e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706691462372_3902117170389032" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Mollugin<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706691462372_5909313366015498" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
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  • Flowers with petals
  • Flowers without petals
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  • Petals inconspicuous, composed of few to ± 20 linear, strap-like filaments divided at the apex
  • Plants usually stellate-pubescent
  • Seeds with a filiform aril
  • Petals conspicuous, 5-many
  • Plants glabrous or glandular-hairy
  • Aril 0, or if present not filiform
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  • Petals 15-220, delicate
  • Stamens 10-many
  • Plants glabrous
  • Ovules many per locule
  • Petals 5
  • Stamens fewer
  • Plants glabrous or glandular-hairy
  • Ovules 1 per locule
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  • Sepals 5, fused for at least half their length, greenish white
  • Stamens 5, alternisepalous
  • Ovary 3-locular with many ovules per locule
  • Sepals (4)5, completely free or only united slightly at base, often with membranous edges and coloured within
  • Ovary 1-7-locular, ovules 1-many
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  • Ovary 1-locular with 1 ovule
  • Style often asymmetrical
  • Fruit a nutlet
  • Ovary 2-7-locular
  • Fruit dehiscent
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  • Ovary 2-locular
  • Ovary 3-7-locular
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  • Sepals entire, with membranous edges
  • Stamens (5-)7(-10)
  • Stipules 0
  • Fruit splitting into 2 woody, sometimes winged mericarps
  • Sepals white, laciniate-fimbriate
  • Stamens 4 or 5, far-exserted
  • Stipules present, large and fimbriate
  • Fruit membranous, splitting loculicidally down to base
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  • Stipules conspicuous, mostly laciniate or adnate to leaf base
  • Stipules small or 0
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  • Stipules entire, membranous, adnate to dilated leaf base, amplexicaul
  • Inflorescence a long-pedunculate umbel-like thyrse
  • Leaves glaucous, fleshy
  • Stamens few to ± 30
  • Stipules usually fimbriate-laciniate, membranous, whitish, not adnate to leaf base
  • Leaves not fleshy
  • Stamens (3-)5
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  • Ovules 1 per locule
  • Ovules many per locule
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  • Sepals hooded at apex, with conspicuous dorsal spine
  • Hypogynous disc 0
  • Leaves needle-like
  • Sepals neither hooded nor with dorsal spine
  • ± 3-5-lobed hypogynous disc present between ovary and stamens
  • Leaves filiform or linear (rarely broader), usually aristate
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  • Plants usually stellate-pubescent (rarely glabrous)
  • Leaves without stipules
  • Stamens 3-many
  • Ovules many per locule
  • Seeds with a long filiform aril
  • Plants not pubescent
  • Stipules small or 0
  • Stamens 3-10
  • Seeds exarillate
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  • Perennials, either small subshrubs or cushion plants
  • Leaves narrowly linear, subulate or ericoid, rigid
  • Stamens 5
  • Ovules 1 per locule
  • Annual herbs or glabrous subshrubs
  • Leaves linear to spathulate
  • Stamens (3-)5(-10)
  • Ovules many per locule
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  • Flowers with 3-5-lobed hypogynous disc between stamens and ovary
  • Flowers without hypogynous disc