e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707819249901_6154050486174893" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707819249901_4066061427715173" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>Codon
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Hydrophyllaceae - Codon L.


  • Erect herbs, sometimes woody at base, covered with straight, white to yellowish spines up to 10 mm long and with dense, short bristles and glandular hairs
  • Leaves alternate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, with margin entire or sinuate-dentate
  • Flowers in terminal helicoid cymes or solitary; pedicel short
  • Calyx with 10-12 lobes only fused at base; lobes linear, alternate ones nearly as long as corolla, others shorter, sometimes pustulate
  • Corolla 10-12-lobed, yellow or white, often with red stripes on outside; tube broadly campanulate or oblong in outline, sometimes gibbous at base, sometimes produced into plates at base inside, with filaments arising on edge of plates; lobes shorter than tube, oblong or ovate-elliptic, sometimes pustulate outside, imbricate
  • Stamens 10-12, attached to base of corolla and sometimes slightly exceeding it; filaments semiterete, hirsute below middle, with oblong, versatile anthers
  • Ovary narrowed at apex, falsely 2-locular by intrusion of placentas, sometimes pustulate, with many ovules; ovules pyriform; style almost as long as corolla, linear, cleft to almost halfway, with simple stigmas
  • Fruit a 2-valved capsule, with valves bearing placentas on their centres
  • Seeds many, globose or irregularly angled, rugose
  • x = 17


  • Codon L.
    • Linnaeus: 292 (1767)
    • Wright: 1 (1904)
    • Baker: 1 (1906)
    • Brand: 172 (1913)
    • Phillips: 625 (1951)
    • Friedrich-Holzhammer: 1 (1967)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 2: Codon royenii L. and Codon schenckii Schinz, endemic, Namibia, Northern and Western Cape (north-west region)


  • BAKER, J.G. 1906. Hydrophyllaceae. Flora of tropical Africa 4,2
  • BRAND, A. 1913. Hydrophyllaceae. Das Pflanzenreich, Heft 59 (4. 251)
  • FRIEDRICH-HOLZHAMMER, M. 1967. Hydrophyllaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 118
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1767. Systema vegetabilium. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • PHILLIPS, E.P. 1951. Hydrophyllaceae. The genera of South African flowering plants. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 25.
  • WRIGHT, C.H. 1904. Hydrophyllaceae. Flora capensis 4,2