e-Key v3 - Classificatio<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706187488810_8939340208111257" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>n of Asclepiado<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706187488810_4041318352283194" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>ideae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • Subfamily Asclepiadoideae:
    • Tribe Asclepiadeae:
      • *Araujia
      • Asclepias
      • Aspidoglossum
      • Aspidonepsis
      • Astephanus
      • *Calotropis
      • Cordylogyne
      • Cynanchum
      • Eustegia
      • Fanninia
      • Gomphocarpus
      • Kanahia
      • Microloma
      • Miraglossum
      • Oncinema
      • Pachycarpus
      • Parapodium
      • Pentarrhinum
      • Pergularia
      • Periglossum
      • Sarcostemma
      • Schizoglossum
      • Stathmostelma
      • Stenostelma
      • Woodia
      • Xysmalobium
    • Tribe Ceropegieae (= Stapelieae):
      • Anisotoma
      • Brachystelma
      • Caralluma
      • Ceropegia
      • Duvalia
      • Emplectanthus
      • Hoodia
      • X Hoodiopsis
      • Huernia
      • Lavrania
      • Macropetalum
      • Notechidnopsis
      • Ophionella
      • Orbea
      • Orbeanthus
      • Orbeopsis
      • Orthanthera
      • Pachycymbium
      • Pectinaria
      • Piaranthus
      • Quaqua
      • Riocreuxia
      • Sisyranthus
      • Stapelia
      • Stapeliopsis
      • Tavaresia
      • Tenaris
      • Tridentea
      • Tromotriche
    • Tribe Marsdenieae:
      • Fockea
      • Marsdenia
      • Rhyssolobium
      • Sphaerocodon
      • Stigmatorhynchus
      • Telosma
      • Tylophora