SANBI Flora Keys - Classificatio<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706515831861_3076983343835342" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>n of Cyper<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706515831861_3000140984339079" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

  • The family is divided into subfamilies and tribes, based mainly on inflorescence and floret structure. The interpretation of this structure, and the resulting classification, varies from author to author. A recent classification is that of Bruhl (1995). It is based on many lines of evidence, i.e. traditional morphological as well as embryological, anatomical and physiological data. Muasya et al. (1998) suggested changes to Bruhl's classification, based on evidence from rbcL DNA sequences. The classification presented here is by no means fully resolved
  • A specimen of Eriophorum angustifolium Koch, McLea in BOL6024 (BOL!, K!) (0466000), is labelled 'from Transvaal' but the provenance is doubtful
  • The problem of the interrelationship between the generic concepts of Fimbristylis, Abildgaardia and Bulbostylis is discussed by Lye: 539 (1971) and Gordon-Gray: 549 (1971) respectively. Lye took positive action by making transfers from Bulbostylis to Abildgaardia, whereas Gordon-Gray expressed reservations. Gordon-Gray (1995) has accepted the genus as here defined. Recently Lye (1995) has again accepted the genus Bulbostylis; the differences between Abildgaardia and Bulbostylis are summarised by Lye (1996)
  • Subfamily Cyperoideae:
    • Tribe Cypereae:
      • Alinula
      • Ascolepis
      • Courtoisina
      • Cyperus (including Mariscus)
      • Kyllinga
      • Kyllingiella
      • Lipocarpha (including Hemicarpha, Rikliella)
      • Oxycaryum
      • Pycreus
      • Volkiella
    • Tribe Scirpeae:
      • Bolboschoenus
      • Eleocharis
      • Ficinia
      • Fuirena
      • Hellmuthia
      • Isolepis (including Eleogiton)
      • Pseudoschoenus
      • Schoenoplectus
      • Scirpoides
      • Scirpus
      • Websteria
    • Tribe Abildgaardieae:
      • Abildgaardia
      • Bulbostylis
      • Fimbristylis
  • Subfamily Caricoideae
    • Tribe Rhynchosporeae:
      • Rhynchospora
    • Tribe Schoeneae:
      • Capeobolus
      • Carpha
      • Cladium
      • Costularia
      • Cyathocoma
      • Epischoenus
      • Neesenbeckia
      • Schoenus
      • Tetraria
      • Trianoptiles
    • Tribe Trilepideae:
      • Coleochloa
    • Tribe Cariceae:
      • Carex
      • Schoenoxiphium
    • Tribe Sclerieae:
      • Scleria
    • Tribe Hypolytreae:
      • Chrysitrix