e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1702895442711_5082753097657062" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Droser<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1702895442711_7873147696709373" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.


Compiled by L.L. Dreyer & M. Jordaan


  • Herbaceous, insectivorous, glanduliferous annuals or perennials or floating aquatics (Aldrovanda)
  • Roots well developed or usually true roots suppressed, parts of stem becoming rhizoids (absent in Aldrovanda)
  • Stems aerial, rhizomatous, tuberous or suppressed
  • Leaves basal, rosulate and/or caulescent and alternate (verticillate in Aldrovanda), with irritable gland-tipped hairs (Drosera) or an active trap (Aldrovanda); venation folded or circinnate; lamina simple or differentiated (Aldrovanda), covered with glandular excrescences such as tentacles, sensitive bristles, stipitate and sensitive glands; stipules intra-axillary, well developed, reduced or 0
  • Inflorescence axillary or terminal, often scapose cymose, sometimes reduced to 1 or 2 flowers
  • Flowers bisexual, usually regular, hypogynous
  • Calyx with 5 lobes connate at base, imbricate, persistent
  • Petals 5, free, sometimes cohering at first, imbricate, marcescent
  • Stamens 5; filaments free; anthers opening by longitudinal slits, extrorse; pollen forming tetrads
  • Ovary superior, 1-locular, of 3-5 carpels; ovules many (rarely few), anatropous; on parietal placentas; styles 3-5, usually free, rarely connate, simple or variously divided; stigma apical
  • Fruit a loculicidal capsule, enclosed in persistent calyx, usually thin-walled, dehiscing in 3-5 sections or rarely irregularly
  • Seeds 3-many, fusiform; embryo short, straight; endosperm copious, rich in starch, oil and protein


  • Droseraceae
    • Sonder: 75 (1860)
    • Drude: 261 (1891)
    • Diels: 56 (1906)
    • Phillips: 358 (1951)
    • Obermeyer: 187 (1970)
    • Laundon: 62 (1978)
    • Laundon & Basto: 6 (1993)
    • Mabberley: 242 (1997)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera 4, 3 genera monotypic, species ± 100, cosmopolitan
  • Southern Africa: Genera 2, species 21


  • DIELS, L. 1906. Droseraceae. Das Pflanzenreich 4, 112
  • DRUDE, O. 1891. Droseraceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3,2
  • LAUNDON, J.R. 1978. Droseraceae. Flora zambesiaca 4
  • LAUNDON, J.R. & BASTO, M.F.P. 1993. Droseraceae. Flora de Moçambique 63
  • MABBERLEY, D.J. 1997. Droseraceae. The plant-book, edn 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • OBERMEYER, A.A. 1970. Droseraceae. Flora of southern Africa 13
  • PHILLIPS, E.P. 1951. The genera of South African flowering plants, edn 2. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa 25
  • SONDER, O.W. 1860. Droseraceae. Flora capensis 1


  • Droseraceae genera:
Aldrovanda Drosera