e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1699602435245_7383146882858462" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Aspal<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1699602435245_31660452087029056" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>athus
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Fabaceae - Papilionoideae - Crotalarieae - Aspalathus L.


  • Shrublets or shrubs up to ± 2 m tall, prostrate, ascending or erect, sometimes spiny
  • Leaves usually fascicled, (1)3-foliolate, variable; leaflets varying from flat to canaliculate or terete, obtuse to mucronate or spine-tipped, with entire margin, glabrous or variously pubescent; stipules 0
  • Flowers mostly yellow, often with purplish shades, rarely white, or purple, usually in heads, or racemes, less often (1)2 or 3, axillary or terminal; bracts and bracteoles often foliaceous
  • Calyx with campanulate tube; lobes usually subequal, sometimes lowest the longest
  • Petals: vexillum usually ovate or rounded, shortly clawed, often pubescent on back; wings oblong, often with transverse ridges, clawed; keel usually planoconvex, gibbous or sometimes saccate, clawed
  • Stamens monadelphous; staminal tube split to base; anthers unequal, 5 short and dorsifixed, 4 long and basifixed and one intermediate
  • Ovary usually shortly stalked, obliquely ovate or lanceolate, glabrous or pubescent, 2-several-ovuled; style incurved, with minute, terminal, capitate stigma
  • Pod usually dehiscent, broadly ovate to lanceolate or rarely linear, turgid or compressed, 1-several-seeded
  • Seeds reniform to obliquely ovate, on filiform funicles
  • x = 9 (7, 8, 10) (high polyploidy)


  • Aspalathus L.
    • Linnaeus: 711 (1753)
    • Harvey: 94 (1862)
    • Dahlgren: 7 (1960)
    • Dahlgren: 9 (1961)
    • Dahlgren: 7 (1963a)
    • Dahlgren: 185 (1963b)
    • Dahlgren: 10 (1963c)
    • Dahlgren: 7 (1965)
    • Dahlgren: 7 (1966)
    • Dahlgren: 512 (1969)
    • Dahlgren: 1 (1988)
  • Borbonia L.
    • Linneaus: 494 (1738)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species ± 278, the largest genus of endemic flowering plants, concentrated in the Western Cape but extending into KwaZulu-Natal


  • DAHLGREN, R. 1960. Revision of the genus Aspalathus. Part 1. The species with flat leaflets. Opera Botanica 4
  • DAHLGREN, R. 1961. Revision of the genus Aspalathus. Part II. The species with ericoid and pinoid leaflets 1-2. Opera Botanica 6,2
  • DAHLGREN, R. 1963a. Revision of the genus Aspalathus. II. The species with ericoid and pinoid leaflets 3. Opera Botanica 8,1
  • DAHLGREN, R. 1963b. The genus Borbonia L. incorporated in Aspalathus L. Botaniska Notiser 116
  • DAHLGREN, R. 1963c. Studies on Aspalathus and some related genera in South Africa. Opera Botanica 9,1
  • DAHLGREN, R. 1965. Revision of the genus Aspalathus. Part II. The species with ericoid and pinoid leaflets. Opera Botanica 10,1
  • DAHLGREN, R. 1966. Revision of the genus Aspalathus. Part II. The species with ericoid and pinoid leaflets. Opera Botanica 11,1
  • DAHLGREN, R. 1969. Comprehensive key to the species of Aspalathus (Leguminosae). Botaniska Notiser 122
  • DAHLGREN, R. 1988. Fabaceae. Papilionoideae. Crotalarieae (Aspalathus). Flora of southern Africa 16,3, 6
  • HARVEY, W.H. 1862. Leguminosae. Flora capensis 2
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1738. Hortus cliffortianus. Amsterdam. Fascimile edn (1968): Cramer, Lehre
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1753. Species plantarum, edn 1. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm