e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703065087082_6903139969190975" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Balanophor<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703065087082_11872531202867376" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.


Compiled by M. Jordaan


  • Herbaceous, fleshy, perennial root-parasites, without chlorophyll and roots, arising from variously shaped underground tubers, forming contact to host root and producing 1 or more unbranched inflorescence-bearing stems with or without leaves in lower part, upper part bearing scale-like leaves; plants monoecious or dioecious
  • Leaves spirally arranged or distichous, decussate or verticillate, scale-like, coloured, sometimes much reduced
  • Inflorescences many-flowered, much branched or simple, spadix-like; bracts scaly, ± transformed and reduced, triangular or peltate or reduced to a clavate structure, caducous or persistent
  • Flowers unisexual, rarely bisexual
  • Male flowers with a perianth of 3-9 tepals; stamens 2 or 3(4), free or confluent into a synandrium, opposite perianth segments; anthers dehiscing longitudinally or by apical pores
  • Female flowers with 3 or 0 perianth segments; ovary ± inferior, 3- or 4-merous, with 1 pendulous ovule (represented by an embryo sac without nucellus or integuments) in each locule; placentas and carpels often not recognisable; style 1, columnar or much reduced; stigma inconspicuous or ± capitellate
  • Fruit small, a 1-seeded achene
  • Seed with large-celled granular endosperm


  • Balanophoraceae
    • Richard: 404, 429 (1822) as Balanophoreae
    • Harvey: 572 (1862)
    • Eichler: 117 (1873)
    • Hooker: 232 (1880)
    • Engler: 243 (1889)
    • Hemsley: 434 (1911)
    • Marloth: 170 (1913)
    • Harms: 296 (1935)
    • Hansen: 359 (1986)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera 18, species ± 43, widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres; in Africa 6 genera and 6 species
  • Southern Africa: Genera 2, species 2


  • EICHLER, A.W. 1873. Balanophoraceae. In A. de Candolle, Prodromus 17. Masson & Sons, Paris
  • ENGLER, A. 1889. Balanophoraceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3,1
  • HANSEN, B. 1986. The Balanophoraceae of Continental Africa. Botanische Jahrbücher 106,3
  • HARMS, H. 1935. Balanophoraceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 2,16b
  • HARVEY, W.H. 1862. Balanophoreae. Flora capensis 2
  • HEMSLEY, W.B. 1911. Balanophoreae. Flora of tropical Africa 6,1
  • HOOKER, J.D. 1880. Balanophoreae. In G. Bentham & J.D. Hooker, Genera plantarum 3,1. Lovell Reeve & Co., London
  • MARLOTH, R. 1913. Balanophoraceae. The flora of South Africa 1
  • RICHARD, L.C.M. 1822. Mémoire sur une nouvelle famille de plantes: les Balanophorées. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 8


  • Balanophoraceae genera:
Mystropetalon Sarcophyte