e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706532189299_4289248606504832" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Rubi<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706532189299_32157367943154136" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
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  • Herbs or subshrubs
  • Corolla lobes always valvate
  • Raphides present
  • Plants woody, or sometimes with ± herbaceous shoots from a woody rootstock (pyrophytes)
  • Corolla lobes valvate, contorted or sometimes imbricate
  • Raphides present or absent
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  • Plants climbing or scandent
  • Plants not climbing or scandent
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  • Raphides present and inflorescences not clearly axillary
  • Raphides absent and inflorescences clearly axillary
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  • Climbing and/or scandent plants
  • Plants not climbing, but sometimes scrambling
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  • Plants subshrubby to shrubby, or occasionally with ± herbaceous shoots from a woody or rhizomatous rootstock, with the herbaceous shoots 0.05-2 m tall and mostly burnt off by annual fires (pyrophytes)
  • Shrubs or trees (0.75-)2-20 m tall
Key 01
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  • Leaves and stipules similar, in whorls of 4-8
  • Herbs and herbaceous climbers with ± rotate corollas (but tubular in *Sherardia)
  • Ovules solitary in each locule
  • Fruits bilobed, indehiscent
  • Plants often adhesive due to prickles and harsh hairs
  • Leaves clearly different from the stipules, opposite, or less often in whorls of 3(5)
  • Corolla mostly clearly tubular
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  • Calyx with 4-6 distinct teeth
  • Flowers in small terminal involucrate heads
  • Corolla tube cylindrical
  • Calyx limb reduced to a rim
  • Inflorescence not involucrate
  • Corolla rotate
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  • Petioles very well developed, 10-80 mm long
  • Corolla usually 5-merous
  • Petioles very short or leaves sessile
  • Corolla usually 4-merous
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  • Ovules (or seeds) 2-many in each locule
  • Ovules (or seeds) solitary in each locule, or flowers male
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  • Flowers mostly 5-merous
  • Leaf blades usually broad and usually with very obvious lateral and tertiary venation
  • Flowers mostly 4-merous
  • Leaf blades frequently narrow and uninerved or with lateral nerves obscure
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  • Leaves uninerved, mostly fairly small
  • Decumbent herbs of wet places with small, white or blue flowers ± 5 mm long, in very lax elongated axillary cymes
  • Leaves larger, pinnately nerved
  • Erect herbs with terminal, capitate or lax, much branched complicated cymes
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  • Anthers and stigmas included, the latter always overtopped by the former
  • Corolla tube narrowly cylindrical
  • Anthers and/or stigmas exserted or if included then anthers overtopped by stigmas
  • Corolla tube cylindrical or funnel-shaped
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  • Corolla tube at least 15-20 mm long, cylindrical
  • Anthers included and style exserted
  • Flowers not heterostylous
  • Corolla tube always shorter than 20 mm, cylindrical or funnel-shaped, sometimes with included anthers and exserted style but then usually heterostylous
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  • Stems usually unbranched, strict, erect
  • Plant rush-like
  • Leaves linear or filiform
  • Stipule sheath tubular, truncate or with 2 minute teeth
  • Seeds dorsiventrally flattened
  • Stems usually branched, lax or erect
  • Plant not rush-like, even if leaves are linear
  • Stipule sheath scarcely tubular
  • Seeds angular, subglobose or ovoid trigonous
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  • Capsule opening both septicidally and loculicidally
  • Erect perennial herbs or subshrubs
  • Inflorescences many-flowered, corymbose or subglobose heads
  • Seeds ovoid-trigonous
  • Capsule opening loculicidally, annual or perennial herbs, erect or prostrate, rarely subshrubs
  • Inflorescences various but seldom many-flowered
  • Seeds angular or subglobose
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  • Style topped by a pollen presenter which is globose, cylindrical or mitriform and often ridged and 2-several-lobed at the apex when mature
  • Flowers never heterostylous
  • Inflorescences always axillary
  • Fruit with 2-several woody pyrenes
  • Style lacking a pollen presenter
  • Flowers frequently heterostylous
  • Fruit occasionally with pyrenes (but then inflorescence terminal) or sometimes with 1 many-seeded stone (putamen)
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  • Style ± 0
  • Stigmas 2 or 1, feathery, long-exserted
  • Flowers wind-pollinated
  • Style well developed, ending in 2 style arms
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  • Fertile carpel and feathery stigma usually 1
  • Calyx lobes mostly large and leaf-like
  • Fertile carpels and feathery stigmas 2
  • Calyx lobes mostly smaller than leaves to subobsolete
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  • Inflorescence made up of axillary, sessile flower clusters
  • Fruit supported by a carpophore
  • Inflorescence terminal, paniculate to thyrso-paniculate
  • Fruit never supported by a carpophore
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  • Corolla blue to purple
  • Ovules pendulous from near apex of locule
  • Corolla white to pinkish
  • Ovule erect from the locule base, or attached near the middle of the septum
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  • Corolla tube filiform or narrowly funnel-shaped
  • Calyx lobes unequal, 1 or more enlarged
  • Flowers not heterostylous, both stamens and style exserted
  • Ovary bicarpellate, but often with one carpel reduced in fruit
  • Corolla tube not markedly narrow
  • Calyx lobes usually equal
  • Flowers frequently heterostylous
  • Ovary 2-5-locular
  • Carpel reduction unusual in fruit
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  • Ovary 3(4)-locular
  • Stigma 3(4)-lobed
  • Fruit with 3(4) cocci
  • Ovary 2-locular
  • Stigmas 2-lobed or capitate
  • Fruits indehiscent, capsular with 2 valves, with 2 cocci or circumscissile
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  • Succulent creeping plant of the seashore with imbricate leaves
  • Stipules quite broad, sheathing, with very short processes
  • Stems rooting at the nodes
  • Fruits indehiscent
  • Seeds not lobed
  • Plant not a littoral succulentLeaves not imbricate
  • Stipules with longer processes
  • Stems not rooting at the nodes
  • Fruits dividing into cocci, or capsular
  • Seeds lobed
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  • Fruit separating into 2 indehiscent mericarps
  • Fruit a 2-valved capsule
Key 02
Perennial herbs, sometimes woody at base, with woody rootstock (pyrophytes or geofructices)
  • Style ± 0
  • Stigmas 2, or sometimes 1, long, feathery
  • Flowers wind-pollinated
  • Style well developed, ending in 2 style arms or a pollen presenter
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  • Fertile carpel and feathery stigma usually 1
  • Calyx lobes mostly large and leaf-like
  • Fertile carpels and feathery stigmas usually 2
  • Calyx lobes mostly smaller than leaves to subobsolete
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  • Inflorescence terminal, paniculate to thyrso-paniculate
  • Leaves relatively large, petiolate
  • Inflorescence of axillary, ± sessile flower clusters
  • Leaves often ± ericoid, often without distinct petiole
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  • Distinctly woody, many-stemmed dioecious dwarf shrubs
  • Leaves needle-like, mostly decussate
  • Inflorescence few-flowered, reduced
  • Tall shrubs to perennial herbs, similar to above but not in same combination
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  • Style divided into 2 lobes
  • Style topped with a globose, cylindrical or mitriform, often ridged pollen presenter
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  • Corolla blue to purple
  • Corolla white to yellow to reddish
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  • Ovules (or seeds) many per locule
  • Ovules (or seeds) 1 per locule
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  • Calyx with 1-3 foliaceous lobes, the others minute
  • Corolla tube narrowly cylindric
  • Stipules fimbriate
  • Calyx lobes ± similar
  • Corolla tube, if cylindrical, not markedly narrow
  • Stipules ± entire
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  • Ovary 2-locular
  • Ovary 3-8-locular, a few flowers sometimes with 2-locular ovaries
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  • Leaves glabrous or with sparse bristly hairs on both surfaces
  • Leaves densely villous-tomentose
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  • Leaves mostly in whorls of 3-5
  • Calyx limb truncate, dentate or 5-9-lobed
  • Leaves in pairs, rarely in whorls of 3
  • Calyx lobes 5, linear to lanceolate-triangular
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  • Small subshrubs up to 250 mm high
  • Leaves glabrous or with seta-like hairs on both sides
  • Corolla tube shorter than 15 mm
  • Larger subshrubs, usually higher than 300 mm
  • Leaves velvety with silky hairs
  • Corolla tube 15-25 mm long
Key 03
Climbing or scandent (herbaceous or woody)
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  • Leaves and stipules similar, in whorls of 4-8
  • Herbaceous climbers, often adhesive due to prickles or rough hairs
  • Leaves clearly different from stipules, opposite or in whorls of 3
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  • Leaves petiolate
  • Corolla mostly 5-merous
  • Fruit fleshy, glabrous
  • Leaves ± sessile
  • Corolla mostly 4-merous
  • Fruit dry, glabrous or hairy
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  • Plant evil-smelling
  • Leaves paired or in whorls of 3, long-petiolate and cordate at the base
  • Fruits flattened, the outer pericarp falling off to expose 2 compressed, winged pyrenes attached by long filiform stalks
  • Plant not evil-smelling
  • Leaves and fruit not as above
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  • Inflorescences axillary
  • Pollen presenter ovoid, narrowly winged
  • Inflorescence terminal, sometimes with additional axillary inflorescences near apex of main stem
  • Pollen presenter narrowly spindle-shaped to ellipsoid
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  • Ovules/seeds many, seeds winged
  • Fruit a capsule
  • Pollen presenter ellipsoid
  • Ovules/seeds 1 to several, seeds with a hilar cavity, not winged
  • Fruit scarcely fleshy, globose
  • Pollen presenter narrowly spindle-shaped
Key 04
Shrubs or trees
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  • Flowers in globose or capitate heads
  • Flowers solitary or in lax to compact or spike-like inflorescences
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  • Inflorescence heads perfectly spherical
  • Inflorescence heads not perfectly spherical
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  • Leaves paired
  • Fruits subsucculent, clustered in spherical heads resembling a small strawberry
  • Leaves usually (3)4-whorled
  • Fruits small capsules clustered in hard heads
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  • Corolla white
  • Style ± twice as long as corolla
  • Corolla orange to red
  • Style only slightly longer than corolla
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  • Calyx lobes (at least 2) strongly accrescent and brightly coloured in fruit
  • Calyx lobes less markedly and more equally accrescent and less strikingly coloured
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  • Flowers and accrescent calyx lobes white
  • Flowers and accrescent calyx lobes bright red
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  • Style ± 0
  • Stigmas 2 or 1, feathery, long-exserted
  • Flowers wind-pollinated
  • Style well developed, ending in 2 style arms or a pollen presenter
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  • Fertile carpel and feathery stigma usually 1
  • Calyx lobes mostly large and leaf-like
  • Fertile carpels and feathery stigmas usually 2
  • Calyx lobes mostly smaller than leaves to subobsolete
Backtrack a
  • Distinctly woody, many-stemmed dioecious dwarf shrubs
  • Leaves needle-like, mostly decussate
  • Inflorescence few-flowered, reduced
  • Tall shrubs to perennial herbs, similar to above but not in same combination
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  • Gynodioecious, evil-smelling shrubs or dwarf shrubs
  • Flowers mostly bisexual
  • Plants not evil-smelling
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  • Small tree or shrub growing in the littoral zone just above high tide level, the stems covered with large leaf scars
  • Leaves large, crowded at the ends of the branchlets
  • Calyx limb truncate
  • Corolla white, salver-shaped, velvety outside, the tube ± 25 mm long with 4-9 lobes
  • Ovary 4-9-locular
  • Fruit globose, fibrously woody, up to 35 mm in diameter, containing one multi-seeded stone
  • Not growing in the littoral zone, or if so then calyx limb, corolla, fruit and habit not as above
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  • Style 0.6-3.0 mm long, ending in 2 arms or lobes 0.3-1.0 mm long
  • Flowers heterostylous
  • Fruit fleshy, subglobose, 5-7 mm long
  • Style apex mostly thickened or otherwise adapted to secondary pollen presentation
  • Flowers mostly homostylous
  • Combination of characters not as above
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  • Corolla lobes valvate
  • Style topped with a globose, cylindrical or mitriform pollen presenter, often ridged
  • Pollen presenter 2- to several-lobed at apex when mature, hollow with style attached internally or occasionally with style attached at the base
  • Flowers never heterostylous
  • Locules 2-10
  • Pyrene walls woody or sometimes crustaceous
  • Inflorescences always axillary (with flower(s) in both axils of a node)
  • Corolla lobes contorted or imbricate, or if valvate then pollen presenter not as above or flowers heterostylous
  • Locules (1)2, rarely several to many
  • If the fruit is a pyrene then walls scarious to crustaceous
  • Inflorescences terminal, lateral or axillary
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  • Spines present
  • Corolla showy
  • Fruit large
  • Spines absent
  • Corolla and fruit as above or not
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  • Corolla tube much shorter than the lobes
  • Calyx lobes oblong, ovate or spathulate, persistent and ± accrescent in fruit
  • Leaves very often pubescent
  • Corolla tube distinctly longer than the lobes
  • Calyx limb with short triangular teeth, persistent in fruit
  • Leaves always glabrous
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  • Deciduous straggling shrubs
  • Flowers precocious
  • Flowers and fruit sessile, clustered on mature branches with leaves restricted to apical and lateral shoots
  • Bracts/bracteoles chaffy
  • Corolla white, tinged pink
  • Fruit red, 12-20 mm in diameter with large circular calyx scar
  • Combination of characters not as above
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  • Inflorescences axillary with flower(s) in both axils of a node or supra-axillary, pedunculate or sessile, if on brachyblasts (contracted lateral spurs) see contrast below
  • Corolla lobes always contorted
  • Inflorescences terminal on main and lateral branches (occasionally appearing axillary by extreme reduction of lateral branches in which case bacterial nodules are present in the leaves), or lateral (i.e. alternate, with inflorescence in only one axil at each node)
  • Sometimes with a few axillary inflorescences in addition to the terminal one, or borne on brachyblasts (contracted lateral spurs)
  • Corolla lobes contorted, valvate or sometimes imbricate
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  • Inflorescences pedunculate, distinctly and rather laxly branched
  • Flowers always pedicellate
  • Inflorescences 1-few-flowered, or congested glomerules, sometimes shortly pedunculate
  • Flowers often pedicellate
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  • Stipules often blackening when dry
  • Corolla tube cylindrical, ± equal to lobes in length
  • Seeds with a small ± circular excavation, or a partly ruminate endosperm
  • Stipules not tending to blacken when dry
  • Corolla tube and seeds not as above
  • Corolla funnel-shaped to campanulate
  • Endosperm entire
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  • Calyx limb reduced to a rim, usually shorter than the disc, but occasionally truncate and ± equalling the disc
  • Corolla tube ± equal to lobes
  • Anthers and style exserted
  • Fruit 2-seeded
  • Seeds with a well-defined groove on the ventral face (typical coffee-beans)
  • Inflorescence 1-several-flowered
  • Calyx limb mostly at least equalling the disc, truncate, dentate or lobed
  • Fruit 2-many-seeded
  • Seeds lacking a ventral groove
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  • Anthers ± medifixed, the connective not enlarged
  • Thecae ± contiguous and subparallel
  • Bacterial nodules absent
  • Anthers basifixed, the connective enlarged so that the thecae diverge
  • Linear bacterial nodules often present along the midrib and petiole
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  • Corolla tubular below, funnel-shaped to narrowly campanulate above with short erect lobes
  • Anthers included
  • Style long-exserted
  • Capsules oblong or subcylindric, lenticellate
  • Seeds with wing bifid at one end
  • Corolla not as above
  • Fruit, if capsular, then ± globose and not lenticellate
  • Seeds unwinged, or with a fimbriate wing
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  • Corolla white with dense yellow hairs around narrow throat forming a star-shaped eye, corolla lobes imbricate
  • Style slender with 2 linear arms
  • Stipules almost completely divided into 2 separate lobes
  • Corolla lacking an eye, corolla lobes contorted
  • Flowers mostly with secondary pollen presentation
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  • Inflorescences strictly lateral
  • Stipules green, moderately conspicuous, triangular or ovate, scarcely sheathing
  • Seeds not held together by pulpy tissue, seed surface with a fingerprint-like pattern of striations
  • Inflorescences and stipules not as above
  • Seeds 1 or few to numerous, often held together by pulpy tissue
  • Seed surface lacking a fingerprint-like pattern
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  • Shrub or small tree, seldom less than 1 m tall
  • Corolla tube narrowly cylindrical
  • Small shrub, or less often a tree, 0.3-1.8(-5) m tall
  • Corolla tube cylindrical at base and funnel-shaped above
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  • Plants with brachyblasts (contracted lateral spurs) or cushion shoots
  • Plants without brachyblasts or cushion shoots, lateral branches often short but with leaves clearly spaced
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  • Corolla tube usually at least 15 mm long
  • Calyx lobes narrowly triangular to lanceolate
  • Corolla tube up to 7 mm long
  • Calyx lobes ovate, often spathulate, separated by broad sinuses
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  • Corolla rotate, tube scarcely exceeding the calyx
  • Calyx lobes 4-7(-13) mm long
  • Fruit yellow-green or brown when ripe, 18-33 ± 17-25 mm
  • Corolla funnel-shaped, tube longer than the lobes
  • Calyx lobes 0.5-1.5(-2.5) mm long
  • Fruit black, 5-7 mm in diameter
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  • Inflorescence usually borne on a very short shoot above a single leaf
  • Corolla tube variously shaped
  • Flowers markedly showy
  • Fruit ± ovoid, 18-85 mm long
  • Ovules numerous
  • Seeds numerous in pulpy tissue
  • Testa present
  • Inflorescence essentially terminal, sometimes overtopped by the growing apex, or pseudoaxillary (due to suppression of lateral branches)
  • Corolla tube mostly cylindrical to narrowly funnel-shaped
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  • Flowers 1 or up to 3 on a common peduncle, markedly showy, sometimes overtopped by the stem apex
  • Fruit large
  • Seeds numerous in pulpy tissue
  • Flowers if showy then more than 3, never overtopped by stem apex
  • Fruit mostly small to moderately large
  • Seeds 1-few, or if numerous then seeds free
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  • Branches and leaves often ternate
  • Stipules sheathing, often truncate but sometimes triangular, with sticky exudate when young
  • Flowers solitary
  • Calyx limb-tube truncate or often with decurrent lobes
  • Corolla lobes contorted to the left
  • Fruit thick-walled
  • Branches and leaves not ternate
  • Stipules ovate, tightly inrolled at apex and readily falling, lacking a sticky exudate
  • Flowers 1-3
  • Calyx lobes not decurrent
  • Corolla lobes contorted to the right
  • Fruit fairly thin-walled
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  • Fruit a capsule, ± globose
  • Seeds with a fimbriate wing
  • Corolla distinctly pubescent outside
  • Lobes 4-6
  • Anthers ± two-thirds exserted
  • Fruit not dehiscent
  • Seeds never winged
  • Corolla pubescent or more often glabrous outside
  • Lobes 4 or 5(6)
  • Anthers usually fully exserted
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  • Calyx lobes subfoliaceous, 8-30 mm long, persistent in fruit
  • Corolla large, tube 20-110 mm long, pubescent outside
  • Fruit large, 8-22 mm in diameter
  • Seeds numerous
  • Stipules conspicuous, either triangular and erect or ± rounded and reflexed
  • Calyx lobes not nearly as conspicuous as above
  • Corolla generally smaller
  • Seeds 1-several
  • Stipules less conspicuous, never rounded and reflexed
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  • Flowers 5(6)-merous
  • Fruit 1-several-seeded
  • Seeds variously shaped, entire or ruminate
  • Stipules often with central area darkened (dark green when fresh, or black when dry) but difficult to observe in taxa with reduced branches
  • Flowers 4-merous
  • Fruit 2-seeded
  • Seeds ± hemispherical with an excavation on the ventral face
  • Stipules never with central area darkened
  • Bacterial nodules usually present in the leaf blades, either scattered or arranged along the midrib
Key 05
Tribe Vanguerieae
  • Spines present
  • Spines 0
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  • Ovary 2(-4)-locular
  • Pollen presenter 2(-4)-lobed at apex
  • Calyx truncate or 4- or 5-toothed
  • Corolla broadly cylindrical to campanulate, with or without hairs within
  • Ovary 3-locular
  • Pollen presenter 3-lobed at apex
  • Calyx 4-toothed
  • Corolla campanulate, with deflexed hairs within
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  • Inflorescence umbellate (sometimes 1-flowered), entirely enclosed in bud by paired connate persistent bracts
  • Style attached to base of pollen presenter
  • Flowers bi- or unisexual
  • Leaves usually with tertiary venation obscure
  • Corolla throat densely congested with hairs
  • Inflorescence never enclosed by paired bracts
  • Style attached in recess above the base of the pollen presenter, rarely as above
  • Other characters not so combined
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  • Corolla lobes linear-lanceolate, 20-40 mm long, greatly exceeding tube, erect, tomentose or pubescent outside
  • Fruit 20-40 mm long with calyx remains triangular to linear, pyrenes 2
  • Corolla lobes not as above
  • Fruit smaller, or if large, then with more than 2 pyrenes or with calyx remains cupular
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  • Climbers and/or scandent shrubs
  • Trees, shrubs (sometimes subscandent), herbs or subshrubby herbs
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  • Subshrubby herbs or single-stemmed shrubs from a woody rootstock
  • Shrubs or trees (1-)2-20 m high
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  • Ovary (or fruit) 2-locular
  • Pollen presenter 2-lobed at tip
  • Ovary (or fruit) (2)3-8-locular
  • Pollen presenter 3-8-lobed at the tip
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  • Leaves densely villous-tomentose
  • Leaves glabrous or with sparse bristly hairs on both surfaces
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  • Small subshrubs up to 0.25 m tall
  • Fruit 15-17 mm across
  • Leaves usually paired, glabrous or with seta-like hairs on both sides
  • Calyx lobes linear or linear-lanceolate
  • Larger subshrubs, often with virgate stems
  • Fruit not usually more than 10 mm across
  • Other characters not combined as above
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  • Leaves glabrous to pubescent, only occasionally velvety
  • Corolla glabrous or pubescent
  • Calyx lobes 0 to quite well developed, up to 3.5 mm long
  • Leaves almost invariably in whorls of 3-6
  • Leaves velvety, entirely covered with silky hairs
  • Corolla velvety
  • Calyx lobes triangular or linear
  • Leaves paired or sometimes in 3s
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  • Ovary or fruit 2(3)-locular
  • Pollen presenter 2(3)-lobed at the tip
  • Ovary or fruit (2)3-5-locular
  • Pollen presenter 3-5-lobed at the tip
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  • Style ± as long as the corolla tube, sometimes slightly exceeding it, rarely up to twice as long
  • Pollen presenter ± as wide as long or wider
  • Style ± twice as long as corolla tube or often longer
  • Pollen presenter distinctly longer than wide
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  • Style ± twice as long as corolla tube or often longer
  • Pollen presenter distinctly longer than wide
  • Pollen presenter ± spherical, ± as wide as long, 2(3)-lobed
  • Corolla lobes without an apical appendage
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  • Trees, shrubs or lianas
  • Leaves typically subcoriaceous to coriaceous and drying light green or occasionally chartaceous
  • Pyrene cartilaginous to woody with shallow apical crest
  • Endosperm entire
  • Lianas or scandent bushes with perpendicular lateral branches, often subtended by rotund leaves
  • Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous (rarely coriaceous)
  • Pyrene woody with lid-like area surrounding crest
  • Endosperm frequently streaked with resinous areas
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  • Calyx lobes 8-16 mm long, ± leafy
  • Calyx lobes usually shorter, mostly linear or triangular, at most subfoliaceous
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  • Pollen presenter coroniform, mostly broader than long
  • Pollen presenter long-fusiform to cylindric, longer than broad
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  • Inflorescence a dichasial cyme with flowers scattered along the arms, usually lax and many-flowered
  • Fruit large and globose, 14-50 mm in diameter (when dry)
  • Pollen presenter cylindrical, furrowed
  • Inflorescence varying from solitary flowers to fascicles or dichasial cymes, but mostly condensed
  • Fruit often small, not over 30 mm in diameter when dry
  • Pollen presenter broadly cylindrical