SANBI Flora Keys - Classificatio<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706519538423_6837973465278984" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>n of Irid<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706519538423_42150185330235956" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • The family is currently divided into four subfamilies (Goldblatt 1990), but tribal delimitations remain unsatisfactory. Subfamily Isophysidoideae is monotypic comprising the Tasmanian Isophysis T.Moore with a superior ovary. The remaining subfamilies, Nivenioideae, Iridoideae and Ixioideae are all represented in southern Africa
  • Subfamily Nivenioideae (Mostly evergreen perennials, or woody shrubs; rootstock a woody caudex or a rhizome; inflorescences paired (binate) rhipidia Of sometimes rhipidia single; flowers actinornorphic, with or without a perianth tube, fugaceous or long-lived, mostly blue.):
    • Aristea
    • Klattia
    • Nivenia
    • Witsenia
  • Subfamily Iridoideae (Evergreen or deciduous perennials; rootstock a rhizome or sometimes a corm with roots produced from apical bud (or bulbs or obsolete); leaves often bifacial and channelled or sometimes terete; inflorescences rhipidia; flowers actinomorphic, rarely with a perianth tube, often fugaceous, variously coloured.):
    • Bobartia
    • Dietes
    • Ferraria
    • Moraea
  • Subfamily Ixioideae (Evergreen or more often deciduous perennials; rootstock a corm producing roots from base; inflorescences spikes or flowers solitary on aerial or subterranean branches; flowers always sessile and subtended by 2 bracts, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, then usually bilabiate, with a perianth tube, long-lived, variously coloured.):
    • Babiana
    • Chasmanthe
    • Crocosmia
    • Devia
    • Dierama
    • Duthiastrum
    • Freesia
    • Geissorhiza
    • Gladiolus
    • Hesperantha
    • Ixia
    • Lapeirousia
    • Melasphaerula
    • Micranthus
    • Pillansia
    • Radinosiphon
    • Romulea
    • SparaxisI
    • Syringodea
    • Thereianthus
    • TritoniaI
    • Tritoniopsis
    • Watsonia
    • Xenoscapa