e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1699527651406_6093318845090523" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Tyl<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1699527651406_023158122116963664" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>osema
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Fabaceae - Caesalpinioideae - Cercideae - Tylosema (Schweinf.) Torre & Hillc.


  • Shrubs with trailing or climbing stems, herbaceous or woody towards base, arising from a large, underground tuber; tendrils usually present, forked, axillary
  • Leaves simple, bilobed at apex or sometimes divided almost to cordate base; lobes oval to obovate or reniform; stipules oblong to squarish, appressed to stem, persistent
  • Inflorescence a lateral short to elongate raceme
  • Flowers bisexual, irregular, medium to rather small, yellow
  • Calyx arising from short receptacle; sepals 5, the two upper usually completely or partly fused, others free
  • Petals 5; upper one bicallose at base and smaller than others
  • Stamens 2 fertile, (7)8 staminodial, unequal, some ± flattened
  • Ovary long-stalked; style elongate, with small stigma
  • Pod woody, dehiscent or indehiscent (1)2-seeded
  • Seeds large, with short U-shaped mark extending from hilum


  • Tylosema (Schweinf.) Torre & Hillc.
    • Torre & Hillcoat: 38 (1955)
    • Torre & Hillcoat: 194 (1956)
    • Brenan: 213 (1967)
    • Schreiber: 19 (1967)
    • Coetzer & Ross: 61 (1977)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 4, Africa
  • Southern Africa: Species 2, Namibia, the four northern provinces, Swaziland, N KwaZulu-Natal and Northern Cape


  • BRENAN, J.P.M. 1967. Flora of tropical East Africa. Leguminosae (part 2). Caesalpinioideae
  • COETZER, L.A. & ROSS, J.H. 1977. Subfamily 2. Caesalpinioideae. Flora of southern Africa 16,2
  • SCHREIBER, A. 1967. Caesalpiniaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 59
  • TORRE, A.R. DA & HILLCOAT, J.O.D. 1955. Novidades da flora de Angola por A.W. Exell e F.A. Mendonça. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana ser. 2, 29
  • TORRE, A.R. DA & HILLCOAT, J.O.D 1956. Caesalpinioideae. Conspectus florae Angolensis 2