e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706793054013_7664766644594054" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Audo<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706793054013_5881455057908356" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>uinia
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Bruniaceae - Audouinia Brongn.


  • Low shrubs, sprawling to erect, often with coppice shoots sprouting from lignotubers after fires
  • Leaves ovate to narrowly lanceolate, longer in coppice shoots, sessile; leaf margins ciliate to lanate; minute stipules seldom visible; bud leaf colleter soon shrivelling to a black cone or lost
  • Flowers each in a spikelet, solitary and terminal in an involucre of 5-12 bracts at end of a short stipe, spikelets on an elongate peduncle, old stipes persistent; ciliate bracts with a prominent midrib and often several parallel veins, bases of two lowest bracts forming an inverted shallow bowl around narrowed tip of stipe; floral receptacle often with fleshy warts or transverse wrinkles and a rib below each sepal
  • Calyx: sepals free, narrowly ovate to triangular, whitish to bright red; sepal midrib prominent, often with parallel lateral veins
  • Corolla white to bright red; petals free, clawed, glabrous, often with small crests next to ovary
  • Stamens free; anther thecae either united or partly free; pollen grains tricolporate
  • Nectary and scent either 0 or not recorded
  • Ovary inferior to half-inferior; locules 2 (also 3 and very rarely 4 or 5), wall between locules sometimes incomplete; ovules 1 or 2 per locule, or 0, pendulous, or ovules sterile as dark flakes in spongy tissue filling locule; styles terete or distally furrowed, rarely partly to fully free, erect or apically diverging
  • Fruit little known, at least sometimes indehiscent
  • Seed apparently germinating through fruit wall
  • x = 11


  • Audouinia Brongn.
    • Brongniart: 384 (1826)
    • Sonder: 323 (1862)
    • Pillans: 127 (1947)
  • Tittmannia Brongn.
    • Brongniart: 385 (1826) name conserved, not of Rchb.
    • Sonder: 312 (1862)
    • Niedenzu & Harms: 298 (1930)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 5, Western Cape, concentrated in the southwest


  • BRONGNIART, A. 1826. Mémoire sur la famille des Bruniacées. Annales Sciences Naturelles 8
  • NIEDENZU, F. & HARMS, H. 1930. Bruniaceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 2, 18a
  • PILLANS, N.S. 1947. A revision of Bruniaceae. Journal of South African Botany 13
  • SONDER, O.W. 1862. Bruniaceae. Flora capensis 2