e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703069124627_18921301823970316" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Campanul<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703069124628_5167700914380859" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.


Compiled by W.G. Welman


  • Herbs, undershrubs, or small shrubs, often with milky juice
  • Leaves alternate, rarely opposite or whorled, simple, entire, toothed, lobed or cut, rarely rudimentary; stipules 0
  • Flowers bisexual, regular, in cymes, racemes or panicles or axillary and solitary; bracts present or absent
  • Calyx (3 or 4)5(6-10)-lobed or -partite (calyx tube refers to portion above ovary); lobes equal or unequal, valvate
  • Corolla gamopetalous, 4- or 5-lobed; tube campanulate, cylindric, rarely funnel-shaped, arising at line where calyx becomes free from ovary
  • Stamens as many as corolla lobes and alternating with them, free from or arising in corolla tube; filaments free or connate into a tube, often dilated at base; anthers free but often connivent, 2-thecous, opening lengthwise
  • Ovary inferior, half-superior or rarely superior, (1)2-5(6-10)-locular, with axile placentas, rarely basal or apical, 2-few to many ovules in each locule; style simple, often hidden by connate to connivent stamens; stigmas as many as locules
  • Fruit a capsule or berry, often crowned with persistent calyx, variously dehiscent, rarely indehiscent
  • Seeds often small, smooth or reticulate-rugose

Classification Notes:

  • Lobeliaceae (incl. Cyphiaceae) is sometimes classified under Campanulaceae in broad sense, which would then consist of three subfamilies, namely Campanuloideae (Flowers ± regular; anthers usually eventually free: all genera of Campanulaceae in strict sense, treated below); Cyphioideae (Flowers irregular; stamens sometimes united, anthers free: Cyphia); Lobelioideae (Flowers usually irregular; anthers connate: Grammatotheca, Lobelia, Monopsis, Wimmerella (=Laurentia))


  • Campanulaceae
    • Sonder: 530 (1865) in broad sense, excluding Lobeliaceae and Goodeniaceae
    • Thulin: 87 (1983)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera ± 35, species ± 700, cosmopolitan, especially in Mediterranean region and southern Africa, relatively few in the African tropics
  • Southern Africa: Genera 12, species ± 260


  • SONDER, W. 1865. Campanulaceae, Campanuleae. Flora capensis 3
  • THULIN, M. 1983. Campanulaceae. Flora zambesiaca 7,1