e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710325636391_18301267459079384" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 -<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710325636391_15049818680312832" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span> Ixia
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Iridaceae - Ixioideae - Ixia L.


  • Deciduous perennials
  • Rootstock a globose corm rooting from below, basal in origin, tunics of fine to moderately coarse fibres
  • Stem aerial, rarely subterranean, usually slender and wiry, terete, usually branched, branching often divaricate
  • Leaves several, lower 2 or 3 cataphylls; foliage leaves unifacial, with a definite midrib, blades usually plane, rarely H-shaped in transverse section with winged margins, sword-shaped, falcate or linear, sometimes margins thickened, occasionally crisped
  • Inflorescence a spike, flowers spirally arranged, occasionally distichous, often flexuose; bracts membranous, occasionally scarious, short, outer usually 3-cuspidate, inner smaller than outer and bicuspidate
  • Flowers usually actinomorphic, rarely somewhat zygomorphic, variously coloured, pink, mauve or yellow, sometimes darker in centre, sometimes fragrant, sometimes with nectar from septal nectaries; perianth tube funnel-shaped or filiform throughout, short or elongate
  • Tepals subequal, usually spreading
  • Stamens symmetrically disposed, arising in throat or at top of tube; filaments included or well exserted, sometimes partly or entirely united; anthers diverging or contiguous, sometimes incompletely dehiscent, occasionally with a bend near base; pollen monosulcate, operculate, exine perforate
  • Style included or exserted, dividing at or well above mouth of tube, branches slender, channelled and slightly broadened above or involute and stigmatic apically
  • Capsules globose, cartilaginous
  • Seeds globose or lightly angled, smooth or ruminate, hard, shiny, surface more or less laevigate, raphal vascular trace excluded
  • x = 10 (polyploidy)

Classification Notes:

  • Evidently specialised in Ixieae in its dry bracts and actinomorphic flowers, Ixia was considered by Lewis (1962) to be closely related to Dierama
  • Subgenus Dichone is distinctive in its unusual, short filaments, small inflated anthers and conduplicate style branches


  • Ixia L.
    • Linnaeus: 23 (1762)
    • Lewis: 58 (1962)
    • De Vos: 3 (1999)
  • Houttuynia Houtt.
    • Houttuyn: 448 (1780) name rejected, not of Thunberg
  • Dichone Salisb.
    • Slisbury : 320 (1812)
  • Morphixia Ker Gawl.
    • Ker Gawler: 105 (1827)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species ± 50, mainly in the winter-rainfall region, extending from Namaqualand (Western Cape) and the western Karoo through the southwestern Cape region into the Eastern Cape; most diverse in the SW Western Cape
    • Ixia has a strongly Western Cape distribution with few species extending to the extremes of its range in the north or east

Additional Notes:

  • Evidently specialised in Ixieae in its dry bracts and actinomorphic flowers, Ixia was considered by Lewis (1962) to be closely related to Dierama
  • Subgenus Dichone is distinctive in its unusual, short filaments, small inflated anthers and conduplicate style branches
  • Less specialised species of the genus are pollinated by bees but in section Ixia, the flowers of which have a narrow, closed perianth tube and dark central markings, most species are pollinated by monkey beetles (Scarabaeidae)
  • Ixia paniculata is pollinated by the long-proboscid flies, Moegistorhynchus longirostris (Nemestrinidae) and Philoliche rostrata (Tabanidae)
  • Other long-tubed species, including I. bellendenii and I. pauciflora, are pollinated by Philoliche rostrata
  • Buzz-pollination appears to be characteristic of several species of subgenus Dichone


  • DE VOS, M.P. 1999. Ixia, Tritonia, Crocosmia, Duthieastrum, Chasmanthe. Flora of southern Africa 7,2, fascicle 1
  • HOUTTUYN, M. 1780. Naturlijke historie 2, 12. Amsterdam
  • KER GAWLER, J. 1827. Iridearum generum. P.J. de Mat, Brussels
  • LEWIS, G.J. 1962. South African Iridaceae. The genus Ixia. Journal of South African Botany 28
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1762. Genera plantarum. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • SALISBURY, R.A. 1812. On the cultivation of rare plants, etc. Transactions of the Horticultural Society 1