e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710922745125_3474049126552765" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Mas<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710922745125_9032311530914379" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>sonia
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Hyacinthaceae - Massonia Thunb. ex Houtt.


  • Perennial, small, deciduous, bulbous herbs
  • Bulb subglobose, ovoid-ellipsoid or flattened at base and apex; outer covering of thin, membranous, brown tunics, inner scales fleshy, cataphyll tubular and membranous
  • Leaves 2, contemporary with flowers; often flat on ground or spreading; usually broadly obovate, ovate or orbicular; folded at base; veins conspicuously sunken; glabrous or hairy, pustulate or echinulate; sometimes maculate
  • Inflorescence a condensed subcorymb or subcapitate raceme of few to many flowers, close to ground level; peduncle short, tapered; outer bracts large and sterile, inner bracts much smaller and fertile
  • Flowers usually white or pink, occasionally greenish, occasionally with conspicuous orange filaments; regular; often fragrant; pedicels short
  • Tepals fused below, forming a tube, usually long and narrow; lobes linear, erect or spreading to reflexed, sometimes with a double fold at base; withering but persistent
  • Stamens 6, in one whorl, prominent, arising from mouth of perianth tube; filaments free or fused, forming a basal cup or swollen disk; anthers oblong to linear, versatile
  • Ovary globose to obtriangular; ovules few to many; style tapering; stigma small, apical
  • Fruit an obtriangular capsule, winged or deeply lobed, thin-walled; dehiscing loculicidally
  • Seeds globose, black, reticulate or verrucose

Classification Notes:

  • This concept of Massonia includes 5 species detailed by Reid: ### (1993)~(Page number missing. No access to the publication) plus three species previously included under Neobakeria (following Müller-Doblies & Müller-Doblies, 1997)
    • It is different to Goldblatt & Manning: 104 (2000) who have taken a broad view of Massonia and included Neobakeria, Androsiphon, Amphisiphon and Daubenya
    • It does not include the 4 reinstated species and 1 new species described by Müller-Doblies & Müller-Doblies (1997)
      • The latter also described a closely related, monospecific genus, Namophila D.Müll.-Doblies & U.Müll.-Doblies, endemic to Namibia


  • Massonia Thunb. ex Houtt.
    • Houttuyn: 424, t. 85 (1780)
    • Baker: 408 (1897)
    • Merrill: 331 (1938)
    • Obermeyer: t. 1451 (1965)
    • Merxmüller & Roessler: 83 (1973)
    • Jessop: 406 (1976)
    • Hilliard: 35 (1990)
    • Müller-Doblies & Müller-Doblies: 66 (1997)
    • Goldblatt & Manning: 104 (2000)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species ± 8, Namibia, North-West, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape
    • Massonia is widespread in dry areas, often on clay or sandy flats or rocky slopes


  • BAKER, J.G. 1897. Liliaceae. Flora capensis 6,2
  • GOLDBLATT, P. & MANNING, J.C. 2000. Cape plants. A conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. Strelitzia 9
  • HILLIARD, O.M. 1990. Flowers of the Natal Drakensberg. University of Natal Press, Pietermaritzburg
  • HOUTTUYN, M. 1780. Natuurlijke historie 2(12). Legacy of F. Houttuyn, Amsterdam
  • JESSOP, J.P. 1976. Studies in the bulbous Liliaceae in South Africa. The taxonomy of Massonia and allied genera. Journal of South African Botany 42
  • MERRILL, E.D. 1938. A critical consideration of Houttuyn's new genera and new species of plants, 1773-1783. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 19
  • MERXMÜLLER, H. & ROESSLER, H. 1973. Eine bisher verkannte Liliacee der Gattung Massonia in Südwestafrika. Mitteilungen aus der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 11
  • MÜLLER-DOBLIES, U. & D. 1997. A partial revision of the tribe Massonieae. Feddes Repertorium 108
  • OBERMEYER, A.A. 1965. Massonia grandiflora. Flowering Plants of Africa 37
  • REID, C. 1993. Hyacinthaceae. In T.H. Arnold & B.C. de Wet, Plants of southern Africa: names and distribution. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 48