e-Key v3 - Stangeria
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Stangeriaceae - Stangeria T.Moore


  • Plants dioecious, with thick roots merging into simple or branched subterranean stems
  • Stem tuberous, with leaf or leaves from apex of each stem or branch, alternating with series of small scale-like bracts
  • Leaves pinnate, 1-4 from each stem, somewhat fern-like, petiolate, deciduous; leaflets in several to many opposite or subopposite pairs, with a conspicuous midrib and dichotomously forked lateral veins
  • Cones with scales (sporophylls) arranged spirally, tightly imbricate upwards
  • Male scales with pollen cells stipitate on lower surface towards base; pollen ellipsoidal, without wings or air-bladders
  • Female scales stalked, with 2 ovules, 1 on either side and above pedicel and with micropyle directed towards cone axis; scale head, or bulla shield-like, with incurved lateral lobes
  • Seeds with fleshy outer layer tightly adhering to hard inner shell encasing copious endosperm; cotyledons 2
  • x = 6


  • Stangeria T.Moore
    • Moore: 228 (1853)
    • Hutchinson & Rattray: 25 (1933)
    • Dyer: 1 (1966)
    • Johnson & Wilson: 371 (1990)
    • Jones: 265 (1993)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 1: Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Nash, N KwaZulu-Natal to Eastern Cape near East London, in coastal grassland and forest


  • DYER, R.A. 1966. Stangeriaceae. Flora of southern Africa 1
  • HUTCHINSON, J. & RATTRAY, G. 1933. Cycadaceae. Flora capensis 5, 2 (Supplement)
  • JOHNSON, L.A.S. & WILSON, K.L. 1990. Stangeriaceae. In K. Kubitzki, The families and genera of vascular plants 1. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
  • JONES, D.L. 1993. Cycads of the world. Reed, Sydney
  • MOORE, T. 1853. List of Mr Plant's Natal ferns. Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Gardens Miscellany 5