e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706525173430_5525835100850032" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Orchid<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706525173431_1846283008317935" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera (Key 1)
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

A natural concept is here used as a basis of the key to subfamilies and tribes which has been largely adopted from Dressler (1993) and Linder & Kurzweil (1994). Keys to the genera are artificial and follow Stewart et al. (1982).

Family Orchidaceae
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  • Plants epiphytic, epilithic or terrestrial, rarely lianas, frequently with corms or pseudobulbs but not with root tubers
  • Leaves thin and soft, leathery or succulent
  • Anther incumbent or rarely suberect, operculate
  • Pollinia soft-mealy, sectile or hard and waxy
  • Plants terrestrial without pseudobulbs or corms, frequently with root tubers
  • Very rarely growing on trees or rocks but then always having fleshy root tubers
  • Leaves thin and soft, deciduous
  • Anther erect, horizontally reflexed or pendent, not incumbent and not operculate
  • Pollinia almost always sectile
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  • Anther erect and subequal to rostellum
  • Plants terrestrial or occasionally epiphytic, without root tubers
  • Anther erect, horizontally reflexed or pendent and rostellum much shorter than anther
  • Root tubers almost always present
  • Plants terrestrial or rarely epiphytic
Subfamily Spiranthoideae
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  • Leaves convolute, soft-herbaceous, often arranged ± rosette-like
  • Inflorescence terminal
  • Leaves plicate
  • Stems reed-like
  • Inflorescences lateral or terminal
Subfamily Orchidoideae
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  • Anther horizontally reflexed or pendent
  • Very rarely secondarily erect or suberect but then either median sepal spurred and large lip appendage present or petals clawed and fimbriate
  • Anther erect or suberect
  • Median sepal unspurred
  • Petals not clawed and fimbriate
  • Lip often spurred, always without large appendage
Subfamily Epidendroideae
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  • Pollinia soft and mealy or sectile
  • Pollinia firm or hard, not sectile
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  • Pollinia 8, soft, but clearly defined
  • Pollinia 2 and sectile, or mealy and ill-defined
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  • Terrestrial plants with 1 green leaf that develops after the flowers
  • Plants arising from subterraneous tubers
  • Pollinia 2, sectile
  • Plants not as above
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  • Saprophytes
  • Pollinia 2, sectile
  • Lianas with green stems
  • Pollinia soft and mealy
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  • Pollinia naked, without caudicles and stipes, sometimes with viscidia
  • Pollinia with caudicles, often with viscidia and stipes
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  • Inflorescence terminal
  • Plants with or without pseudobulbs, terrestrial or epiphytic
  • Inflorescence lateral
  • Plants with pseudobulbs, epiphytic
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  • Plants monopodial
  • Plants sympodial
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  • Plants mostly terrestrial
  • If epiphytic then with long fusiform leafy pseudobulbs and large yellow resupinate flowers with brown blotches
  • Plants always epiphytic
  • Flowers small to medium-sized and not resupinate
Tribe Cranichideae
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  • Stems erect, median sepal and petals connivent to form hood
  • Flowers almost hidden by floral bracts
  • In our area recorded only from Botswana and Durban (KwaZulu-Natal)
  • Stems fleshy, long, prostrate in leaf litter and turning erect to flower
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  • Lateral sepals free
  • Lateral sepals fused for at least half their length
Tribe Diseae
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  • Column-part elongate
  • Sepals and petals spreading and similar
  • Flowers not resupinate
  • Anther almost always pendent
  • Column-part short or 0
  • Sepals and petals not similar
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  • Flowers irregular
  • Lip spurs 2, almost always present, rarely saccate or obsolete
  • Viscidia 1 or 2
  • Flowers almost regular
  • Spurs 0
  • Viscidia 2
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  • Petals spathulate, margins deeply fimbriate
  • Anther thecae diverging at base
  • Petals entire or lobed, not spathulate
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  • Petals adnate to median sepal to form galea, median sepal spurred or not
  • Lip ascending at base and fused with gynostemium
  • Petals free from median sepal
  • Lip not basally fused with gynostemium
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  • Lateral sepals spurred or saccate
  • Flowers resupinate
  • Lateral sepals not spurred or saccate
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  • Median sepal with slender or clavate spur
  • Flowers resupinate
  • Lip shorter than gynostemium
  • Median sepal not spurred, but sometimes saccate
  • Flowers resupinate or not
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  • Lip blade anchor-shaped, rhomboid or reniform
  • Lip blade not as above
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  • Lip appendage present or 0, if present, deeply bilobed to near its base
  • Underground organ cluster of furry roots, sometimes in addition root tubers present
  • Gynostemium with short undifferentiated column-part
  • Lip appendage present, entire though apically bifid
  • Underground organs root tubers
  • Column-part 0
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  • Median sepal and petals forming shallow hood
  • Median sepal and petals forming deep globose hood, widespread, if median sepal rather shallow then lip appendage with prominent median keel on front side
  • Flowers not resupinate
  • Plants from southern Drakensberg (KwaZulu-Natal) and Eastern Cape
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  • Lip complex, with ascending basal part, flat middle part and tooth-like mucronate apex
  • Lip simple, rarely lobed or fimbriate
  • Viscidia 1 or 2
Tribe Orchideae
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  • Stigma sessile, undivided, borne in cavity below rostellum or on cushion or pad in front of gynostemium
  • Stigmatic areas 2, convex or situated on stalks
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  • Stem with many lanceolate or broadly lanceolate leaves
  • Stem not densely leafy
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  • Leaves 1 or 2, basal and adpressed to ground, suborbicular or cordate, rarely withered at flowering time
  • Stem erect, often hairy
  • Sepals green, herbaceous, different in texture from petals
  • Petals and lip often fimbriate
  • Leaves not adpressed to ground, if basal and solitary then sepals white
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  • Flowers 1, very rarely 2
  • Sepals and petals subequal
  • Flowers more than 5
  • Petals longer than sepals
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  • Leaves (3-)5-30, linear, narrowly lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, clustered in basal part of stem
  • Inflorescence drooping
  • Flowers not resupinate
  • Sepals much longer than petals
  • Lip with spur 0.2-6.0 mm long
  • Leaves 1-3, basal
  • Lip not spurred
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  • Leaf 1
  • Sepals more than twice as long as petals
  • Leaves 2 or 3
  • Sepals and petals subequal
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  • Petals undivided
  • Petals deeply bilobed
  • Flowers green, green and white or yellowish green
  • Lip always spurred
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  • Flowers green or greenish yellow
  • Flowers white or lilac
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  • Leaves few to many, spreading in basal rosette
  • Lip with or without spur
  • Underground organ cluster of tuberous roots
  • Leaves 1 or 2, basal and suberect
  • Lip spurred
  • Roots tuberous
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  • Side lobes of lip fringed
  • Stigmatic arms bilobed
  • Side lobes of lip, if present, not fringed
  • Stigmatic arms entire
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  • Lateral sepals, anterior petal lobe, and lip basally adnate to stigmatic arms
  • Central rostellum lobe hood-like
  • Lateral sepals, anterior petal lobe, and lip ± free from stigmatic arms
Tribe Cymbidieae
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  • Plants epiphytic
  • Pseudobulbs elongate, leafy and narrowly fusiform
  • Flowers large, yellow with brown blotches
  • Spur 0
  • Plants terrestrial
  • Pseudobulbs (if present) with leaves mainly from apex
  • Spur present or 0
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  • Inflorescence terminal
  • Pseudobulbs 0
  • Leaves stiff, conduplicate
  • Inflorescence lateral
  • Pseudobulbs or corms present
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  • Lip mostly 4-lobed
  • Pseudobulbs consisting of single node
  • Lip 3-lobed or entire
  • Compressed pseudobulbs or corms consisting of more than one node, each new growth with several leaves
Tribe Gastrodieae
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  • Flowers held upright, sepals and petals united at base only, fruiting pedicel elongating to 90-200 mm at maturity
  • Flowers drooping and bell-shaped, sepals and petals united, pedicels not elongating in fruit
Tribe Malaxideae
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  • Plants epiphytic, without pseudobulbs
  • Leaves equitant and succulent, arranged in fan
  • Plants terrestrial or rarely epilithic or epiphytic
  • Pseudobulbs present though sometimes small
  • Leaves 2-4, ovate and flat, rather thin
Tribe Vandeae
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  • Plants with fan of succulent, equitant and laterally compressed leaves
  • Flowers small, white
  • Plants not as above
  • Leaves flat, keeled, cylindrical or 0
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  • Flowers yellow with purple markings
  • Spur saccate
  • Flowers white, cream-coloured or pale green, sometimes with darker tinges on apices of tepals and spur
  • Spur various
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  • Plants leafless
  • Plants with green leaves
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  • Stem elongate, up to 400 mm long
  • Roots emerging all along its length
  • Stem shorter or plants almost stemless
  • Roots arising from base
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  • Spur 1-6 mm long
  • Spur 17-45 mm long
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  • Anther cap bright green
  • Perianth campanulate with broadly rounded lobes
  • Anther cap yellow, brown or dull green
  • Perianth lobes narrow and pointed
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  • Lip wide at base and encircling gynostemium
  • Rostellum very short and emarginate
  • Lip inserted below gynostemium and normally not encircling it
  • Rostellum various
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  • Flowers 1 or rarely 2 per inflorescence
  • Rostellum short and emarginate
  • Flowers normally 3 or more
  • Rostellum mostly beaked
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  • Flowers white
  • Apical half of lip not or only shallowly 3-lobed
  • Flowers green, cream, pale brown or yellow
  • Apical half of lip various
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  • Sepals and petals narrow and pointed, similar to lip
  • Sepals and petals not as above
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  • Leaves conduplicate but flat in upper part
  • Stipe 1, entire
  • Leaves V-shaped throughout
  • Stipe(s) 1 or 2
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  • Stipe 1, Y-shaped, divided for nearly half its length
  • Spur usually less than 45 mm long
  • Stipes 2, free to near base
  • Spur 8-90 mm long
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  • Flowers star-like with broadly ovate-lanceolate perianth lobes
  • Lateral sepals 9-11 mm long
  • Spur 50-90 mm long
  • Flowers not as above
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  • Lip ecallose
  • Anther cap not bright green
  • Spur mouth wide
  • Sepals and petals mostly acute and often reflexed
  • Lip mostly callose at base, if rarely without callus then anther cap conspicuously green and perianth campanulate with broadly obtuse sepals and petals
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  • Lip apically deeply 3-lobed, side lobes often fringed
  • Stipe and viscidium 1
  • Lip apically not deeply 3-lobed
  • Stipes 2
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  • Lip without callus
  • Anther cap not bright green
  • Spur mouth wide
  • Sepals and petals often reflexed, acute
  • Lip mostly with callus in spur mouth, if rarely without callus then anther cap conspicuously green, and sepals and petals broadly obtuse