e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706191108170_6519411112871467" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Aster<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706191108170_7374264702790061" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Tribes
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • Key to the tribes after Anderberg (1989), Keeley and Jansen (1991), Jeffrey & Pope: 2 (1992), Karis: 197 (1992) and Robinson: 199 (1992)
  • Corymbium is not assigned to a tribe (see first couplet)
  • In this key the Helenieae key out twice together with the Heliantheae
    • The main difference between these two tribes is the presence (Heliantheae) or absence (Helenieae) of receptacular paleae
    • Selection is offered in the relevent couplets
  • The insufficiently known genus Cypselodontia DC. was not considered in the compilation of the keys.
  • * Consider cypselas to be black if the body of the mature cypsela is shiny-black, at least in part; paler striations, ribs or wings may be present.
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  • Plants monocotyledonous in appearance
  • Capitula discoid, 1-flowered
  • Upper involucral bracts sheathing flower
  • Plants not exhibiting the above characters in combination
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  • Corollas all strap-shaped, equally 5-toothed at the apex (florets ligulate - no. 6)
  • Latex present in plant
  • Corollas not strap-shaped, if radiate, then these with 4 or fewer equal or unequal apical teeth
  • Latex rarely present
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  • Style branches with sweeping hairs consisting of 2 or 3 cells separated by vertical walls
  • Endothecial cells with transverse thickenings in only basal half
  • Lobes of disc florets with accessory apical vein
  • Sweeping hairs, endothecial cells and lobes of disc florets not as above
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  • Style branches with conspicuous papillose appendages
  • Capitula discoid, with florets all bisexual, not yellow
  • Corollas with 5(4) relatively short, broad apical lobes
  • Mature cypselas black*
  • Style branches, capitula, corollas and mature cypselas not showing the above combination of character states
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  • Involucral bracts uniseriate, cohering by their overlapping margins, or partly or wholly connate, with or without a calyculus
  • Pappus present
  • Involucral bracts imbricate, in 2 or more rows, free or connate
  • OR uniseriate but then bracts not cohering or pappus 0 or capitula unisexual or cypselas densely villous with long hairs from base
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  • Involucral bracts with evident elongated oil glands
  • Cypselas black* when mature
  • Involucral bracts without elongated oil glands
  • Cypselas not black* when mature
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  • Style branches long, gradually attenuate-acute, shortly hairy on outside, style shaft similarly hairy on upper part
  • Capitula homogamous, all florets bisexual
  • Styles and capitula not exhibiting above combination of character states, or capitula unisexual
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  • Capitula with all or only outer florets bilabiate
  • Corollas with 3-toothed outer lips and 2-lobed inner lips
  • Capitula without any such bilabiate florets
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  • Capitula discoid
  • Involucral bracts without scarious unlobed appendages or apices, and without scarious margins
  • OR capitula radiant (capitula discoid but outer florets ± enlarged and sterile, not true ray flowers)
  • OR capitula unisexual and plants dioecious
  • Appendages of involucral bracts, if present, spiniform and/or pinnately divided
  • Capitula radiate or disciform but not radiant as above
  • OR capitula discoid and involucral bracts with unlobed, scarious, often white or coloured appendages or apices or with scarious, usually brownish margins, but not with spiniform and/or pinnately divided appendages
  • OR capitula unisexual and plants monoecious
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  • Leaves spiny or bristly spiny at least towards base
  • Leaves neither spiny nor bristly spiny
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  • Anthers tailed (caudate)
  • Receptacle densely setose
  • Anthers not tailed (ecaudate)
  • Receptacle alveolate with fringed alveolae
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  • Corolla lobes ± as long as broad, or if much longer than broad then leaves opposite
  • Capitula sometimes of only 1 floret, or capitula aggregated into glomerules
  • Corolla lobes of tubular florets much longer than broad
  • Leaves alternate
  • Capitula of more than 1 floret, not aggregated into glomerules
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  • Receptacle densely setose
  • Inner florets bisexual, outer sterile
  • Receptacle naked, not setose
  • All florets unisexual
  • Plants dioecious
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  • Style branches of disc florets connate in lower part, connate part thicker than style shaft and abruptly marked off from it by ring of short hairs at its base
  • Capitula always bisexual
  • Style branches of disc florets long to short or 0 but connate lower part of style branches, if present, not as above or capitula unisexual and plants monoecious
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  • Receptacle paleate and leaves opposite, or leaves not opposite and mature cypselas black* and/or capitula glomerulate
  • OR receptacle epaleate and pappus of scales and/or leaves opposite and/or mature cypselas black and/or capitula unisexual and/or capitula glomerulate
  • Pappus not of slender bristles, or if of bristles then bristles plumose
  • Receptacle epaleate (although sometimes hairy or fimbrillate)
  • OR receptacle paleate and leaves not opposite (although sometimes opposite on upper stem) and cypselas not black* when mature, or capitula not unisexual
  • Capitula glomerulate or not
  • OR if lower leaves opposite then pappus of slender barbellate bristles, at least in disc florets, or pappus 0, receptacle naked and capitula not glomerulate
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  • Style branches of bisexual or functionally male florets each with a subulate to triangular papillose appendage
  • Style branches of bisexual or functionally male florets acute to rounded, or truncate and fringed with short hairs or papillae, or shortly conical at apex with subdistal fringe of hairs, not appendaged
  • or style undivided
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  • Receptacle alveolate
  • Pappus a deeply and unequally laciniate corona
  • Capitula disciform
  • Receptacle, pappus and capitula not showing the above combination of character states
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  • Involucral bracts with scarious, usually brown, often erose margins, not appendaged
  • Leaves often pinnatipartite
  • Style branches apically truncate and fringed, or style undivided and truncate
  • Pappus 0, or if present, then a short lacerate crown or lobed auricle, or leaves pinnatipartite and outer pappus of 5 white petaloid scales
  • Involucral bracts green and herbaceous (though often with hyaline margins), or with scarious, membranous, often white or coloured appendages or apices, or rarely appendages foliose
  • Leaves never pinnatipartite
  • A pappus of hairs or scales present in at least some florets, or if 0 then style branches not truncate and fringed
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  • Pappus 0
  • Fruit large, curved, angular or winged cypselas, or smooth drupes
  • Capitula radiate
  • Pappus present or 0
  • Fruit small cypselas and not as above
  • Capitula radiate or disciform
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  • Capitula radiate
  • Ray florets neuter, or if fertile then style branches shortly conical at apex with subdistal fringe of hairs
  • Capitula radiate, disciform or discoid
  • Ray florets, if present, female
  • Style branches not as above
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  • Stems without resin ducts
  • Leaves generally entire, with hairs of type B (hairs with 1 basal cell and a very long terminal cell)
  • Involucral bracts with entire or divided sclerenchymatous basal portion
  • Pollen with 2-layered double sexine
  • Stems with or without resin ducts
  • Leaves dentate, denticulate, serrulate or pinnatifid, rarely entire, with hairs of type A (multiseptate hairs with short cells)
  • Involucral bracts with undivided sclerenchymatous portion
  • Pollen with 1-layered sexine
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  • Female florets in 1 row, radiate, miniradiate, rarely filiform, or absent
  • Style with acute sweeping hairs ending above furcation, rarely with obtuse sweeping hairs (Anisopappus)
  • Female florets in several rows, filiform or rarely radiate
  • Style with obtuse sweeping hairs