e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710326527129_9208799427040086" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Jubae<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710326527129_15135936024769392" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>opsis
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Arecaceae - Jubaeopsis Becc.


  • Caulescent, monoecious
  • Stems fibrous, suckering, ringed with faint leaf scars
  • Leaves pinnate, upper leaflets shortened abruptly, reduplicate, linear, apex obtuse, unarmed
  • Inflorescence: axillary panicles, drooping in fruit, rachis zigzagging and twisting between alternating unisexual flowers
  • Male flowers on upper flattened branches of rachis, sessile, bracteate; sepals 3, free, small, triangular, imbricate; petals 3, free, much larger than sepals, ovate, acute, concave, coriaceous; stamens 8-16, shorter than petals; filaments terete; anthers dorsifixed, bifid below and above; ovary rudimentary
  • Female flowers ovoid; sepals and petals broadly imbricate, concave; staminodes rudimentary, annular; ovary ovoid, 2- or 3-locular, with a single ovule in each locule
  • Fruit globose, with 3 pores above middle, 1-seeded by abortion
  • Seed globose, endosperm cartilaginous, oily, with a conspicuous cavity
  • x = 80-100


  • Jubaeopsis Becc.
    • Beccari: 171 (1913)
    • Wicht: 35 (1969)
    • Robertson: 169 (1977)
    • Glassman: 122 (1987)
    • Uhl & Dransfield: 489 (1987)
    • Williams: t. 2023 (1991)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 1: Jubaeopsis caffra Becc., Eastern Cape: Pondoland area


  • BECCARI, O. 1913. Contributi alla conoscenza delle palme. Webbia 4
  • GLASSMAN, S.F. 1987. Revisions of the palm genus Syagrus Mart. and other selected genera in the Cocos alliance. Illinois Biological Monographs 56
  • ROBERTSON, B.L. 1977. Aspects of the morphology of Jubaeopsis caffra Becc. Principes 31
  • UHL, N. & DRANSFIELD, J.W. 1987. Genera palmarum. International Palm Society and Allen Press, Lawrence KS
  • WICHT, H. 1969. The indigenous palms of southern Africa. Timmins, Cape Town
  • WILLIAMS, R. 1991. Jubaeopsis caffra. Flowering Plants of Africa 51