e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703150996289_10330678724282616" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Pedali<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703150996289_4674268482751254" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.


Compiled by S.J. Smithies


  • Annual or perennial herbs, erect or procumbent, sometimes with a short swollen stem and tuberous roots, sometimes malodorous, rarely small trees with swollen stems, or shrubs with or without swollen main branches, sometimes spiny; usually with short-stalked and/or glandular hairs with head of 4 or more mucilage-filled cells
  • Leaves ± opposite or upper sometimes alternate to apparently fascicled, petiolate to subsessile, sometimes with nectaries at base of petiole, simple, entire to pinnatilobed, sometimes palmate, sometimes subsucculent; stipules 0
  • Flowers bisexual, irregular, weakly 2-lipped, usually axillary and solitary, rarely in raceme-like, terminal inflorescences; pedicels usually with 2 extrafloral nectaries (abortive flowers) at base
  • Calyx 5-partite; lobes separate almost to base or rarely free or ± connate and spathe-like
  • Corolla gamopetalous; lobes 5, sub- or unequal; limb often oblique; tube usually obliquely campanulate, sometimes funnel-shaped or cylindrical, posteriorly often gibbous, saccate, or rarely spurred at base
  • Stamens 4, ± didynamous, (often also 1 staminode, posterior), mostly arising near base of corolla tube, alternating with corolla lobes, rarely exserted; anthers bithecate, thecae hanging from apex of connective and often somewhat divergent, rarely spreading, or dorsally attached to connective and parallel, opening lengthwise; connective usually gland-tipped
  • Nectary/disc hypogynous, annular or unilateral, fleshy
  • Ovary superior, sessile, (1)2-locular; often falsely 4-locular: locules often partly or fully divided by false septa from carpellary midribs; ovules 1-many per compartment; placentas axile or rarely parietal and intruded; style filiform, exceeding anthers; stigma usually bilobed
  • Fruit variable, dehiscent or indehiscent, often with spines, horns or wings
  • Seeds 1-many per compartment; testa often characteristically sculptured, sometimes forming wings; embryo straight; endosperm 0 or sparse and oily


  • Pedaliaceae
    • Stapf: 253 (1897)
    • Stapf: 454 (1904)
    • Stapf: 538 (1906)
    • Bruce: 417 (1953a)
    • Bruce: 1 (1953b)
    • Lawrence: 126 (1957)
    • Straka & Ihlenfeldt: 175 (1965)
    • Ihlenfeldt:43 (1967a)
    • Ihlenfeldt: 593 (1967b)
    • Merxmüller & Schreiber: 1 (1968)
    • Ihlenfeldt: 86 (1988)
    • Brummitt: 632 (1992)
    • Hargreaves: 141 (1993)
    • Ihlenfeldt: 1063 (1994)
    • Mabberley: 1 (1997)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera ± 17, species ± 85 (including Martyniaceae), mainly tropical and subtropical in Old and New World
  • Southern Africa: Genera 10 (2 exotic), species 32 or 33, mainly in more arid areas
  • Notes:
    • *Ibicella and *Proboscidea (sometimes placed under Martyniaceae, garden escapes or agricultural weeds from warm Americas
    • *Sesamum orientale L. (= S. indicum L.), originally an Indian species, cultivated for its oil seeds


  • BRUCE, E.A. 1953a. Notes on African Pedaliaceae. Kew Bulletin 1953
  • BRUCE, E.A. 1953b. Flora of tropical East Africa, Pedaliaceae
  • BRUMMITT, R.K. 1992. Vascular plant families and genera. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  • HARGREAVES, B.J. 1993. The Sesame family in Botswana. Botswana Notes & Records 25
  • IHLENFELDT, H.-D. 1967a. Über die Abgrenzung und die natürliche Gliederung der Pedaliaceae R. Br. Mitteilungen aus dem Staatsinstitut für Allgemeine Botanik Hamburg 12
  • IHLENFELDT, H.-D. 1967b. Bemerkungen zur Taxonomie der südwestafrikanischen Pedaliaceae. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 6
  • IHLENFELDT, H.-D. 1988. Pedaliaceae. Flora zambesiaca 8, 3
  • IHLENFELDT, H.-D. 1994. Phytogeography of Pedaliaceae R.Br. In J.H. Seyani & A.C. Chikuni, Proceedings of the XIIIth Plenary Meeting of AETFAT, Malawi 2
  • LAWRENCE, G.H.M. 1957. Proboscidea and other unicorn plants (Martyniaceae). Baileya 5
  • MABBERLEY, D.J. 1997. The plant-book, edn 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • MERXMÜLLER, H. & SCHREIBER, A. 1968. Pedaliaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 131
  • STAPF, O. 1897. Pedaliaceae and Martyniaceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 4, 3b
  • STAPF, O. 1904. Pedalineæ. Flora capensis 4,2
  • STAPF, O. 1906. Pedalineæ. Flora of tropical Africa 4, 2
  • STRAKA, H. & IHLENFELDT, H.-D. 1965. Pollenmorphologie und Systematik der Pedaliaceae R.Br. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 41