e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703165307900_3040845652028257" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Zingiber<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703165307900_8554116203769309" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.


Compiled by C. Archer


  • Perennial herbs, usually aromatic, with horizontal tuberous rhizomes
  • Stems erect, sometimes short, leafy or sometimes producing only flowers
  • Leaves in 2 rows, with open or closed sheath at base, sessile or with a pseudo-petiole; lamina usually large, with nerves closely parallel, diverging obliquely from midrib; ligule usually present at junction of blade and sheath
  • Flowers mostly bisexual and irregular, solitary in axils of bracts or in cincinni, with or without bracteoles, accompanying or separate from leaves
  • Perianth 6-merous, 2-seriate; outer 3 (calyx) tubular; inner 3 (petals) tubular; often very showy, with a 2- or 3-lobed labellum (lip, formed by staminode)
  • Stamen 1, with 2-thecous anther; 3 ± conspicuous petaloid staminodes are present
  • Ovary inferior, 3(2)-locular, usually many-ovuled, with axile placentas, or 1-locular, with parietal or rarely basal placentas; style terminal, undivided, free or ± enveloped in groove of fertile stamen or sometimes 2-lipped, or -dentate; epigynous glands (stylodes) forming erect outgrowths on top of ovary
  • Fruit fleshy and indehiscent, or loculicidally 3-valved
  • Seeds round or angular, mostly covered with large, divided aril


  • Zingiberaceae
    • Wright: 313 (1913)
    • Hutchinson: 721 (1973)
    • Lock: 1 (1985)
    • Smith: 35 (1998)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera ± 50, species ± 1000, ± cosmopolitan in tropics, mostly Asian
  • Southern Africa: Genera 3 (2 exotic), species 6 (4 exotic)


  • HUTCHINSON, J. 1973. Families of flowering plants, edn 3. Clarendon Press, Oxford
  • LOCK, J.M. 1985. Flora of tropical East Africa. Zingiberaceae
  • SMITH, R.M. 1998. FSA contributions 11: Zingiberaceae. Bothalia 28
  • WRIGHT, C.H. 1913. Scitamineae. Flora capensis 5, 3


  • Zingiberaceae genera:
*Alpinia *Hedychium Siphonochilus