<span style="color: rgb(11, 83, 148);"></span><span style="color: rgb(11, 83, 148);"></span>NBIS Template

Identification Keys

A Botanical Glossary is available to aid users of the keys.

SANBI maintains several keys:  

Key to Compiled by Download Format
Southern African threatened, protected and CITES-listed species SANBI and TRAFFIC, the Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network, a strategic alliance of WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature and IUCN-The World Conservation Union.  The project was sponsored by NORAD, SANBI and the Mazda Wildlife Fund. Read moreAvailable online - View the SANBI IDentifyIt - Species tool.Website & mobile app
Conophytum (Aizoaceae)Robyn Powell and Anthony Mageehttp://rpowell2.wix.com/conophytum-delta-keyDelta
Helichrysum (Asteraceae)Marinda Koekemoerhttp://keys.lucidcentral.org/keys/v3/helichrysum/Helichrysum.htmlLucid
Lasiospermum (Asteraceae)Anthony MageeNot yet published. Contact Anthony Magee for more information.Delta
Multiple (10+)Varioushttp://www.ispotnature.org/Quick_KeysiSpot
Relhania and relatives (Asteraceae)Marinda Koekemoerhttp://keys.lucidcentral.org/key-server/key.jsp?keyId=69Lucid
Relhania clade (Asteraceae)Brownynne Busch and Nicola Berghhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12143/8624

Install http://delta-intkey.com/win32/intk32.exe and http://delta-intkey.com/testp/intkey.zip, then extract relhania_clade.zip and double click on intkey.ink to launch the key. Please read the introductory text accessible via the top left book icon on the intkey screen before using the key. 

Please note that this is a test version of the key. You can help us to improve it by sending comments and suggestions to: N.Bergh -at- sanbi.org.za
Seed plants (families and genera)Colin Lineker and Marianne le Rouxe-Key-20160604 - alternatively, download zipHTML
South African plant families Marinda Koekemoerhttp://keys.lucidcentral.org/keys/v3/South_African_Plant_Families/Lucid
Thesium (Santalaceae)Marianne le Roux and Natasha Lombardhttp://www.xper3.fr/xper3GeneratedFiles/publish/identification/1330098581747548637/mkey.htmlXper3