e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710325199535_686430782841482" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Ip<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710325199535_0497073730679205" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>omoea
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Convolvulaceae - Ipomoea L.


  • Erect or twining, annual or perennial herbs, or undershrubs, sometimes tuberous, rarely aquatic
  • Leaves entire, lobed or divided
  • Flowers usually showy, solitary or in cymose clusters
  • Calyx of 5 variable sepals
  • Corolla broadly funnel-shaped or campanulate; limb 5-plicate and shortly 5-lobed
  • Stamens arising towards base of corolla tube, included; filaments sometimes dilated and often pilose at base; pollen spinulose
  • Disc entire or undulate
  • Ovary usually 2-locular, with 2 ovules in each locule, or 4-locular with 1 ovule in each locule, rarely 3-locular with 2 ovules in each locule; style simple; stigma subglobose or 2- or 3-globular
  • Fruit a globose, rarely ovoid capsule, membranous, leathery or rarely somewhat fleshy, dehiscing into (2)4 valves, rarely opening by an operculum or dehiscing irregularly, also indehiscent (Turbina in sense of A.Meeuse)
  • Seeds 4(6) or fewer by abortion, glabrous to silky-villous
  • x = 15 (14) (aneuploids, B-chromosomes - 1 report, polyploidy)
  • Back to Paralepistemon


  • Ipomoea L.
    • Linnaeus: 159 (1753)
    • Meeuse: 711 (1957)
    • Verdcourt: 81 (1963)
    • Meeuse & Welman: 70 (2000)
  • Pharbitis Choisy
    • Choisy: 438 (1833).
  • Calonyction Choisy
    • Choisy: 441 (1833).
  • Rivea Choisy
    • Choisy: 325 (1845).
  • Turbina in sense of A.Meeuse
    • Meeuse: 773 (1957)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 500, cosmopolitan in tropical and subtropical areas
  • Southern Africa: Species 56, widespread in all regions, but rare in Northern and Western Cape


  • CHOISY, J.D. 1833. Calonyction, Jacquemontia, Pharbitis, Shutereia. Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève 6
  • CHOISY, J.D. 1845. Rivea. In A.P. de Candolle, Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis 9. Treuttel & Würtz, Paris
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1753. Species plantarum, edn 1. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • MEEUSE, A.D.J. 1957. The South African Convolvulaceae. Bothalia 6
  • MEEUSE, A.D.J. & WELMAN, W.G. 2000. Convolvulaceae. Flora of southern Africa 28,1
  • VERDCOURT, B. 1963. Flora of tropical East Africa. Convolvulaceae