e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701690495990_34512263297918455" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Par<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701690495990_29712015836755135" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>opsia
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Passifloraceae - Paropsia Noronha ex Thouars


  • Subshrubs or small trees, mostly rusty-pubescent, without tendrils
  • Leaves ± distichous, coriaceous, ± oblong, not lobed; stipules 0
  • Flowers bisexual, in axillary fascicles, or solitary; hypanthium shallowly cup-shaped
  • Sepals (4)5, oblong, persistent
  • Petals (4)5, oblong or linear-spatulate, 1-ribbed
  • Corona single, laciniate; segments linear, tomentose, sometimes arranged in 5 bundles connate at base, opposite petals
  • Stamens 5, monadelphous, arising at base of gynophore; anthers cordate
  • Ovary ovoid, sometimes shortly stalked; styles (2)3(-5); stigmas capitate, subreniform; ovules numerous, attached to 3-5 parietal placentas
  • Fruit a 3(-5)-valved, subglobose, membranous, downy capsule
  • Seeds ovoid, compressed, with cup-shaped, membranous arillus; testa crustaceous, pitted


  • Paropsia Noronha ex Thouars
    • Petit-Thouars: 59, t. 19 (1805)
    • Masters: 505 (1871)
    • Sleumer: 49 (1970)
    • De Wilde: 105 (1976)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species 11, Africa, Madagascar to Malaya
  • Southern Africa: Species 2, N Namibia, Botswana and Kruger National Park in Northern Province


  • DE WILDE, W.J.J.O. 1976. Passifloraceae. Flora of southern Africa 22
  • MASTERS, M.J. 1871. Passifloreae. Flora of tropical East Africa 2
  • PETIT-THOUARS, L.-M.A.A. DU. 1805. Histoire des végétaux dans les îsles australes d'Afrique. Tourneisen, Paris
  • SLEUMER, H. 1970. Le genre Paropsia Noronha ex Thouars (Passifloraceae). Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National du Belgique 40