e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710246996922_8346949999868027" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Hymeno<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710246996922_5133907446460908" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>lepis
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Asteraceae - Anthemideae - Hymenolepis Cass.


  • Glabrous or pubescent shrubs; indumentum of stellate hairs
  • Leaves alternate, entire or lobed
  • Capitula discoid, with 6-10 florets, slender, in dense corymbs
  • Involucre narrowly ellipsoid-cylindrical to obconical
  • Receptacle flat, generally with paleae, rarely epaleate
  • Corolla gradually expanded, funnel-shaped above, 5-lobed, with distinct nervation, glandular all over with short-stalked biseriate glands
  • Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; endothecial tissue polarised
  • Styles sometimes with secretory cavities
  • Cypselas ellipsoid-obovoid to terete, glabrous, with 5-10 ribs
  • Pappus of basally united, fimbriate scales


  • Hymenolepis Cass.
    • Cassini: 138 (1817)
    • Bremer & Källersjö: 517 (1985)
    • Källersjö: 534 (1985)
    • Bremer & Humphries: 95 (1993)
    • Bremer: 448 (1994)
  • Oligodora DC.
    • Candolle: 282 (1838).
  • Phaeocephalus S.Moore
    • Moore: 158 (1900)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 7; endemic, Western and Eastern Cape


  • BREMER, K. 1994. Asteraceae, cladistics & classification. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon
  • BREMER, K. & HUMPHRIES, C. 1993. Generic monograph of the Asteraceae-Anthemideae. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Botany Series 23
  • BREMER, K. & KÄLLERSJÖ, M. 1985. Taxonomic notes on Hymenolepis (Asteraceae-Anthemideae). Nordic Journal of Botany 5
  • CANDOLLE, A.P. DE. 1838. Compositae. Prodromus 6. Treuttel & Würtz, Paris
  • CASSINI, A.H.G. DE. 1817. Aperçu des genres ou sous-genres nouveaux formés par M. Henri Cassini dans la famille des Synanthérées. Bulletin des sciences de la Société Philomatique de Paris 5
  • KÄLLERSJÖ, M. 1985. Fruit structure and generic delimitation of Athanasia (Asteraceae-Anthemideae) and related South African genera. Nordic Journal of Botany 5
  • MOORE, S. LE M. 1900. Alabastra diversa - Part 6. Journal of Botany 38