e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1699264482422_25212940121793803" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Cissam<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1699264482422_5479889017332902" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>pelos
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Menispermaceae - Cissampelos L.


  • Twining lianas, sometimes rambling shrubs or perennial herbs, rarely erect
  • Leaves simple, sometimes subpeltate, ovate or cordate, entire or angular
  • Inflorescences axillary, with male flowers in paniculate cymes; female flowers in corymbose cymules which are either solitary or clustered or arranged in ± false racemes, less developed than male flowers
  • Male flowers: sepals (3)4(5), obovate, often spreading, mostly dorsally pilose; petals 2-4, connate into a cup- or saucer-shaped corolla; stamens connate into a 4-10-locular synandrium, expanded and peltate above; anthers sessile, in a marginal ring on disc of staminal column, with transverse dehiscence
  • Female flowers: sepal 1, rarely more, obovate, dorsally pilose; petal l, rarely 2 or 3, smaller than sepal and alternating with sepals, both often deciduous; staminodes 0; carpel 1, ± villous; stigma 3-fid
  • Drupe subglobose, often pilose, bent so that apex with stigma approaches pedicel; endocarp bony, horseshoe-shaped, with 1 dorsal ridge, sides with small transverse often verrucose ribs; condyle narrowly obovate
  • Seed with sparse endosperm; embryo curved; cotyledons appressed
  • x = 12


  • Cissampelos L.
    • Linnaeus: 1031 (1753) in part
    • Linnaeus: 455 (1754) in part
    • Jussieu: 285 (1789)
    • Candolle: 531 (1817) in part
    • Candolle: 100 (1824) in part
    • Harvey: 10 (1860) in part
    • Bentham: 37 (1862) in part
    • Miers: 128 (1866)
    • Oliver: 45 (1868)
    • Miers: 127 (1871)
    • Baillon: 41 (1872)
    • Prantl: 84 (1891)
    • Engler: 394 (1899)
    • Diels: 283 (1910)
    • Troupin: 137 (1955)
    • Troupin: 23 (1956)
    • Troupin: 165 (1960)
    • Troupin: 262 (1962)
    • Forman: 355 (1968)
    • Friedrich-Holzhammer: 3 (1968)
    • Troupin & Gonçalves: 18 (1973)
    • Benvenuto: 63 (1974)
    • Rhodes: 415 (1975)
    • Kessler: 416 (1993)
    • Thulin: 28 (1993)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 20, North and South America, Asia, tropical and southern Africa as well as Madagascar
  • Southern Africa: Species 4, fairly widespread (except Free State and Lesotho); in forest, scrub and deciduous bushland


  • BAILLON, H.E. 1872. Ménispermacées, Berbéridacées. Histoire des plantes 3. Hachette & Co., Paris
  • BENTHAM, G. 1862. Menispermaceae. In G. Bentham & J.D. Hooker, Genera plantarum 1. Lovell Reeve & Co., London
  • BENVENUTO, E. 1974. Adumbratio florae aethiopicae. 26. Menispermaceae. Webbia 29
  • CANDOLLE, A.-P. DE. 1817. Menispermeae. Regni vegetabilis systema naturale 1. Treuttel & Würtz, Paris
  • CANDOLLE, A.-P. DE. 1824. Menispermaceae. Prodromus 1. Treuttel & Würtz, Paris
  • DIELS, L. 1910. Menispermaceae. Das Pflanzenreich IV. 94 (Heft 46)
  • ENGLER, A. 1899. Menispermaceae africanae. Botanische Jahrbücher 26
  • FORMAN, L.L. 1968. The Menispermaceae of Malesia: V. Tribe Cocculeae Hook.f. & Thoms. Kew Bulletin 22
  • FRIEDRICH-HOLZHAMMER, M. 1968. Menispermaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 38
  • HARVEY, W.H. 1860. Menispermaceae. Flora capensis 1
  • JUSSIEU, A.L. DE. 1789. Menisperma, les Ménispermes. Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita. Herissant & Barrois, Paris
  • KESSLER, P.J.A. 1993. Menispermaceae. In K. Kubitzki, J.G. Rohwer & V. Bittrich, The families and genera of vascular plants - dicotyledons 2. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1753. Species plantarum. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1754. Genera plantarum, edn 5. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • MIERS, J. 1866. A few remarks on the Menispermaceae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 3, Vol. 18
  • MIERS, J. 1871. A complete monograph of the Menispermaceae. Contributions to Botany 3(1). Williams & Norgate, London
  • OLIVER, D. 1868. Menispermaceae. Flora of tropical Africa 1
  • PRANTL, K. 1891. Menispermaceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3,2
  • RHODES, D.G. 1975. A revision of the genus Cissampelos. Phytologia 30
  • THULIN, M. 1993. Menispermaceae. Flora of Somalia 1
  • TROUPIN, G. 1955. Contribution à l'étude des Ménispermacées africaines III. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'État, Bruxelles 25
  • TROUPIN, G. 1956. Flora of tropical East Africa. Menispermaceae
  • TROUPIN, G. 1960. Menispermaceae. Flora zambesiaca 1
  • TROUPIN, G. 1962. Monographie des Menispermaceae africaines. Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, Classe des sciences naturelles et médicales mémoires 13
  • TROUPIN, G. & GONÇALVES, M.L. 1973. Menispermaceae. Flora de Moçambique 7