SANBI Flora Keys - Classificatio<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701695407440_7950745732471343" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>n of Brassic<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701695407440_9004495209556345" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • After:
    • SCHULZ, O.E. 1936. Cruciferae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien II,17b
    • JONSELL, B. 1982. Cruciferae. Flora of tropical East Africa, Cruciferae
    • TAKHTAJAN, A. 1997. Diversity and classification of flowering plants. Columbia University Press, New York
  • Tribe Chamireae (Fruit a shortly stipitate siliqua; cotyledons persistent, leaf-like, folded longitudinally, with margins deeply folded in again; filaments not appendiculate; hairs absent):
    • Chamira
  • Tribe Heliophileae (Fruit a siliqua; cotyledons twice transversely folded; filaments with appendages or papillate at base; hairs absent or simple):
    • Cycloptychis
    • Heliophila
    • Thlaspeocarpa
  • Tribe Brassiceae (Fruit usually a siliqua with a distinct, few-seeded to seedless stylar beak, or transversely septate into an upper and lower segment; cotyledons longitudinally folded, spirally or incumbent or accumbent; filaments rarely with appendages; hairs simple or absent):
    • *Brassica
    • *Crambe
    • *Diplotaxis
    • *Eruca
    • Erucastrum
    • *Hirschfeldia
    • *Raphanus
    • *Rapistrum
    • *Sinapis
  • Tribe Sisymbrieae (Fruit a siliqua, rarely a silicula; cotyledons incumbent; filaments linear, not appendiculate; hairs branched, forked or simple):
    • *Arabidopsis
    • *Descurainia
    • Sisymbrium
  • Tribe Arabideae (Fruit a siliqua, very rarely a silicula; cotyledons accumbent, rarely incumbent; filaments linear, not appendiculate, sometimes flattened or thickened at base; hairs branched or simple):
    • Aplanodes
    • *Barbarea
    • Cardamine
    • Rorippa
    • *Turritis
  • Tribe Lepidieae (Fruit a narrowly septate silicula, usually dehiscent; cotyledons incumbent or accumbent; filaments often appendiculate or widened; hairs branched or simple):
    • Brachycarpaea
    • *Camelina
    • *Capsella
    • *Cardaria
    • *Coronopus
    • *Hymenolobus
    • Lepidium
    • *Thlaspi
  • Tribe Hesperideae (Fruit a broadly septate, flat or inflated silicula, rarely elongated into a siliqua; cotyledons accumbent; filaments linear or appendiculate; hairs mostly branched: stellate, forked, 2-fid or rarely simple):
    • *Alyssum
    • *Lobularia
    • *Matthiola
  • Tribe Lunarieae (Fruit a compressed silicula; cotyledons twice transversely folded; filaments not appendiculate; hairs absent):
    • Schlechteria
    • Silicularia