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Biodiversity Planning Forum 2015

© SANBI, Creative Commons License
The 12th annual National Biodiversity Planning Forum, hosted by SANBI, was held from the 23rd to the 26th June at the Salt Rock Hotel and Beach Resort in KwaZulu-Natal. This year’s event was again exceedingly well attended, boasting over 200 participants. Highlights on the programme were the two keynote addresses by leading South African scientists. Professor Bob Scholes from the University of the Witwatersrand interpreted the five recent global scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the local context, highlighting implications for biodiversity impact and policy change. Dr Kerry Sink from SANBI shared her experience, as part of the Operation Phakisa team, to fast track the expansion of South Africa’s marine protected area network as part of this Presidential Initiative to unlock South Africa’s ocean economy. These were followed by 3 days of stimulating presentations and discussions on a number of topics, some of which included the following:
  • Integration of biodiversity planning into the SIPs
  • Protected area expansion
  • Ecosystem classification and mapping
  • Assessing and mapping ecological condition
  • National Land Cover 2013/14
  • Implementing biodiversity plans

For more information on the 2015 Biodiversity Planning Forum click here (Link on Wordpress Biodiversity Advisor is not available - review). Please click here for the 2015 Biodiversity Planning Forum programme and click on the links below to access the presentations.

Welcome and opening session
Tammy Smith Purpose of the Forum and programme overview 0.8 MB
Bob Scholes Five Futures: interpreting the IPCC scenarios in a local context 2.2 MB
Tsamaelo Malebu Biodiversity planning highlights 2014/15 1.6 MB
National highlights, new projects and updates
Andrew Skwono National Biodiversity Assessment 2018 0.3 MB
Brenda Daly Building biodiversity data infrastructure for science and decision-making 1.0 MB
Nicolene Fourie National Land Cover 2013/14 (NLC 2013/14) to inform DEA's operational requirements 1.2 MB
Philip Ivey SANBI's Invasive Species Programme: taking the NEMBA regulations forward 1.5 MB
Mandy Driver Introduction to ecosystem accounts 0.7 MB
Integration of biodiversity planning into the Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs)
Wisaal Osman SIP 10: National DEA Electricity Grid Infrastructure SEA 1.0 MB
Fahiema Daniels Electricity Grid Infrastructure SEA analyses update 2.1 MB
Lydia Cape National Wind and Solar Photovoltaic Strategic Environmental Assessment 1.5 MB
Greg Shreiner Strategic Environmental Assessment for Shale Gas Development 0.7 MB
Jeffrey Manuel Context and preliminary thoughts on the Biodiversity Component of the Shale Gas SEA 1.2 MB
Protected Area Expansion
Kevin McCann The Business Case for Biodiversity Stewardship 0.8 MB
Brain Morris Reflecting on the history of Mpumalanga Protected Area Expansion Strategy: lessons learnt and revising the spatial assessment 1.3 MB
Boyd Escott One approach to generating wilderness zones in protected areas 1.0 MB
Kerry Maree HELP WANTED: in meeting our protected area targets 1.0 MB
Andrew Purnell Supporting biodiversity planning with sustainable financing strategies: our best planning can come to naught if provincial agencies can't fund the implementation of biodiversity plans 0.9 MB
Thivhulawi Nethononda Expansion of the protected area in the declared Karoo Central Astronomy Advantage Area (Square Kilometer Array) in Carnarvon, Northern Cape 0.5 MB
Tsamaelo Malebu and Siyasanga Miza Unlocking obstacles in the Phakisa expansion of South Africa's Marine Protected Areas 2.3 MB
Stephen Holness National Protected Area Expansion Strategy: how should we build a national PAES from the bottom up? 0.4 MB
SPLUMA National Land Use Classification
Sagwata Manyike Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) 0.7 MB
Sagwata Manyike National Land Use Classification System 0.3 MB
Sagwata Manyike Proposed Conservation Land Use Classes 0.2 MB
Felicity Elliot Incorporation of biodiversity information into the municipal land use schemes 1.4 MB
Ecosystem classification and mapping
Erwin Sieben Distribution of wetland vegetation types, their conservation importance and their ecological drivers in South Africa 1.7 MB
Namhla Mbona Refinement of spatial data on wetlands for the Mpumalanga Highveld region 1.3 MB
Ayanda Mnikathi Identifying micro-estuaries within KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa 1.2 MB
Kerry Sink Progress in marine ecosystem classification, mapping and targets: testing the boundaries 1.8 MB
Anisha Dayarm National Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland: building the map for 2017 0.7 MB
Assessing and mapping ecological condition
Mandy Driver Assessing and mapping ecological condition: Session introduction 2.0 MB
Mandy Driver Overview of the Department of Water and Sanitation's system of Present Ecological State categories for rivers 2.0 MB
Boyd Escott River disturbance index as an approach to assessing and predicting ecological condition of rivers 2.2 MB
Heidi van Deventer Approaches and methods for assessing ecological condition of wetlands 0.7 MB
Kerry Sink Mapping ecological condition in the marine environment using pressures and habitat-specific impacts 0.6 MB
Lehman Lindeque Mapping degradation in the terrestrial environment: methodology and results from the LADA (Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands) National Assessment for South Africa 1.1 MB
Andrew Skowno What is 'natural': mapping ecological condition in the terrestrial environment and possible approaches for a terrestrial ecosystem condition assessment in the NBA 1.1 MB
Strengthening the science-policy interface for effective planning
Kiruben Naicker IPBES: Providing knowledge to support decision making on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 3.1 MB
Setting targets for species biodiversity plans
Domitilla Raimondo Important challenges to be taken into account and a suggested framework for setting targets for species in South Africa 0.5 MB
Nacelle Collins An overview of my understanding and implementation of Pfab, Victor and Armstrong (2011): pointing out some of the challenges 0.6 MB
Boyd Escott Target setting in KwaZulu-Natal 0.3 MB
Lize von Staden Summary of existing publications that set targets for species in biodiversity plans 0.8 MB
Implementing biodiversity plans: case studies, lessons and challenges
Mervyn Lötter Developing products to support implementation of Mpumalanga Biodiversity Sector Plan and bioregional plans within Mpumalanga 2.0 MB
Philip Desmet Progress with the Waterberg District Municipality Bioregional Plan and lessons learnt 1.0 MB
Elsabeth van der Merwe The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) experience on the compilation of the bioregional plan and the mainstreaming thereof in the Spatial Development Frameworks (SDFs) 0.8 MB
Maretha Alant Incorporating the Garden Route Biodiversity Sector Plan 2010 into the Knysna Municipality Integrated SDF 2015 3.5 MB
Identifying priority ecological infrastructure in the uMngeni River Catchment
Gary de Winnaar Identifying priority ecological infrastructure in the uMngeni River catchment 1.6 MB
Pearl Gola Identifying prioirty ecological infrastructure in the uMngeni River catchment 0.7 MB
Implementing biodiversity plans and accessing biodiversity data
Rhett Smart Implementation of Critical Biodiversity Areas in the landscape: beyond legislated protected areas 0.6 MB
Alana Duffel-Canham Biodiversity offset implementation in the Western Cape: policy vs practice 0.6 MB
Russel Galt Sub-national implementation: a tale of four cities 2.0 MB
Fhatani Ranwashe Accessing biodiversity data 0.5 MB
Sediga Khatieb BGIS: the road ahead 1.0 MB
Innovative approaches and methodologies
Catherine Pringle The role of resource directed measures in biodiversity conservation 0.6 MB
Nacelle Collins Using ArcGIS ModelBuilder for developing the Free State Biodiversity Plan 0.8 MB
Lizanne Nel Challenges incorporating new land-use practices in the wildlife industry into biodiversity planning processes 2.0 MB
Harriet Davies-Mostert National Red Listing and spatial data: an untapped frontier to estimate extinction rate 1.0 MB
Millicent Makoala The value of marine spatial planning to assist in the development of biodiversity management plans for marine ecosystems 0.9 MB
Ray Schaller The 2014 North West Biodiversity Sector Plan 0.4 MB