e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706520046579_27013134210054535" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Irid<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706520046579_7411726417808573" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
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  • Flowers in umbellate clusters (rhipidia) enclosed by a pair of opposed leafy bracts (spathes), rarely solitary on peduncles, or plants acaulescent but then style either dividing below anthers into tangentially compressed, petal-like branches or dividing below or above base of anthers and obscurely 3-lobed apically, lobes entire or fringed
  • Individual flowers sessile or pedicellate
  • Flowers with tepals free to basally connate, or united in an extended tube
  • Rootstock a woody caudex, a rhizome, or a corm
  • Flowers arranged in spikes, or flowers solitary on peduncles, sometimes in pseudopanicles, or acaulescent, individual flowers always sessile and style branches filiform, simple or deeply divided
  • Flowers with tepals united below in a tube
  • Rootstock a corm
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  • Plants evergreen shrubs with woody aerial stems
  • Rootstock a woody caudex
  • Individual flowers sessile and tepals always united in a well-developed tube and lasting at least 2 days
  • Plants perennial, either with herbaceous aerial stems or acaulescent, sometimes evergreen
  • Rootstock a rhizome or corm
  • Individual flowers stalked or sessile, tepals free, basally connate, or united in a tube, lasting 1 day, or 2 or more days
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  • Inflorescence compound, forming a compressed capitulum enclosed by enlarged green or coloured leaves
  • Tepals linear-spathulate, longer than the perianth tube
  • Inflorescence either compound, forming branched panicles or corymbs, or flowers borne in isolated pairs, enclosed in green or brown spathes
  • Tepals oblong to ovate, longer or shorter than the perianth tube
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  • Flowers shades of blue
  • Tepals patent, not villous on outside
  • Stamens and/or style well exserted from flower, sometimes species heterostylous
  • Flowers green to blackish with tepals yellow on reverse
  • Tepals remaining closed during flowering, densely villous on outside
  • Stamens included in flower
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  • Style eccentric, apically notched or lobed, lobes sometimes fringed
  • Flowers usually deep blue (occasionally lilac, white or pale blue)
  • Tepals shortly connate basally
  • Style central, usually dividing near base of anthers into distinct branches, these either extending between anthers or appressed against them, sometimes style exceeding anthers
  • Flowers variously coloured
  • Tepals free, connate basally or united in a tube
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  • Rootstock a creeping or erect rhizome
  • Plants evergreen
  • Pedicels hairy above
  • Rootstock a corm
  • Plants deciduous
  • Pedicels without hairs near apices or pedicels lacking (flowers sessile)
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  • Tepals with well-defined ascending claws and spreading limbs, outer tepals larger than inner
  • Style branches broad and petal-like, compressed tangentially, terminating in paired erect crests
  • Anthers appressed to abaxial side of style branches
  • Tepals not clawed, inner and outer whorls subequal
  • Style branches filiform, spreading horizontally
  • Anthers ascending, alternating with style branches
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  • Leaves unifacial, oriented edgewise to stem
  • Corm persisting for some years, with membranous tunics or tunics 0
  • Tepals with crisped edges
  • Style branches terminating in a feathery, plumose tuft
  • Leaves bifacial or terete
  • Corm resorbed annually, with fibrous tunics
  • Tepals with plane edges
  • Style branches not feathery and plumose, rarely so but then other characters not as above
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  • Outer and inner bracts membranous to scarious, usually translucent to transparent with veins often darkly coloured, occasionally outer solid below but then margins lacerate
  • Outer and inner bracts green to brown and dry, soft-textured or firm to leathery, never lacerate, sometimes inner bracts with broad membranous to scarious margins
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  • Plants acaulescent
  • Leaves usually entirely bifacial, usually channelled to adaxially grooved, sometimes terete
  • Bracts tubular below
  • Corm tunics woody
  • Flowers shades of blue to purple
  • Plants with stems aerial or acaulescent
  • Leaves unifacial, oriented edgewise to stem, blades plane and linear to lanceolate or oval to terete in transverse section
  • Bracts with margins free to base or united below
  • Corm tunics woody or papery to fibrous
  • Flowers variously coloured
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  • Leaves centric, oval in transverse section with 4 longitudinal grooves
  • Flowers dusty pink, actinomorphic with stamens twisted anticlockwise
  • Roggeveld Escarpment (Northern Cape: Sutherland District)
  • Flowering in December
  • Leaves flat or rarely centric but then solid, without longitudinal grooves
  • Flowers variously coloured, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, but stamens never twisted sideways
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  • Bracts pale, dry, papery and crinkled or solid, irregularly streaked with dark flecks or veins
  • Bracts pale or rust-coloured, membranous or dry, then not papery and crinkled, sometimes streaked with dark flecks or veins
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  • Flowers usually drooping, on wiry stems
  • Leaves linear, narrow, tough and fibrotic
  • Mostly summer-rainfall area, Humansdorp (Eastern Cape) to Ethiopia
  • Flowers not drooping, upright or facing to side, on firm, somewhat succulent stems
  • Leaves lanceolate, relatively succulent and without fibres
  • Winter-rainfall area, Nieuwoudtville (Northern Cape) to Riversdale (Western Cape)
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  • Flowers zygomorphic with stamens unilateral or tepals actinomorphic but stamens irregularly spreading and style eccentric
  • Stems firm and relatively thick, never wiry
  • Flowers either actinomorphic with stamens erect and symmetrically disposed around a central style, or perianth regular but stamens unilateral with anthers drooping and with a right-angled bend near base
  • Stems more or less wiry, branches, when present, usually held at right angles to main axis
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  • Plants acaulescent
  • Outer floral bracts acute or attenuate
  • Flowers bright yellow, with a long perianth tube and subterranean ovary
  • Pollen grain apertures with a 2-banded operculum
  • Kimberley District (Northern Cape)
  • Plants with aerial stems
  • Outer floral bract obtuse and irregularly fringed
  • Flowers variously coloured and ovary aerial, or rarely acaulescent with yellow flowers and an underground ovary, but then from southern Namaqualand (Northern Cape)
  • Pollen grain apertures with a 1-banded operculum
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  • Style branches dividing at apex of perianth tube or within tube, branches undivided, long and laxly spreading
  • Style branches usually dividing well above mouth of perianth tube, branches simple or deeply divided, relatively short and spreading to recurved
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  • Corms bell-shaped, with a flat base
  • Leaves plane or corrugate
  • Corms globose to obconic, round or pointed at base, or sometimes bell-shaped with a flat base but then leaves more or less terete and 4-grooved
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  • Ovary globose
  • Style branches usually divided for ± half their length, rarely undivided or apically notched
  • Leaves often corrugate, sometimes plane but then usually leathery in texture
  • Ovary deeply 3-lobed above
  • Style branches undivided
  • Leaves plane and soft-textured
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  • Style branches deeply divided, usually once, occasionally multifid
  • Style branches undivided or at most notched apically
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  • Leaves terete to oval in transverse section with narrow longitudinal grooves, or 4-winged
  • Corm tunics composed of brittle, woody concentric layers
  • Flowers actinomorphic, solitary on branches, not arranged in spikes or plants acaulescent
  • Leaves usually with plane blades or round in transverse section but without longitudinal grooves
  • Corm tunics of coriaceous to fibrous layers
  • Flowers zygomorphic or if actinomorphic then arranged in spikes and plants never acaulescent
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  • Flowers solitary on branches
  • Leaves prostrate, soft in texture
  • Flowers arranged in erect or inclined spikes
  • Leaves usually erect, occasionally prostrate, not noticeably soft in texture
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  • Spikes inclined to horizontal, flowers borne on upper side
  • Bracts green or dry above, and then often dark brown at apices
  • Spikes erect, flowers distichous or spirally arranged
  • Bracts green or partly to entirely dry but then never dark brown at apices
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  • Flowers small, shorter than 12 mm, crowded on dense distichous spikes
  • Bracts solid below with broad membranous margins
  • Flowers medium to large, usually at least 20 mm long, in distichous or spiral spikes
  • Bracts without membranous margins
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  • Spikes distichous
  • Leaf blades plane, relatively broad, margins moderately to strongly thickened
  • Flowers never blue or purple
  • Perianth tube always curved, flowers thus facing to side
  • Spikes spiral
  • Leaf blades rounded in section or plane but then narrow and without thickened margins
  • Flowers shades of blue to nearly white or purple
  • Perianth tube straight, flowers facing upward
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  • Inflorescence a panicle, individual flowers always with a peduncle
  • Flowers actinomorphic, bright orange
  • Inflorescence a simple or branched spike, flowers sessile, rarely inflorescence reduced to a single flower
  • Flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic, variously coloured
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  • Floral bracts fairly short, coriaceous and often partly to entirely dry at flowering time, inner bracts always substantially longer than outer
  • Leaves sometimes with a long pseudopetiole, usually with more than one prominent vein, thus without a midrib
  • Characters not combined as above
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  • Leaves several in a distichous fan, blades plane or plicate but then leaves, stems or bracts never pubescent
  • Flowers shades of orange to scarlet
  • Floral bracts short, ± twice as long as ovary, coriaceous, green or dry, nearly equal
  • Characters not combined as above
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  • Flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic but then perianth tube not abruptly expanded at top of lower cylindric portion and upper part not forming a pouch at base
  • Seeds dark brown to blackish
  • Flowers zygomorphic, perianth tube narrow and cylindric below, abruptly expanded into a broad upper cylindrical part and pouched at base of upper part
  • Seeds bright orange
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  • Leaf blades pleated, sometimes ± linear and striate
  • Stems and/or leaves or bracts pubescent to pilose
  • Leaf blades plane, corrugated or rounded in transverse section with or without 4 longitudinal grooves
  • Plants glabrous or sometimes pubescent on leaves and/or bracts
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  • Flowers actinomorphic or if zygomorphic then perianth actinomorphic and stamens unilateral and declinate
  • Corm tunics usually composed of hard, brittle woody layers
  • Seeds globose to somewhat angular
  • Flowers zygomorphic, tepals usually unequal and stamens unilateral and arcuate (actinomorphic in 2 species but then leaves without thickened margins and seeds winged)
  • Seeds either globose or winged
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  • Seeds globose
  • Leaves soft-textured
  • Stems lightly angled
  • Seeds usually with a broad circumferential wing, occasionally wing obsolete and seed irregularly angled to subglobose
  • Leaves various, occasionally soft-textured
  • Stem always round in section