e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1699867971742_17144972270612802" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Loto<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1699867971742_45348014581995955" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>nonis
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Fabaceae - Papilionoideae - Crotalarieae - Lotononis (DC.) Eckl. & Zeyh.


  • Annual, perennial suffrutescent herbs or small shrubs
  • Leaves alternate or rarely opposite, usually petiolate, digitately 3(4-8)-foliolate, rarely simple or 1-foliolate; stipules small or foliaceous, usually single at each node, less commonly paired or 0
  • Flowers usually yellow (often partly orange, pink or white) or blue, rarely pink, pale purple, violet or white, axillary or terminal, usually solitary, sometimes 2- or 3-nate, or in heads, or sometimes head-like racemes, often pedunculate, usually bracteate
  • Calyx with campanulate tube, occasionally somewhat inflated; 4 upper lobes substantially united, lowest narrower than others, rarely lobes subequal
  • Petals: vexillum ovate to oblong with short or long claw, sometimes with 2 cushions at upper end of claw, glabrous or hairy outside; wings sometimes shorter than keel, clawed, eared at base; keel clawed, eared at base, usually gibbous
  • Stamens monadelphous, unequal, usually with tube split to base, open along upper (vexillar) side, rarely much united; anthers usually unequal, 4 oblong to linear and basifixed, 5 ovate and dorsifixed, carinal one intermediate
  • Ovary sessile or shortly stalked, few- to many-ovuled; style curved up and tapering, occasionally hairy towards base, with minutely capitate stigma
  • Pod subsessile or rarely long-stipitate, flat or turgid, linear to oblong or ovate
  • Seeds on long funicle, suborbicular to obliquely cordiform
  • x = 9, 14 (polyploidy)


  • Lotononis (DC.) Eckl. & Zeyh.
    • Ecklon & Zeyher: 176 (1836) name conserved
    • Harvey: 47 (1862)
    • Dümmer: 275 (1913)
    • Dahlgren: 371 (1964)
    • Van Wyk: 92 (1991)
  • Buchenroedera Eckl. & Zeyh.
    • Ecklon & Zeyher: 194 (1836)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 150, Africa, with few extending to east tropical Africa, the Mediterranean and Pakistan
  • Southern Africa: Species 144, widespread


  • DAHLGREN, R. 1964. The genus Euchlora Eckl. & Zeyh. as distinguished from Lotononis Eckl. & Zeyh. Botaniska Notiser 117
  • DÜMMER, R.A. 1913. A synopsis of the species of Lotononis, Eckl. & Zeyh., and Pleiospora Harv. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 3
  • ECKLON, C.F. & ZEYHER, K.L.P. 1836. Enumeratio plantarum africae australis extratropicae 2: 176, 194. Perthes & Besser, Hamburg
  • HARVEY, W.H. 1862. Leguminosae. Flora capensis 2
  • VAN WYK, B.-E. 1991. A synopsis of the genus Lotononis (Fabaceae: Crotalarieae). Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 14