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SANBI Graphics & Editing and The SANBI Bookshop

SANBI Graphics & Editing

SANBI Graphics & Editing is a products-oriented, graphic design, botanical art and editing services unit founded on a fully qualified and skilled staff complement. The unit provides a diverse range of high quality print and electronic media to SANBI staff at all levels as well as external clients.

Ad hoc publications, and corporate and marketing materials are also produced at the request of SANBI divisions, programmes, and projects.

SANBI books are published in the following three SANBI monograph series:

  • SANBI Biodiversity Series
  • Strelitzia
  • Suricata

Two research journals are published:

  • The Flowering Plants of Africa (a DHET accredited biannual journal)
  • The Bothalia African Biodiversity Conservation Journal (an ISSN rated open access journal)

Free PDF copies of the Flowering Plants of Africa volumes, books published in the SANBI Biodiversity Series, Strelitzia and Suricata series, SANBI ad hoc publications, and the Trees of the year posters are available for download from the link below.

SANBI Bookshop Catalogue August 2023

Should you experience any issues downloading the free pdf files of a publication or poster, please contact the Bookshop at sanbibookshop@sanbi.org.za

SANBI Bookshop

Hard copies of all the SANBI books can be ordered from the SANBI Bookshop.

The order form is available in the Catalogue (see link above)

Printed copies of the Trees of the Year posters are freely available at the SANBI Bookshop, but postage or courier costs are payable if not collected at the Bookshop.

The SANBI Bookshop is situated at the National Herbarium building, Pretoria National Botanical Garden, 2 Cussonia Avenue, Brummeria, Pretoria.

The bookshop is open from 08:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

Please contact SANBI Graphics and Editing for more information.