e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1709021841373_21805310833139546" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Cy<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1709021841373_6307938421730648" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>perus
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Cyperaceae - Cyperoideae - Cypereae - Cyperus L.


  • Mainly perennials, tufted, long-stoloniferous, or long-rhizomatous, sometimes producing corms or tubers, sometimes strong-smelling when dry (fenugreek odour - Goetghebeur 1986)
  • Culms with basal nodes, rounded, 3-angled or flattened
  • Leaves mostly basal, ligulate or eligulate; sheath occasionally persistent, swollen, forming 'bulb', adaxial apex truncate, V- or U-shaped; blade linear, short or 0, with keeled midrib, profile V-shaped, flanged V-shaped or crescentiform
  • Inflorescence sometimes pseudolateral, a single spikelet, or capitate, or simply or compoundly anthelate, sometimes proliferous; subtending bracts foliose or scale-like
  • Spikelets of several to many distichous glumes, 2 lowest empty, upper several to many with bisexual, fertile florets, uppermost with male floret or empty; glumes and nuts falling in age succession with rachilla persistent, or entire spikelet with rachilla caducous, disarticulating from a cushion below lowest fertile floret
  • Perianth 0
  • Stamens 1-3
  • Style slender, 2- or 3-branched, rarely simple or 2- or 3-fid
  • Nutlet oblong to obovate, biconvex with rounded side facing rachilla, or 3-angled, smooth or papillate
  • x = 5, 8 (6, 7, 9, 13) (high aneuploids, high polyploidy)

Classification Notes:

  • This genus is sometimes treated in a broad sense, to include Alinula, Courtoisina, Kyllinga and Pycreus, see e.g. Kükenthal (1935); Haines & Lye: 389 (1983)
  • Mariscus may also be treated as a separate genus, see e.g. Podlech (1967); Vorster: (1978)
  • Cyperus includes the 'world's worst weed', C. rotundus L. (Holm et al.: 609 (1977))


  • Cyperus L.
    • Linnaeus: 74 (1753)
    • Thunberg: 18 (1794)
    • Schrader: 4 (1832)
    • Clarke: 162 (1897)
    • Clarke: 310 (1901)
    • Schonland: 24 (1922)
    • Kükenthal: 42 (1935) in broad sense
    • Levyns: 98 (1950) in broad sense
    • Podlech: 7 (1967)
    • Gordon-Gray: 103 (1972)
    • Compton: 60 (1976)
    • Bond & Goldblatt: 39 (1984)
    • Forbes: 50 (1987)
    • Gordon-Gray: 45 (1995)
  • Juncellus C.B.Clarke
    • Clarke: 594 (1893)
    • Clarke: 161 (1897)
    • Clarke: 306 (1901)
    • Schonland: 23 (1922)
    • Podlech: 28 (1967)
    • Gordon-Gray: 105 (1972)
    • Bond & Goldblatt: 43 (1984)
    • Forbes: 39 (1987)
  • Cyperus L. subgen. Juncellus C.B.Clarke
    • Clarke: 33 (1897)
    • Kükenthal: 315 (1936)
  • Mariscus Vahl
    • Vahl: 372 (1805) name conserved
    • Thunberg: 18 (1794)
    • Schrader: 12 (1832)
    • Clarke: 185 (1897)
    • Clarke: 377 (1901)
    • Schonland: 29 (1922)
    • Podlech: 31 (1967)
    • Gordon-Gray: 105 (1972)
    • Compton: 66 (1976)
    • Bond & Goldblatt: 44 (1984)
    • Forbes: 53 (1987)
    • Gordon-Gray: 123 (1995)
  • Cyperus L. subgen. Mariscus (Vahl) C.B.Clarke
    • Clarke: 34 (1884)
    • Kükenthal: 402 (1936)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 550, ± cosmopolitan
    • Cyperus papyrus L. was used for paper-making in the Nile Valley until ± 8 A.D. (Mabberley 1997)
  • Southern Africa: Species over 80, widespread, Namibia, Botswana, Northern Province, North-West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Free State, Swaziland, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape


  • BOND, P. & GOLDBLATT, P. 1984. Plants of the Cape Flora: A descriptive catalogue. Journal of South African Botany Suppl. Vol. 13: 39, 43, 44
  • CLARKE, C.B. 1893. Cyperaceae. The Flora of British India 6
  • CLARKE, C.B. 1897. Cyperaceae. Flora capensis 7
  • CLARKE, C.B. 1901. Cyperaceae. Flora of tropical Africa 8
  • COMPTON, R.H. 1976. Cyperaceae. Flora of Swaziland. Journal of South African Botany Suppl. Vol. 11
  • FORBES, P.L. 1987. Cyperaceae. In T.K. Lowrey & S. Wright, The Flora of the Witwatersrand Vol. 1: The Monocotyledonae: 39, 50, 53. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg
  • GORDON-GRAY, K.D. 1972. Cyperaceae. In J.H. Ross, The Flora of Natal. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 39
  • GORDON-GRAY, K.D. 1995. Cyperaceae in Natal. Strelitzia 2: 45, 123
  • HAINES, R.W. & LYE, K.A. 1983. The sedges and rushes of East Africa. East African Natural History Society, Nairobi
  • HOLM, L.G., PLUCKNETT, D.L., PANCHO, J.V. & HERBERGER, J.P. 1977. The world's worst weeds. Distribution and biology. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu
  • KÜKENTHAL, G. 1935. Cyperaceae - Scirpoideae - Cypereae. Das Pflanzenreich 101
  • KÜKENTHAL, G. 1936. Cyperaceae - Scirpoideae - Cypereae. Das Pflanzenreich 101
  • LEVYNS, M.R. 1950. Cyperaceae. In R.S. Adamson & T.M. Salter, Flora of the Cape Peninsula. Juta, Cape Town
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1753. Species plantarum. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • PODLECH, D. 1967. Cyperaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 165
  • SCHONLAND, S. 1922. Introduction to South African Cyperaceae. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 3
  • SCHRADER, H.A. 1832. 1. Cyperaceae. Analecta ad floram Capensem: 4, 12. Dieterich, Göttingen
  • THUNBERG, C.P. 1794. Prodromus plantarum capensium. Edman, Uppsala.
  • VAHL, M. 1805. Cyperaceae. Enumeratio plantarum 2. N. Möller & Sons, Copenhagen
  • VORSTER, P.J. 1978. Revision of the taxonomy of Mariscus Vahl and related genera in southern Africa. Unpublished D.Sc. thesis. University of Pretoria