e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1702893132997_13425093930058307" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Clusi<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1702893132997_6075664085340775" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.


Compiled by C.L. Bredenkamp


  • Trees, shrubs or herbs, with resinous juice
  • Leaves opposite, subopposite or whorled, simple, glandular; stipules 0
  • Flowers regular, bisexual or unisexual
  • Sepals 4 or 5, quincuncial or decussate
  • Petals as many as sepals, free, usually convolute, sometimes imbricate or decussate, alternating with sepals
  • Stamens many, basically in 2 whorls of stamen fascicles (bundles), the outer often sterile (fasciclodes) or absent, with filaments variously united or free, inner fascicles variously united or free, very rarely each one reduced to a single stamen
  • Ovary superior, 2-many-locular; placentation usually axile, sometimes ± parietal; ovules 1-many; styles free, ± united or absent; stigmas as many as locules
  • Fruit a septicidal (rarely loculicidal) capsule or berry
  • Seeds carinate or arillate, without endosperm


  • Clusiaceae
    • Sonder: 117 (1860)
    • Robson: 378 (1961)
    • Adams: 231 (1962)
    • Friedrich-Holzhammer: 1 (1968)
    • Killick & Robson: 14 (1976)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera 40, species ± 1 000, mainly tropical but Hypericoideae also northern temperate
  • Southern Africa: Genera 2, species 12


  • ADAMS, P. 1962. Studies in the Guttiferae. 2. Rhodora 84
  • FRIEDRICH-HOLZHAMMER, M. 1968. Hypericaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 44
  • KILLICK, D.J.B. & ROBSON, N.K.B. 1976. Clusiaceae. Flora of southern Africa 22
  • ROBSON, N.K.B. 1961. Guttiferae (incl. Hypericaceae). Flora zambesiaca 1
  • SONDER, W. 1860. Hypericineae. Flora capensis 1


  • Clusiaceae genera:
Garcinia Hypericum