e-Key v<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707300978989_5195922461801032" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>3 - *Arg<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707300978990_6416784598568781" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>emone
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Papaveraceae - *Argemone L.


  • Annual or biennial herbs, caulescent, from persistent taproots; sap white to orange; stems glaucous, erect, unarmed to prickly
  • Leaves sessile or clasping at base, cauline, alternate, glaucous, pinnately lobed or incised with a dentate prickly margin, and often prickly surface, often mottled over veins, glabrous
  • Inflorescences terminal, usually 1-flowered, bracteate
  • Flowers hypogynous; buds erect
  • Sepals 2 or 3, unarmed or prickly, each prickle with conspicuous stiff apical horns; outer surface usually sparsely prickly
  • Petals 4-6(-8), in 2 whorls of 3, large, obovate, creamy white or yellow
  • Stamens 20-many; filaments filiform
  • Ovary of (3)4-6(7) carpels, 1-locular, ovoid to ellipsoid, mostly distinctly bristly, rarely glabrous, placentas often intruding; style short; stigma 3-5(-7)-lobed
  • Fruit an erect capsule, armed with needle-like prickles, opening from apex basipetally by 4-6 valves, up to third of total length, rarely almost towards base; valves separating from framework of vascular elements,with remains of persistent style and stigma still attached to vascular framework
  • Seeds many, subglobose, sculptured, brown-black, narrowly crested and with a short apical point; embryo larger than in other genera, ± two-thirds of seed length
  • x = 14 or 7 (polyploidy)


  • *Argemone L.
    • Linnaeus: 508 (1753)
    • Linnaeus: 225 (1754)
    • Bentham: 52 (1862)
    • Oliver: 54 (1868)
    • Prain: 130 (1895)
    • Fedde: 105 (1936)
    • Ownbey: 1 (1958)
    • Exell: 180 (1960)
    • Ownbey: 91 (1961)
    • Lucas: 1 (1962)
    • Henderson & Anderson: 144 (1966)
    • Exell & Gonçalves: 1 (1973)
    • Sorarú: 445 (1976)
    • Kadereit: 504 (1993)
    • Lidén: 5 (1995)
    • Ownbey: 314 (1997)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 23, native to North America, the West Indies, Central and South America, 1 species endemic to Hawaiian Islands
  • Southern Africa: Species 2 naturalised, widespread in all provinces and countries


  • BENTHAM, G. 1862. Papaveraceae. In G. Bentham & J.D. Hooker, Genera plantarum 1. Lovell Reeve & Co., London
  • EXELL, A.W. 1960. Papaveraceae. Flora zambesiaca 1
  • EXELL, A.W. & GONÇALVES, M.L. 1973. Papaveraceae. Flora de Moçambique 9
  • FEDDE, F.F. 1936. Papaveraceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, edn 2,17b
  • HENDERSON, M. & ANDERSON, J.G. 1966. Common weeds in South Africa. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 37
  • KADEREIT, J.W. 1993. Papaveraceae. In K. Kubitzki, J.G. Rohwer & V. Bittrich, The families and genera of vascular plants - dicotyledons 2. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
  • LIDÉN, M. 1995. Papaveraceae. Flora of Ecuador 52
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1753. Species plantarum, edn 1. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1754. Genera plantarum, edn 5. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • LUCAS, G.L. 1962. Flora of tropical East Africa, Papaveraceae
  • OLIVER, D. 1868. Papaveraceae. Flora of tropical Africa 1
  • OWNBEY, G.B. 1958. Monograph of the genus Argemone for North America and the West Indies. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 21,1
  • OWNBEY, G.B. 1961. The genus Argemone in South America and Hawaii. Brittonia 13
  • OWNBEY, G.B. 1997. Papaveraceae. Argemone. Flora of North America north of Mexico 3
  • PRAIN, D. 1895. An account of the genus Argemone. Journal of Botany 33
  • SORARÚ, S.T. 1976. Nota sobre el género Argemone (Papaveraceae) en la República Argentina. Darwiniana 20