e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707198665691_48444030938337357" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Ba<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707198665691_188736641164434" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>biana
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Iridaceae - Ixioideae - Babiana Ker Gawl.


  • Deciduous perennials
  • Rootstock a globose corm rooting from below, basal in origin, tunics of tough coriaceous layers, or sometimes fibrous
  • Stem aerial or subterranean, usually terete or sometimes angled, often branched, usually hairy or scabrid, usually sheathed below by a neck
  • Leaves several, lower 2 or 3 cataphylls; foliage leaves unifacial, without a definite midrib, often abruptly expanded and oblique, blades plicate, ovate to linear, sometimes abruptly truncate, undulate, sinuate, or sometimes terete, usually pubescent or puberulent
  • Inflorescence a spike, flowers often secund, or spiral or distichous; bracts short or long, green with dry brown apices, rarely entirely dry, pubescent or glabrous, inner usually shorter than outer, usually forked apically or sometimes divided to base
  • Flowers usually zygomorphic and bilabiate or hypocrateriform, sometimes actinomorphic and funnel-shaped, often shades of blue or purple, sometimes yellow, red, pink or white, often with darker or pale markings on lower tepals, often sweetly fragrant, usually with nectar from septal nectaries; perianth tube short to long, cylindric and straight to curved or funnel-shaped
  • Tepals equal, subequal or unequal and dissimilar, then dorsal ones enlarged, hooded, reflexed or erect with margins involute and enclosing filaments, lower tepals sometimes ± clawed
  • Stamens symmetrically disposed and erect or unilateral and arcuate; filaments arising in mouth of tube; anthers exserted, occasionally connective very broad; pollen monosulcate, operculate, exine perforate
  • Ovary sometimes hairy
  • Style exserted or included, branches usually somewhat broadened above or slender throughout
  • Capsules globose to oblong, cartilaginous, sometimes hairy
  • Seeds globose with a prominently inflated funicle, rugose, usually shiny, surface laevigate
  • x = 7

Classification Notes:

  • Babiana is taxonomically isolated in Ixieae
  • It is distinguished by several specialised features including pseudopetiolate leaves, plicate leaf blades, pubescent to puberulent stems and leaves, and a basic chromosome number of x = 7


  • Babiana Ker Gawl.
    • Ker Gawler: t. 576 (1802)
    • Lewis: 20 (1959)
    • Goldblatt: 577 (1990)
  • Acaste Salisb.
    • Salisbury: 322 (1812)
  • Anaclanthe N.E.Br.
    • Brown: 269 (1932)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 68, southern Africa including Zimbabwe, 1 species endemic on Socotra
  • Southern Africa: Mainly Western Cape and Namaqualand (Northern Cape), most often on rocky sandstone or granite soils, but also clay soils in renosterveld

Additional Notes:

  • Many of the short-tubed species are pollinated by long-tongued bees, mostly Anthophoridae
  • The long-tubed species are pollinated by long-proboscid flies in the genera Prosoeca and Moegistorhynchus (Nemestrinidae)
  • Some of the large, actinomorphic-flowered species are pollinated by monkey beetles (Scarabaeidae)
  • Pollination by sunbirds occurs in 2 or 3 red-flowered species


  • BROWN, N.E. 1932. Contributions to a knowledge of the Transvaal Iridaceae. 2. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 20
  • GOLDBLATT, P. 1990. Status of the southern African Anapalina and Antholyza (Iridaceae), genera based solely on characters for bird pollination, and a new species of Tritoniopsis. South African Journal of Botany 56
  • KER GAWLER, J. 1802. Babiana plicta. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 16
  • LEWIS, G.J. 1959. The genus Babiana. Journal of South African Botany, Supplementary Volume 3
  • SALISBURY, R.A. 1812. On the cultivation of rare plants, etc. Transactions of the Horticultural Society 1