e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706524999431_9170267648123713" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Orchid<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706524999431_30205039658065513" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera (Key 2)
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Artificial key to all southern African genera.

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  • Terrestrial herbs, rarely lianas creeping in bushes but rooting in ground
  • If growing on trees or rocks then with fleshy root tubers and thin, soft leaves
  • Plants epiphytic on trees or shrubs, sometimes epilithic
  • Always without root tubers
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  • Pollinia in pouch-like structures without removable cap
  • Underground organs almost always root tubers, rarely clusters of thick roots with furry sheath or bundles of thick fleshy roots (in the latter case leaves arranged in basal rosette)
  • Pollinia at apex of gynostemium under removable anther cap
  • If anther cap insignificant or absent, underground organs not root tubers
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  • Gynostemium with significant basal column-part which is longer than wide
  • Anther pendent
  • Gynostemium without prominent column-part
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  • Lip galeate, usually with 2 sacs or spurs at base
  • Lip flat, spurless
  • Perianth lobes similar
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  • Lip or its side lobes with fringed or lacerated margin
  • Lip not with fringed margin, if lobed then with less than 6 lobes
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  • Median sepal spurred
  • Median sepal not spurred
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  • Lip with large appendage
  • Lip not appendiculate
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  • Leaves cauline
  • Leaves 1 or 2, basal, adpressed to ground
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  • Petals fringed
  • Petals not fringed
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  • Flowers large, almost always solitary
  • Flowers small, 3 to numerous
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  • Lateral sepals each with spur or sac
  • Lateral sepals without spurs or sacs
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  • Lip spurred
  • Lip not spurred
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  • Receptive surface of stigmas on 2 projecting, club-shaped organs
  • Receptive surface of stigmas flat or concave, in cavity below rostellum
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  • Flowers green, yellowish green, or green and white
  • Flowers pink or white, often with darker markings
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  • Lateral sepals and lower petal lobes fused to stigmatic arms
  • Lateral sepals and lower petal lobes not fused to stigmatic arms
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  • Leaves numerous, in basal rosette
  • Leaves 1 or 2, at base of stem
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  • Leaves scattered along stem
  • Leaves basal or clustered in lower stem portion
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  • Petals as long as or longer than sepals
  • Inflorescences erect
  • Leaves 1 or 2, adpressed to ground
  • Petals shorter than sepals
  • Inflorescences normally nodding
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  • Lip without appendage
  • Lip with prominent appendage
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  • Lip basally erect and fused to gynostemium, anchor-shaped
  • Lip not as above
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  • Stigmas 2, club-shaped
  • Stigma 1, not club-shaped
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  • Leaves grass-like, linear or narrowly lorate, basal
  • Leaves not basal and grass-like
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  • Inflorescence apex nodding
  • Sepals 2-4 mm long
  • Inflorescence erect
  • Flowers mostly larger
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  • Lip linear or narrowly lorate, erect in front of gynostemium and shorter than it
  • Lip spreading or patent, as long as or longer than gynostemium
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  • Lip 3-lobed with prominent lobes
  • Lip entire or with minute side lobes
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  • Stem densely leafy
  • Stem only with sheaths
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  • Lip fiddle-shaped, with large tooth-like apex
  • Lip linear to elliptic, apex not tooth-like
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  • Leaf 1
  • Petals about half as long as sepals
  • Inflorescence slightly nodding
  • Leaves 2 to several
  • Petals ± as long as sepals
  • Inflorescence erect
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  • Leaves 2 or 3, basal
  • Median sepal unspurred
  • Anther erect
  • Leaves several
  • Median sepal usually spurred
  • Anther mostly reflexed to a horizontal or pendent position
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  • Lip anchor-shaped or broadly rhomboid
  • Leaves cauline, linear and ± equally long
  • Lip not as above
  • Leaves various
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  • Lip appendage bilobed
  • Plant with cluster of thick roots with furry sheath
  • Lip appendage entire but apically bifid
  • Plants with root tubers
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  • Median sepal and petals forming shallow, concave hood
  • Median sepal and petals forming deep globose hood, widespread
  • If median sepal rather shallow, then lip appendage with prominent median keel on front side, flowers not resupinate and plants from southern Drakensberg (KwaZulu-Natal) and Eastern Cape
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  • Plants saprophytic, without green organs
  • Plants not saprophytic
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  • Flowers in upright position
  • Fruiting pedicel elongating to 90-200 mm when mature
  • Flowers bell-shaped and drooping
  • Pedicels not elongating in fruit
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  • Liana with leafless, green, succulent stems
  • Slender terrestrial herbs
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  • Plants with large single leaf appearing after flowering
  • Plants with several leaves which are always present at flowering
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  • Stems reed-like, 0.3-1 m long
  • Flowers white, with narrow sepals and petals over 45 mm long
  • Stems not reed-like
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  • Stems creeping in leaf litter and turning erect to flower
  • Stems not creeping and turning erect to flower
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  • Lateral sepals almost free
  • Lateral sepals united for at least half their length
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  • Gynostemium fused to lip
  • Gynostemium not fused to lip
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  • Inflorescence terminal
  • Inflorescence lateral
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  • Median sepal and petals connivent and forming hood
  • Flowers nearly hidden by bracts
  • Median sepal and petals not forming hood
  • Bracts small
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  • Lip spurless
  • Plants pseudobulbous
  • Leaves thin-tissued
  • Lip with short spur
  • Plants without pseudobulbs
  • Leaves leathery
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  • Pseudobulbs usually consisting of single node
  • Lip mostly 4-lobed
  • Pseudobulbs/underground corms consisting of more than one node
  • Lip usually 3-lobed
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  • Plants with fan of succulent and laterally compressed leaves
  • Inflorescences terminal, with more than 50 small yellow flowers
  • Mpumalanga
  • Plants usually with flat, keeled or cylindrical leaves, or leafless
  • If rarely with fan of succulent and laterally compressed leaves then inflorescences lateral and flowers less than 20
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  • Pseudobulbs present
  • Pseudobulbs absent
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  • Inflorescence lateral
  • Inflorescence terminal
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  • Flowers resupinate, large
  • Median sepal longer than 20 mm
  • Roots growing upwards to form root-basket
  • Flowers not resupinate, small or medium-sized
  • Median sepal shorter than 20 mm
  • Roots growing downwards
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  • Inflorescence terminal
  • Growth sympodial
  • Flowers not resupinate
  • Inflorescences lateral
  • Growth monopodial
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  • Plants with fan of succulent, equitant and laterally compressed leaves
  • Plants not with fan of succulent leaves
  • Leaves flat, keeled, cylindrical or absent
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  • Flowers yellow with purple markings
  • Spur saccate
  • Flowers uniformly white, cream-coloured, or pale green, sometimes with darker tinges on apices of tepals and spur
  • Spur various
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  • Plants leafless
  • Plants with green leaves
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  • Stem very elongate, up to 400 mm long
  • Roots emerging all along its length
  • Stem shorter or plants almost stemless
  • Roots from base
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  • Spur 1-6 mm long
  • Spur 17-45 mm long
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  • Anther cap bright green
  • Perianth campanulate with broadly rounded lobes
  • Anther cap yellow, brown or dull green
  • Perianth lobes narrow and pointed
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  • Lip wide at base and encircling gynostemium
  • Rostellum very short and emarginate
  • Lip arising below gynostemium, and normally not encircling it
  • Rostellum various
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  • Flowers 1 or rarely 2 per inflorescence
  • Rostellum short and emarginate
  • Flowers normally 3 or more
  • Rostellum mostly beaked
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  • Flowers white
  • Apical half of lip not or only shallowly 3-lobed
  • Flowers green, cream, pale brown or yellow
  • Apical half of lip various
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  • Sepals and petals narrow and pointed, similar to lip
  • Sepals and petals not as above
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  • Leaves conduplicate but flat in upper part
  • Stipe 1, entire
  • Leaves V-shaped throughout
  • Stipes 1 or 2
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  • Stipe 1, Y-shaped, divided for nearly half its length
  • Spur usually shorter than 45 mm
  • Stipes 2, free to near base
  • Spur 8-90 mm long
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  • Flowers star-like with broadly ovate-lanceolate perianth lobes
  • Lateral sepals 9-11 mm long
  • Spur 50-90 mm long
  • Flowers not as above
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  • Lip ecallose
  • Anther cap not bright green
  • Spur mouth wide
  • Sepals and petals mostly acute and often reflexed
  • Lip mostly callose at base, if rarely without callus then anther cap conspicuously green and perianth campanulate with broadly obtuse sepals and petals
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  • Lip apically deeply 3-lobed, side lobes often fringed
  • Stipe and viscidium solitary
  • Lip apically not deeply 3-lobed
  • Stipes 2
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  • Lip without callus
  • Anther cap not bright green
  • Spur mouth wide
  • Sepals and petals often reflexed, acute
  • Lip mostly with callus in spur mouth, if rarely without callus then anther cap conspicuously green, and sepals and petals broadly obtuse