e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710247850315_8170596509685497" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Hy<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710247850315_7183594022359001" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>poxis
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Hypoxidaceae - Hypoxis L.


  • Herbaceous pubescent geophytes; indumentum on leaves, pedicels, ovary and backs of outer tepals; hairs whitish to reddish brown, stellate to biramous, rarely wanting
  • Rhizome vertical, slow-growing, often large, subglobse to elongated, often with yellow sap; roots stout, present mostly in upper half of rhizome
  • Leaves few to many, basal, tristichous, striate, linear to ovate, with intercalary meristem, clasping basally and often surrounded by dry basal fibres of older leaves, occasionally petiolate
  • Inflorescence an axillary raceme or corymb, rarely 1-flowered; scape long, leafless; bracts narrow, 1 or sometimes 2 subtending each flower
  • Flowers stellate, often opposite, yellow or occasionally white, with green backs; pedicels long or short
  • Tepals 6(4), free, patent, subequal, narrowly ovate, persistent and connivent during ripening of fruit
  • Stamens 6(4), exserted, arising from tepal base, spreading, short; filaments filiform to subulate; anthers latrorse, basifixed, ± versatile when older
  • Ovary turbinate to clavate, 3-locular, with many axile ovules; style short, cylindrical; stigma obconical, 3-grooved
  • Capsule turbinate to obovoid, thin-walled, circumscissile or loculicidal
  • Seeds subglobose, black to dark brown, shiny or dull, verrucose to echinulate; raphe and hilum distinct
  • x = 7 (aneuploids, high polyploidy)


  • Hypoxis L.
    • Linnaeus: 986, 1366 (1759) in part, excluding H. fascicularis L.
    • Baker: 174 (1896) in part, excluding subgenus Ianthe
    • Wilsenach: 75 (1967)
    • Wilsenach & Papenfuss: 111 (1967)
    • Wilsenach & Warren: 133 (1967)
    • Sölch & Roessler: 1 (1969)
    • Heideman: 889 (1983)
    • Nordal et al.: 15 (1985)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 90, but probably fewer warrant recognition; pantropical, widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, America, SE Asia and Australia
  • Southern Africa: Species ± 45, centre of diversity, found in all countries and provinces except Botswana and Northern Cape


  • BAKER, J.G. 1896. Amaryllideae. Flora capensis 6
  • HEIDEMAN, M.E. 1983. Studies of diagnostic features in the genus Hypoxis L. (Hypoxidaceae) on the Witwatersrand. Bothalia 14
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1759. Systema naturae, edn 10, Vol. 2. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • NORDAL, I., LAANE, M.M., HOLT, E. & STAUBO, I. 1985. Taxonomic studies of the genus Hypoxis in East Africa. Nordic Journal of Botany 5
  • SÖLCH, A. & ROESSLER, H. 1969. Hypoxidaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 151
  • WILSENACH, R. 1967. Cytological observations on Hypoxis. 1. Somatic chromosomes and meiosis in some Hypoxis species. Journal of South African Botany 33
  • WILSENACH, R. & PAPENFUSS, J.N. 1967. Cytological observations on Hypoxis 2. Pollen germination, pollen tube growth and haploid chromosome numbers in some Hypoxis species. Journal of South African Botany 33
  • WILSENACH, R. & WARREN, J.L. 1967. Cytological observations on Hypoxis. Embryo-sac development in H. rooperi and H. filiformis. Journal of South African Botany 33