e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701864504435_7563022803702701" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Agat<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701864504435_4579731683392516" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>hosma
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Rutaceae - Agathosma Willd.


  • Shrubs or undershrubs
  • Leaves opposite, ternate, quaternate, alternate, or scattered, simple, entire or glandular-crenate, shortly petiolate, variable in shape, usually ± conspicuously gland-dotted beneath
  • Flowers bisexual or gynoecium imperfect, pedunculate or occasionally sessile, mostly in terminal clusters, often solitary or few together in axils of upper leaves; bracteoles 2 or 0
  • Calyx 5-parted, often with sepals unequal
  • Petals 5(-8), hypogynous, imbricate, sometimes clawed, usually gland-dotted on lower surface
  • Stamens 5, free at base of disc; filaments terete or compressed; anthers introrse, with terminal gland on connective; staminodes opposite, but rarely adnate to petals, often petaloid, usually with gland behind apex
  • Disc cup-shaped, crenulate, rarely toothed or lobed, clasping or enveloping ovary
  • Ovary superior, of 1-5 almost free carpels, usually with process near apex of dorsal angle and with 2 superimposed or collateral, axile ovules; style elongate, with simple or subcapitate stigma
  • Fruit capsular, with 1-5 1-seeded cocci, the inner and outer walls separating at maturity
  • x = 13 (1 report)


  • Agathosma Willd.
    • Willdenow: 259 (1809) name conserved
    • Pillans: 55 (1950)
  • Barosma Willd.
    • Willdenow: 259 (1809)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 140, concentrated in Western Cape, extending into Eastern Cape, 1 species: Agathosma ovata (Thunb.) Pillans, extending into KwaZulu-Natal and Lesotho


  • PILLANS, N.S. 1950. A revision of Agathosma. Journal of South African Botany 16
  • WILLDENOW, C.L. 1809. Enumeratio plantarum. Libraria Scholae Realis, Berlin