have yellow or greenish ray florets but then with pappus of bristles in many rows)
  • Ray florets purple
  • Pappus of bristles in several rows
Backtrack a
  • Leaves broad (more than 10 mm)
  • Anthers projecting out of corolla at early stage, preflorally
  • Leaves narrow (less than 10 mm)
  • Anthers projecting at later stage, postflorally


  • Involucral bracts with shortly stalked glandular hairs
  • Cypselas hairy but without glands
  • Leaves xeromorphic, needle-like
  • Involucral bracts with long-stalked glandular hairs
  • Cypselas hairy and glandular
  • Leaves herbaceous
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of slender, capillary bristles and scales
  • Involucral bracts recurved
  • Capitula discoid
  • Pappus of bristles only or of rigid awns or of short rigid bristles and scales
  • Involucral bracts not recurved
  • Capitula discoid or disciform
Backtrack a
  • Leaf surface smooth, veins indistinct
  • Capitula large (more than 10 mm)
  • Pappus with 5-8 bristles
  • Leaf surface more or less rugose, veins distinct
  • Capitula small (less than 10 mm)
  • Pappus with 4 or 5 bristles
Backtrack a
  • Leaves large, deeply lobed
  • Capitula small, discoid, in large divaricate, leafy panicles
  • Corolla very deeply lobed
  • Leaves smaller, not lobed
  • Capitula disciform, not in divaricate panicles
  • Corolla with short lobes
Backtrack a
  • Stem and leaves villose
  • Florets yellow
  • Pappus of short rigid bristles and short scales
  • Stem and leaves glabrous or puberulous
  • Florets white or blue
  • Pappus of 1 plumose capillary bristle only
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts cartilaginous or herbaceous
  • Capitula radiate
  • Involucral bracts with papery lamina or else capitula disciform or discoid
Backtrack a
  • Leaves small, densely tomentose to villose on both sides
  • Leaves often glabrous and shiny above, not tomentose or villose on both sides
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of triquetrous awns
  • Ray florets creamy white or blue
  • Disc florets purplish black
  • Pappus of capillary bristles
  • Florets not as above
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles in several rows
  • Ray florets not yellow (Athrixia and Lepidostephium, but see also Macowania pinifolia)
  • Pappus of bristles in 1 row or 0
  • Ray florets yellow or white
Backtrack a
  • Leaves very long and slender, acicular
  • Pappus 0
  • Leaves not very slender, short to moderately long, not acicular
  • Pappus of barbellate bristles
Backtrack a
  • Leaves flat, very pungent
  • Corolla with long woolly hairs
  • Pappus bristles caducous
  • Leaves revolute, pungent or not
  • Corolla without woolly hairs
  • Pappus bristles persistent
Backtrack a
  • Capitula radiate
  • Capitula disciform or discoid
Backtrack a
  • Ray florets yellow
  • Ray florets purple, pink or white
Backtrack a
  • Plants compact, cushion-forming
  • Plants not cushion-forming
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of capillary bristles, scales 0
  • Pappus at least in ray florets with conspicuous scales, bristles present or 0
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles distinctly plumose
  • Pappus bristles scabrid-barbellate or 0
Backtrack a
  • Annual or biennial herbs
  • Perennial subshrubs, shrublets or shrubs
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas densely hairy with long, apically coiled hairs
  • Cypselas almost glabrous
Backtrack a
  • Disc florets with 1-4 pappus bristles
  • Disc florets without pappus bristles
Backtrack a
  • Plants glabrous (if hairy then with capitula congested in secondary heads)
  • Capitula generally cymose-corymbose to clustered in secondary heads (if solitary then with glabrous, ± distinctly 1-nerved leaves)
  • Plants ± hairy or glandular-hairy (if glabrous then with distinctly 3-9-nerved leaves)
  • Capitula generally solitary (if corymbose then with hairy leaves)
Backtrack a
  • Leaves with long, glandular hairs
  • Leaves without long, glandular hairs
Backtrack a
  • Plants compact, moss-like
  • Disc florets wine-red
  • Plants not moss-like
  • Disc florets yellow, pink or white
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of 5 broad scale-like awns with bristle-like projection
  • Involucral bracts with long terminal arista
  • Pappus of plumose capillary bristles
Backtrack a
  • Capitula few-flowered, in dense globose clusters
  • Capitula with more florets; well separated in loose clusters
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts entirely cartilaginous or herbaceous or sometimes with minute papery apical portion
  • Involucral bracts conspicuously papery
Backtrack a
  • Capitula 1-flowered
  • Capitula with 2 or more florets
Backtrack a
  • Capitula arranged in spikes or in dense glomerules
  • Capitula solitary, neither arranged in spikes nor in dense glomerules
Backtrack a
  • Capitula small
  • Pappus of plumose bristles
  • Capitula larger
  • Pappus of barbellate bristles
Backtrack a
  • Florets purple, at least apically or basally
  • Florets yellow
Backtrack a
  • Leaves adaxially concave, often tomentose adaxially only
  • Leaves flat or revolute, not tomentose adaxially only
Backtrack a
  • Leaves twisted or straight
  • Capitula discoid
  • Pappus barbellate
  • Leaves straight
  • Capitula disciform or sometimes discoid but then pappus plumose
Backtrack a
  • Capitula large, more or less campanulate, rather few
  • Capitula small, narrowly cylindrical, many
Backtrack a
  • All involucral bracts conspicuously white
  • Leaves linear, ericoid
  • Only innermost bracts conspicuously white
  • Leaves neither ericoid, nor linear
Backtrack a
  • Apical pappus cells white, opaque
  • Apical pappus cells hyaline, transparent
Backtrack a
  • Apical pappus cells clavate
  • Apical pappus cells acute
Backtrack a
  • Capitula large (more than 10 mm)
  • Capitula small (less than 10 mm)
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas villose
  • Involucral bracts pink
  • Leaves minute, extremely densely adpressed
  • Cypselas pilose or almost glabrous
  • Involucral bracts white, yellow, reddish or brown
  • Leaves not minute
Backtrack a
  • Leaves small, triangular, erect, adpressed, adaxially concave and tomentose, abaxially glabrous
  • Leaves not small and triangular, flattened, not erect, nor glabrous abaxially
Backtrack a
  • Disc florets generally bisexual
  • Pappus bristles basally with patent cilia, apical cells clavate
  • Endothecial tissue radial
  • Disc florets functionally male
  • Pappus bristles basally without patent cilia, apical cells not clavate
  • Endothecial tissue polarised
Backtrack a
  • Capitula discoid or disciform with female florets not outnumbering disc florets
  • Capitula disciform with female florets outnumbering disc florets
Backtrack a
  • Capitula discoid (or occasionally with 1 or 2 filiform female florets)
  • Capitula disciform (female florets frequent)
Backtrack a
  • Capitula few, on filiform peduncles
  • Capitula several, ± sessile, in glomerules
Backtrack a
  • Stereome divided
  • Stereome undivided
Backtrack a
  • Capitula few, on filiform peduncles
  • Capitula several, ± sessile, in glomerules
Backtrack a
  • Receptacle paleate
  • Receptacle epaleate
Backtrack a
  • Leaves revolute, glabrous above, decurrent
  • Cypselas with scattered, short, clavate myxogenic hairs
  • Leaves flat, villose above, not decurrent
  • Cypselas villose with elongated nonmyxogenic hairs
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts not unguiculate
  • Outer ones without petaloid portion, inner ones with elongate petaloid portion
  • Pappus bristles with apical teeth short, subclavate, opaque
  • Disc floret style bifurcate
  • Inner involucral bracts unguiculate with broader petaloid portion, outer ones partly membranous, not clawed
Backtrack a
  • Leaves glabrous above (or sparsely pilose)
  • Flowering branches apically usually with reduced leaves (= corymbophore present)
  • Corolla purplish
  • Pappus reduced especially in female florets
  • Leaves tomentose on both sides (though sometimes glabrescent above with age)
  • Flowering branches evenly leafy to top (= corymbophore 0)
  • Corolla white or yellow
  • Pappus bristles well-developed in all florets
Backtrack a
  • Stereome divided
  • Stereome undivided
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles basally connate in groups, pappus plumose
  • Pappus bristles basally free or cohering by patent cilia
Backtrack a
  • Stereome conspicuously divided
  • Pappus generally distinctly plumose or else cypselas with 2-celled, globose or unicellular, clavate hairs
  • Stereome indistinctly divided
  • Pappus barbellate or possibly subplumose but then cypselas not as above
Backtrack a
  • Capitula few, on filiform peduncles
  • Capitula several, ± sessile, in glomerules
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas with globose hairs
  • Pappus basally connate
  • Cypselas with clavate or elongated hairs
  • Pappus free, connate or 0
Backtrack a
  • Perennial herbs with long, straggling branches
  • Perennial or annual herbs
  • Branches never long and straggling
Backtrack a
  • Leaves minute, densely adpressed
  • Involucral bracts white
  • Cypselas villose
  • Characters not as above
Backtrack a
  • Outer involucral bracts subtending single female floret
  • Pappus apically plumose
  • Outer involucral bracts not subtending single female floret
  • Pappus various
Backtrack a
  • Disc florets generally bisexual
  • Pappus bristles basally with patent cilia, apical cells clavate
  • Endothecial tissue radial
  • Disc florets functionally male
  • Pappus bristles basally without patent cilia, apical cells not clavate
  • Endothecial tissue polarised
Backtrack a
  • Capitula surrounded by involucre of lanate, radiating leaves
  • Capitula not surrounded by lanate, radiating leaves
Backtrack a
  • Capitula discoid
  • Capitula disciform
Backtrack a
  • Ovaries with relatively large and conspicuous white hairs, pappus bristles fused at base in a smooth ring, shaft usually plumose, rarely barbellate or smooth
  • Ovaries either without large white hairs or pappus bristles not fused at base (although they may cohere strongly by patent cilia)
Backtrack a
  • Female florets outnumbering disc florets
  • Female florets fewer than disc florets
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles apically plumose, basally connate
  • Stereome undivided
  • Cypselas with globose, myxogenic twin-hairs
  • Pappus bristles barbellate, basally free
  • Stereome divided
  • Cypselas never with globose twin-hairs
Backtrack a
  • Capitula with less than 20 florets
  • Capitula with more than 20 florets
Backtrack a
  • Capitula large, solitary or few together
  • Pappus basally connate, of many distinctly plumose bristles
  • Cypselas with globose hairs
  • Capitula large or small
  • Pappus barbellate or only somewhat plumose but then with few, basally free bristles
  • Cypselas not with globose hairs
Backtrack a
  • Capitula large, solitary
  • Leaves small, triangular, adpressed, concave and adaxially tomentose
  • Capitula small or, if large, then leaves not as above
  • Involucral bracts connate for most of their length, gland-dotted
  • Involucral bracts free; not gland-dotted
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts many, appressed hairy, margins with long bristles
  • Involucral bracts few (± 3-6), glabrous
Backtrack a
  • Leaves pinnate, alternate
  • Individual heads solitary on long peduncles
  • Leaves simple, opposite
Backtrack a
  • Capitula small, aggregated into secondary capitula, terminal and axillary
  • Pappus 0
  • Capitula large, solitary on long peduncles at ends of branches
  • Pappus present, of ± fimbriately winged setae, usually uncinate
  • Capitula unisexual
  • Capitula bisexual
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts of male capitula connate
  • Female capitula 1-flowered
  • Cypsela clasped by female involucre which bears 4-6 spines
  • Involucral bracts of male capitula free
  • Female capitula 2-flowered
  • Cypsela clasped by female involucre bearing hooked spines
Backtrack a
  • Florets of disc sterile
  • Florets of disc fertile (or only innermost sterile)
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas tightly clasped by one of the inner involucral bracts which developed hooked spines
  • Pappus 0
  • Cypselas clasped by an involucral scale and 2 lateral, concave, involucral paleae
  • Pappus of 2 recurved awns clasping the margin of the cypsela
Backtrack a
  • Receptacular paleae ± flat not clasping cypselas
  • Receptacular paleae ± conduplicate and clasping or enfolding cypselas
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts quite free, the inner merging gradually into the receptacular paleae
  • Leaves simple
  • Involucral bracts of the inner row connate at base, outer row fewer and mostly smaller or narrower
  • Leaves variously divided
Backtrack a
  • Pappus 0
  • Lamina of ray florets golden yellow
  • Pappus present
  • Lamina of ray florets white, cream or yellow
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of densely plumose bristles
  • Pappus of scales, persistent or caducous
Backtrack a
  • appus of 2 scales, soon caducous, cypselas winged
  • Large yellow rays
  • Pappus of several scales, cypselas not winged
  • Very small, white rays
Backtrack a
  • Leaves alternate
  • Leaves opposite
Backtrack a
  • Ray florets yellow, golden, orange or 0
  • Ray florets white, pink, lilac or red
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bracts 4, in 2 rows of opposite pairs, leafy
  • Flower heads axillary, sessile or subsessile
  • Involucral bracts 3 to many, but not in 2 rows of opposite pairs and leafy
  • Capitula not sessile or subsessile and axillary
Backtrack a
  • Inner involucral bracts embracing fertile ray cypselas
  • Involucral bracts spathulate and densely glandular
  • Inner involucral bracts not embracing outermost cypselas
Backtrack a
  • Leaves alternate as a rule
  • Receptacular paleae cymbiform, clasping cypselas and produced above into a ± tubular neck
  • Ray florets 0 or neuter
  • Leaves opposite, sometimes alternate above
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas surmounted by a distinct, often lacerate cupule
  • Additional pappus bristles present or 0
  • Cypselas without pappus or with pappus of various kinds, but not a cupule
Backtrack a
  • Ray florets sterile (although style and stigmas rarely present)
  • All cypselas ± alike, bilaterally convex or obscurely 4-angled
  • Ray florets fertile (with style and stigmas and producing mature cypselas
  • Outer cypselas ± triquetrous
Backtrack a
  • Laminas conspicuous, yellow
  • Leaves lobulate
  • Petioles short
  • Capitula long-pedunculate
  • Cypselas tuberculate with caducous aristae
  • Laminas small, white
  • Leaves simple
  • Petioles slender
  • Capitula subsessile or shortly pedunculate
  • Cypselas minutely transversely rugulose with persistent barbellate awns
Backtrack a
  • Ray florets persistent
  • Annual herbs up to 0.6 m tall; unbranched
  • Leaves narrowly oblong-ovate
  • Ray florets not persistent
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas 4-sided
  • Capitula large and showy with orange-red or yellow ray florets
  • Apex of peduncles becoming very thick
  • Cypselas ± compressed or, if not noticeably compressed, peduncles not swollen above
Backtrack a
  • Receptacular paleae obovate, truncate-emarginate and caudate-spinescent at apex
  • Perennial shrubs up to 6 m tall with white rays
  • Receptacular paleae not caudate-spinescent
Backtrack a
  • Disc florets deep purple, at least above
  • Disc florets not purple
Backtrack a
  • Disc florets white
  • Receptacular paleae very narrow and often setiform
  • Disc florets not white, ± yellowish
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas thick or angular, not compressed, pubescent at apex, not winged or margined
  • Cypselas ± compressed, winged or with a hyaline cartilaginous margin
Backtrack a
  • Cypsela with broad, irregular margin
  • Lamina of ray florets 10 mm long or more
  • Cypsela with hyaline, cartilaginous margin
  • Ray florets ± 1.3 mm long or 0
Backtrack a
  • Pappus 0, or of wide scales, often with protruding bristle-like mid-portion, or very short, not of capillary bristles
  • Pappus of well-developed capillary bristles
Backtrack a
  • Receptacle epaleate
  • Receptacle paleate
Backtrack a
  • Receptacle clothed with many bristles
  • Receptacle without bristles
Backtrack a
  • Stem winged
  • Pappus of very short barbellate bristles
  • Stem not winged
  • Pappus of scales or 0
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of bristles and scales
  • Pappus of bristles only
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles plumose
  • Pappus bristles barbellate
Backtrack a
  • Pappus scales forming short connate cup
  • Capitula generally disciform
  • Pappus scales ± free
  • Capitula discoid
Backtrack a
  • Capitula discoid
  • Capitula radiate or disciform
Backtrack a
  • Leaves pinnatifid or profoundly lobed
  • Leaves neither pinnatifid nor lobed
Backtrack a
  • Capitula small, few-flowered
  • Capitula larger, many-flowered
Backtrack a
  • Marginal florets female, filiform
  • Marginal florets female, radiate or miniradiate
Backtrack a
  • Leaves linear-lanceolate, sessile, margin entire
  • Involucral bracts linear-lanceolate, distinctly imbricate
  • Stems sometimes narrowly winged
  • Leaves elliptic to ovate, petiolate, margins serrate
  • Involucral bracts many, linear-filiform
  • Stems never winged
Backtrack a
  • Endothecial tissue radial
  • Endothecial tissue polarised
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of small scales up to 2 mm long
  • Pappus of hairs or bristles at least 4 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Hairs of pappus feathery or at least inner ones so
  • Hairs of pappus not feathery, at most somewhat barbellate
Backtrack a
  • Receptacular paleae present
  • Receptacular paleae 0
Backtrack a
  • Plants glabrous at maturity, sometimes floccose when young
  • Plants rough hairy
Backtrack a
  • Pappus in 1 row
  • Fruit with a stout hollow beak
  • Pappus in 2 rows
  • Fruit beak slender, not hollow
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas 2-3.5 mm long, obconic, truncate above, pappus of comparatively few coarse scabrid bristles
  • Cypselas and pappus not as above
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas tuberculate in upper part with a long slender beak
  • Scapes one-headed, hollow
  • Cypselas and scapes not as combined above, or plants not scapigerous
Backtrack a
  • Pappus dimorphic
  • Pappus of setae only, monomorphic, rarely with an outer ring of very short setae
Backtrack a
  • Pappus of setae and fine down-like hairs intermixed
  • Pappus in outer florets a small corona, in inner florets of few coarse, basally flattened and scale-like, scabrid bristles
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas truncate, without ascending hairs or ascending rough projections on the ribs or margins
  • Cypselas beaked or at least somewhat attenuate above with ascending hairs or rough projections on the ribs or at least on the margins
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas ± compressed and equal-ribbed, with ascending evident or submicroscopic hairs on the ribs or at least the margins
  • Involucres mostly cylindrical
  • Cypselas ± terete and equal-ribbed, rough with ascending projections on the ribs
  • Involucres usually obconic
Backtrack a
  • Capitula many-flowered
  • Involucre hairy
  • Capitula with 8-15 flowers
  • Involucre glabrous
  • Branched perennials, shrublets, or shrubs
  • Acaulescent, perennial herbs
  • Heads usually radiate on upright, unbranched peduncles
Backtrack a
  • Leaves thick, leathery, becoming shiny above, very woolly beneath
  • Leaves herbaceous, often tomentose
Backtrack a
  • Involucre scales mostly pungent, often recurving
  • Involucre scales obtuse not recurved
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles long and stout, tawny
  • Lamina of marginal florets very short
  • Pappus bristles slender, short or, if long, then pinkish brown or if stout, then whitish
  • Lamina of ray florets usually evident
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles 0
  • Pappus bristles present
Backtrack a
  • Capitula in secondary heads
  • Capitula not in secondary heads
Backtrack a
  • Cypselas with conspicuous red resin ducts
  • Cypselas without resin ducts
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles with patent teeth
  • Pappus bristles with adpressed teeth
Backtrack a
  • Style with rather pointed sweeping hairs, reaching the furcation
  • Style with obtuse sweeping hairs, reaching well below the furcation
Backtrack a
  • Anthers with long, distinct tails
  • Anthers ecaudate
Backtrack a
  • Stem not winged
  • Stem winged
Backtrack a
  • Pappus bristles few
  • Pappus bristles many
Backtrack a
  • Aquatic herbs
  • Plants not aquatic
Backtrack a
  • Capitula radiate
  • Style undivided
  • Pappus of coarse, rigid, scabrid bristles
  • Capitula discoid
  • Style divided
  • Pappus of fine bristles
Backtrack a
  • Pappus 0 in all florets
  • Pappus present, at least in ray florets
Backtrack a
  • Annual herbs
  • Perennial herbs, shrubs or shrublets
Backtrack a
  • Involucre calyculate
  • Involucre ecalyculate
Backtrack a
  • Anther bases with sterile tailed auricles (caudate)
  • Anther bases ecaudate
Backtrack a
  • Petiole auriculate, capitula discoid
  • Petioles basally thickened and climbing, exauriculate
  • Capitula disciform
Backtrack a
  • Ovary wall crystals simple, plate-like or needle-like or 0
  • Ovary wall crystals compound, drusiform
Backtrack a
  • Outer (ray) cypselas dorsiventrally compressed
  • Outer (ray) cypselas not compressed, or radiate florets 0
Backtrack a
  • Style branch apices not appendaged, truncate or rounded
  • Style branch apices with very short to elongated appendage of fused papillae
Backtrack a
  • Subsucculent
  • Style branches truncate, sometimes with central tuft of fused papillae
  • Succulent
  • Style branches with conical to somewhat elongated appendages
Backtrack a
  • Capitula radiate with epidermis of ray lamina papillose
  • Anther bases caudate
  • Capitula discoid, disciform or if radiate, epidermis of ray lamina different
  • Anther bases ecaudate
Backtrack a
  • Capitula discoid
  • Capitula radiate or disciform
Backtrack a
  • Style branches with continuous stigmatic areas
  • Style branches with separate stigmatic areas
Backtrack a
  • Style branches linear-obtuse with long, filiform, papillose appendages
  • Style branches linear, truncate to obtuse with smaller appendages or appendages 0
Backtrack a
  • Style branches with small appendages
  • Style branches without appendages
Backtrack a
  • Annual or perennial herbs
  • Involucral bracts free
  • Florets orange, red, pink, purple, violet or white
  • Perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs
  • Involucral bracts basally connate
  • Florets yellow or whitish
Backtrack a
  • Florets orange, red, pink, purple, violet or white
  • Florets yellow
Backtrack a
  • Capitula disciform
  • Capitula radiate
Backtrack a
  • Annual herbs
  • Disc florets bisexual
  • Cypselas compressed
  • Pappus 0 in marginal florets
  • Perennial herbs, shrublets or shrubs
  • Disc florets functionally male
  • Cypselas ellipsoid to oblong
  • Pappus present
Backtrack a
  • Style of central florets undivided
  • Style of central florets divided, with oblong-linear, obtuse or truncate branches
Backtrack a
  • Endothecial tissue of anthers polarised
  • Endothecial tissue radial
Backtrack a
  • Annual herbs
  • Perennial herbs, shrublets or shrubs
Backtrack a
  • Leaves alternate, scattered along stem
  • Leaves rosulate
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  • Capitula small, corymbosely arranged on long scapes
  • Capitula large, solitary on long scapes
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  • Disc florets bisexual, rarely functionally male
  • Style bifid, sometimes undivided
  • Disc florets functionally male
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  • Style undivided
  • Style divided
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  • Pappus of scabrid bristles
  • Pappus 0
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  • Pappus 0, cypsela crowned with apical rim
  • Pappus of bristles or scales
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  • Pappus of a few, caducous bristles
  • Pappus in 2 rows, outer row of short scales or rarely bristles, inner row of many long, serrated bristles
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  • Leaves alternate, minutely pellucid-dotted
  • Pappus bristles shortly hairy
  • Leaves opposite or whorled, not pellucid-dotted
  • Pappus bristles hispid
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  • Flowers yellow or orange and/or leaves trinervate
  • Flowers creamy-white, shades of purple or blue
  • Leaves pinnately veined
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  • Pollen without colpi
  • Endothecial tissue with cells thickened on both horizontal and radial walls
  • Filament collars narrowly cylindrical, elongate, straight
  • Style bases conspicuously ring-like
  • Pollen with colpi
  • Endothecial tissue polarised
  • Filament collars and style bases different
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  • Inner involucral bracts with membranous and frequently coloured, spreading appendages
  • Style bases surrounded by long keeled nectaries
  • Inner involucral bracts without appendages
  • Style bases different