Flowers 5-merous, borne in cymose, few-flowered inflorescences; bracts minute, deltoid, caducous; receptacle hemispherical with calyx and androecium borne at rim
Ovary 3-locular, entirely immersed in and adnate to disc and receptacle; ovules subsessile on basal placentas, 1 per locule; styles 3, free, tapering off terminally; stigma indistinct
Fruit capsular, faintly 3-coccous with stipe and basal part of capsule (receptacle) persistent
Seeds 1 per locule, oblong-obovate; testa hard and shiny; embryo flat, with fleshy, broadly elliptical cotyledons; endosperm abundant
x = 8 (polyploidy)
Colubrina Rich. ex Brongn.
Brongniart: 61 (1826)
Brongniart: 368 (1827) name conserved
Van Wyk & Schrire: 379 (1986)
Distribution & Notes:
Southern Africa: Species 1: Colubrina nicholsonii A.E. van Wyk & Schrire, three small populations in Pondoland (Eastern Cape): Daza and Mtentu River populations are protected in the Mkambati Game Reserve, third population in riverine forest along Mpunzaana River
BRONGNIART, A.T. 1826. Mémoire sur la famille des Rhamnées. Didot le Jeune, Paris
BRONGNIART, A.T. 1827. Annales des sciences naturelles. Paris 10
VAN WYK, A.E. & SCHRIRE, B.D. 1986. A remarkable new species of Colubrina (Rhamnaceae) from Pondoland. South African Journal of Botany 52
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Biodiversity Advisor, developed by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and its Data Partners, is a system that will provide integrated biodiversity information to a wide range of users who will have access to geospatial data, plant and animal species distribution data, ecosystem-level data, literature, images and metadata.
The integrated information comes from our much-loved Botanical Database of Southern Africa (BODATSA) also known as Plants of Southern Africa (POSA), Zoological Database of Southern Africa (ZODATSA), Biodiversity Geographic Information System (BGIS), SANBI's institutional repository (Opus) and others.
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