e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706530092642_8296145800205204" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Po<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706530092642_137150894776761" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
Key to Keys
Backtrack a
  • Culms woody: bamboos
  • Leaf lamina usually constricted into a pseudo-petiole
  • Flowering erratically
  • (if spikelets unisexual see Olyra)
  • Culms usually herbaceous
  • Leaf lamina usually not constricted at base into a pseudo-petiole
  • Flowering annually
  • (if perennial, rhizomatous, lawn-forming and inflorescence inconspicuous, enclosed in upper leaf sheath, and of 2-4 spikelets and only anthers and stigmas long-exserted, see Pennisetum clandestinum)
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a complex leafy false panicle, spikelet-bearing axis (usually a short raceme) either single or paired, these closely to sparsely subtended by spathes and spatheoles
  • Inflorescence leafless, spikelet-bearing axis not closely subtended by spathes or spatheoles (sometimes closely associated with uppermost leaf)
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of either paired or of 3 to many digitately or subdigitately arranged branches at apex of culm, sometimes enclosed by uppermost leaf at some stage of development
  • If inflorescence in false leafy panicles, then spikelet-bearing axis not obviously or closely associated with leaf-like spathes
  • Inflorescence not branched, or with spikelet-bearing branches not largely confined to apex of flowering culm
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a true spike or spike-like (spikelets or inflorescence branches being so closely packed against the axis to appear like a spike), linear to globose in shape, occasionally spikelet solitary on culm
  • Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle or raceme or with spike-like primary branches scattered up elongated central axis
Key 01
(Woody bamboos)
Backtrack a
  • Leaf blade strongly cross-veined, forming a tesselate pattern
  • Spikelets not in globose clusters
  • Stamens 3
  • Leaf blade not strongly cross-veined
  • Spikelets in globose clusters
  • Sstamens 6
Backtrack a
  • Culm sheath blade very broad
  • Culm sheath blade narrow
Key 02
(Inflorescence a complex, leafy, false panicle)
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence branches each subtended by a smooth ivory-like bead or cupule enclosing female spikelets
  • Male spikelets on a tassel exserted from bead
  • Annuals
  • Inflorescence branches not subtended by a smooth ivory-like bead or cupule
  • Annuals or perennials
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet subtended by a bristle
  • Spikelet not subtended by a bristle
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet awnless
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet awned or mucronate (sometimes minutely so)
Backtrack a
  • Pedicel of pedicelled spikelet free from rachis
  • Pedicel of pedicelled spikelet usually discernible but fused with rachis and appearing sessile
Backtrack a
  • Keels of lower glume of sessile spikelet winged
  • Inflorescence rachis joints transverse, internodes clavate
  • Sessile spikelet 4.5-5.0 mm long
  • Keels of lower glume of sessile spikelet not winged, (usually with a thick oil streak)
  • Inflorescence rachis joints oblique, internodes columnar to subclavate
  • Sessile spikelet 5-15 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Sessile spikelet globose
  • Lower glume conspicuously pitted or tuberculate
  • Raceme internodes oblong
  • Sessile spikelet elliptic to lanceolate
  • Lower glume smooth
  • Raceme internodes clavate or flattened to semicylindrical
Backtrack a
  • Racemes dorsally compressed, resembling the culm, tough
  • Plants perennial, decumbent or rambling
  • Basal sheaths without irritant hairs
  • Spikelets of a pair similar, especially in sexuality
  • Racemes cylindrical, fragile
  • Rrobust annuals, erect
  • Basal sheaths with irritant hairs
  • Spikelets of a pair very dissimilar, especially in sexuality
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets clustered into triangular units resembling a single spikelet, each unit usually 1-awned, rarely 2- or 3-awned, composed of a single, awned, sessile, bisexual spikelet and two pedicelled spikelets, enclosed by an involucre of 4 sterile sessile spikelets
  • Spikelets not in triangular units resembling a single spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Racemes solitary in spatheoles
  • Racemes 2 or more in spatheoles
Backtrack a
  • Ligule an unfringed membrane
  • Spatheole boat-shaped, distinct and closely associated with spikelet-bearing axis
  • Sessile spikelet 3.5-4.0 mm long
  • Ligule a fringed membrane or a fringe of hairs
  • Spatheole not boat-shaped, closely or not closely associated with spikelet-bearing axis
  • Sessile spikelet 4-20 mm long (rarely 2-3 mm long)
Backtrack a
  • Pedicelled spikelet smaller than sessile spikelet
  • Pedicelled spikelet larger than sessile spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet deeply and narrowly grooved
  • Inflorescence awned all the way
  • At least one glume per spikelet in pair long-awned
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet flat or rounded on back
  • Inflorescence awned only in upper part
  • Glumes of both spikelets in pair awnless
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence without conspicuous spathes and spatheoles subtending spikelet-bearing axis (low down on flowering culm(s) and closely appressed to inflorescence rachis)
  • Inflorescence with conspicuous spathes and spatheoles subtending spikelet-bearing axis
Backtrack a
  • Callus of sessile spikelet long, acute to pungent
  • Callus of sessile spikelet short, obtuse or rounded
Backtrack a
  • Pedicel and internodes longitudinally grooved with a translucent median line
  • Pedicel and internodes without a translucent median line
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet 2-lobed, awn from between lobes
  • Internodes of rachis ± cup-shaped on top
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet entire, apex gradually passing into awn
  • Internodes of rachis not cup-shaped
Backtrack a
  • Awn of upper lemma of sessile spikelet glabrous
  • Plants usually aromatic
  • Awn of upper lemma of sessile spikelet distinctly hairy
  • Plants not aromatic
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet flattened to rounded on back
  • Upper glume of sessile spikelet obtuse to acute or mucronate
  • Pedicelled spikelet 3-8(-10) mm long
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet with a shallow median groove
  • Upper glume of sessile spikelet acute to apiculate or shortly awned
  • Pedicelled spikelet 9-14 mm long
Key 03
(Inflorescence paired, digitate or subdigitate)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in triads with pedicels fused, the whole mimicking a single spikelet
  • Spikelets solitary or 2- to many-nate, pedicels not fused to resemble a single spikelet (one spikelet of a pair may be missing and only represented by an empty pedicel)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets 2-many-nate (at point of attachment to rachis)
  • Spikelets solitary (at point of attachment to rachis)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets all similar
  • Upper lemma usually similar to firmer in texture than glumes
  • Spikelets sessile, subsessile or equally or unequally pedicelled
  • Spikelet pairs usually dissimilar, if similar, then upper lemma of bisexual spikelet less firm in texture than glumes
  • 1 spikelet usually sessile or subsessile, the other pedicelled (long-short combination), sometimes pedicel without spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet awnless (glume or lemma sometimes long-acuminate and appearing awned)
  • Spikelet awned or mucronate (sometimes minutely so)
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma with narrow, inrolled margins clasping only edges of palea (Paspalum-type)
  • Upper lemma with flat, thin margins covering most of the palea and often overlapping (Digitaria-type)
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume as long as to slightly longer than spikelet
  • Lower glume shorter than spikelet or suppressed
Backtrack a
  • Florets 2 per spikelet, lower sterile or male, upper bisexual
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed, falling with glumes
  • Florets 2 or more per spikelet, lower floret(s) bisexual
  • Spikelet laterally compressed, disarticulating above glumes
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume well developed
  • Upper glume as long as lemma
  • Lower lemma awnless
  • Upper lemma awned, awn robust, shorter than spikelet
  • Lower glume absent
  • Upper glume a minute scale
  • Llower lemma awned, awn fine, longer than spikelet
  • Upper lemma awnless
Backtrack a
  • Glumes very unequal in size
  • Bisexual floret 1, rarely 2 per spikelet, rest reduced or sterile
  • Glumes ± equal in size
  • Bisexual florets 2-7 per spikelet, upper reduced or sterile
Backtrack a
  • Internodes of rachis and pedicels stout, 3-angled, rounded or flattened and thickened upwards
  • Upper lemma of bisexual spikelet (usually sessile spikelet) awnless
  • Internodes of rachis and pedicels slender, filiform or linear, sometimes thickened upwards, clavate or substantial, but then upper lemma of bisexual spikelet (usually sessile spikelet) awned
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet produced into long awn-like flattened tail
  • Sessile spikelet 20-40 mm long
  • Ligule a fringed membrane
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet without a long herbaceous tail
  • Sessile spikelet 6-8 mm long
  • Ligule an unfringed membrane
Backtrack a
  • Pedicelled spikelet long-awned (5-120 mm) from lower glume
  • Pedicelled spikelet awnless
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet strongly ridged due to prominent nerves
Backtrack a
  • Pedicelled spikelet absent, represented only by a flattened, linear pedicel
  • Glumes rugose
  • Coarse annuals
  • Leaf base amplexicaul
  • Pedicelled spikelet present
  • Glumes rugose or not
  • Annuals or perennials
  • Leaf base amplexicaul or not
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets unequally pedicelled
  • Subsessile spikelet male or sterile, awnless, long-pedicelled spikelet bisexual, awned
  • Spikelets usually 1 sessile and the other pedicelled, with only the sessile spikelet or both spikelets bisexual, awned or awnless
Backtrack a
  • Both spikelets of a pair with at least one lemma with large awn
  • Usually only sessile spikelet of a pair with at least one lemma with large awn
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet-bearing rachis substantial, clavate or inflated, often appearing U- or V-shaped from the back
  • Sessile or subsessile spikelet with lower palea well developed
  • Spikelet-bearing rachis slender
  • Sessile spikelet with lower palea absent or reduced
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume shallowly concave to medianly grooved
  • Spikelets and pedicels glabrous or sparsely hairy
  • Inflorescence open with spikelets loosely spaced
  • Plants rambling or creeping
  • Lower glume concave to ± flat
  • Spikelets and pedicels hairy
  • Inflorescence dense with spikelets closely spaced
  • Plants tufted
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet entire, gradually passing into awn
  • Callus of sessile spikelet not inserted into hollowed top of internode
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet lobed, awned from between lobes or low down on back
  • Callus of sessile spikelet inserted into hollowed top of internode (if not clear, then pedicels and internodes inflated)
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet acute to subacute
  • Pedicels and internodes longitudinally grooved with a translucent median line
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet obtuse to truncate
  • Pedicels and internodes not grooved, without a translucent median line
Backtrack a
  • Palea of lower floret of sessile or subsessile spikelet well developed
  • Inflorescence axis usually appears U- or V-shaped from the back
  • Palea absent in lower floret of sessile spikelet
  • Inflorescence axis not U- or V-shaped from the back
Backtrack a
  • Callus long, acute to pungent
  • Callus often short, obtuse to truncate
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet awned from between bilobed apex
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet not spinously muricate
  • Leaf base not markedly cordate
  • Callus obtuse
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet awned from low down on back
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet spinously muricate
  • Leaf base markedly cordate
  • Callus truncate
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence branches not obviously secund
  • Inflorescence branches obviously secund
Backtrack a
  • Ligule an unfringed membrane
  • Lemma 5-9-nerved, usually with a short stout awn
  • Florets all similar in shape
  • Hairs on lemma clavate and apiculate
  • Ligule a fringed membrane
  • Lemma 3-nerved, awn slender
  • Upper sterile florets modified to form a tuft of awns
  • Hairs on lemma not clavate
Backtrack a
  • Each inflorescence spike ending in a rigid, naked point
  • Each inflorescence spike not ending in a naked point
Backtrack a
  • Florets strictly 1 per spikelet, occasionally with a rachilla extension, rarely a vestigial floret present (if lower glume & palea missing and upper glume & lower lemma similar see Axonopus and Paspalum)
  • Florets 2 or more per spikelet, florets all fertile or mixed, some fertile and others male, sterile or reduced
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awned
  • Awn long and flexuous, becoming entangled with awns of other spikelets
  • Lemma awnless or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 12-15 mm long
  • Glumes very unequal
  • Spikelet 2.5-5.0 mm long
  • Glumes ± equal to unequal
Backtrack a
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet, rarely as long, but then not enclosing floret
  • Glumes enclosing spikelet
  • Floret not visible
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
  • Lower glume symmetrical in shape, both glumes medially keeled
  • Inflorescence branches two
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed
  • Lower glume asymmetrically 1-keeled, upper flat on back, 2-keeled
  • Inflorescence branches several
Backtrack a
  • Lemma(s) of bisexual floret(s) awnless, sometimes mucronate
  • Lemma(s) of bisexual floret(s) awned, awn sometimes minute
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet with 3-15 florets
  • Lemmas similar, sometimes uppermost reduced
  • Spikelet with 2 florets
  • Lemmas usually dissimilar, rarely 3 florets present, but then second floret male
Backtrack a
  • Lower floret male or reduced, upper floret bisexual (lower glume and lower palea absent, upper glume and lower lemma looking similar)
  • Lower floret bisexual, upper sterile, reduced or vestigial
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma with flat, thin margins covering most of the palea and often overlapping (Digitaria-type)
  • Lower palea present
  • Upper lemma with narrow, inrolled margins clasping only edges of palea (Paspalum-type)
  • Lower palea absent
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet abaxial (lower glume turned away from rachis, upper glume and lemma facing rachis)
  • Spikelet adaxial (upper glume and lemma turned away from rachis)
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume distinctly awned
  • Spikelets golden to dark brown
  • Sheaths strongly flabellate
  • Upper glume awnless
  • Spikelets not golden or dark brown
  • Sheaths not strongly flabellate
Backtrack a
  • Lemma rounded or flat on back
  • Lemma keeled
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet laterally compressed, 6-10 mm long
  • Lemma with short, sharp-pointed to obtuse or club-shaped hairs
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed, 3-5 mm long
  • Lemma glabrous
Backtrack a
  • Glumes unequal in size
  • Glumes ± equal in size (excluding awn)
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume awned, awn up to half as long as body of glume
  • Upper glume awnless or with an awn point
Backtrack a
  • Lemma of bisexual floret similar to firmer in texture than glumes
  • Lemma of bisexual floret less firm in texture than glumes
Backtrack a
  • Lemma hairy, awn 3-11 mm long
  • Spikelet cuneate
  • Glumes nearly to as long as spikelet
  • Hairy callus present
  • Lemma glabrous, awn 0.3-0.9 mm long
  • Spikelet oblong with serrated outline
  • Glumes much shorter than spikelet
  • Callus absent
Key 04
(Inflorescence a spike or spike-like)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets solitary on flowering culm
  • Spikelets many on flowering culm
Backtrack a
  • Florets 5-22 per spikelet, all florets bisexual, or uppermost sterile or reduced
  • Florets 3 per spikelet, lower 2 sterile and reduced to lemmas, upper bisexual
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet or clusters of spikelets enclosed in an involucre of bracts or subtended by 1 to many bristles, spines, scales or bracts, bristle may be solitary, not obvious or hardened to form rigid spines, or inflorescence enclosed by a specialised inflated flag leaf, and the whole falling as a unit
  • Spikelets not enclosed by an involucre of bracts nor subtended by a bristle or bristles, if enclosed in flag leaf this not specialised and inflorescence not falling as a unit, sometimes enclosed by chaffy and/or enlarged glumes or spathes
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence enclosed by inflated flag leaf, disarticulating below flag leaf and falling as one unit
  • Glumes and lemmas long-awned
  • Florets 3-7 per spikelet
  • Spikelet(s) enclosed by an involucre of bracts or a cupule of spines, or subtented by one to many bristles, scales or spines
  • Fflorets 1 or 2 per spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Bristle(s) persisting on axis after spikelet(s) falls
  • Bristle(s), scales, bracts or herbaceous cupule falling with spikelet(s)
Backtrack a
  • Involucre of several sterile spikelets or coriaceous bracts
  • Bristles absent
  • Involucre of one to many bristles, spines or herbaceous cupules or scales
Backtrack a
  • Involucral bristle, scale or cupule solitary
  • Involucral bristles or spines several to many
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet subtended by a herbaceous, lobed cupule or scale, one lobe longer and awn-like
  • Stipe supporting spikelet blunt
  • Spikelet subtended by a solitary robust and awn-like or slender bristle
  • Stipe supporting spikelet pungent or absent
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet subtended by a long, pungent stipe
  • Bristle robust and awn-like
  • Spikelet sessile, not subtended by a stipe
  • Bristle slender
Backtrack a
  • Bristles free throughout, ± filiform
  • Bristles connate and flattened below, forming a disc, sometimes flattened and/or hardened, forming rigid spines enclosing the spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence obviously 1-sided (secund) to subsecund
  • Inflorescence not obviously secund
  • Spikelets sometimes distichous
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet awnless or mucronate
  • Spikelets, at least some, awned
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet with 2 florets, lower male or sterile, upper bisexual (lower glume may be minute or absent, upper glume and lower lemma may resemble each other)
  • Spikelet with 1-many florets, all bisexual or upper male or sterile, or florets 3 with lower 2 sterile and upper bisexual, or if florets 2, then lowest bisexual
Backtrack a
  • Central inflorescence axis thickened
  • Racemes very short (sometimes a single spikelet), embedded in distinct cavities, central axis ending in a subulate tip and without spikelets
  • Central inflorescence axis not thickened
  • Spikelets or racemes free or in slight cavities
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of obvious short racemes scattered singly on alternate sides and appressed to long central axis
  • Inflorescence with spikelets solitary, in pairs or triads densely packed on single raceme
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma of spikelet with flat, hyaline margins enfolding and enclosing most of palea
  • Upper lemma of spikelet with narrow inrolled margins clasping only edges of palea
Backtrack a
  • Glumes unequal in size
  • Glumes ± equal in size
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume 1-nerved
  • Floret 1 per spikelet, falling with glumes
  • Upper glume 3-7-nerved
  • Florets 2-5(-10) per spikelet, disarticulating above glumes
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3, lower 2 sterile, reduced to lemmas
  • Florets 2-many, lowest bisexual, upper sometimes reduced
Backtrack a
  • Glumes similar in appearance and/or texture
  • Lemma 5-9-nerved
  • Glumes dissimilar in appearance and/or texture
  • Llemma 3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Ligule an unfringed membrane
  • Ligule a fringed membrane (fringe sometimes minute) or a fringe of hairs
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3 per spikelet, lower 2 sterile, upper bisexual, usually smaller than lower 2
  • Lower glume 5-nerved
  • Florets 3-10 per spikelet, all bisexual except uppermost reduced and sterile
  • Lower glume 1-3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Floret 1 per spikelet
  • Florets 2 or more per spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet dark, usually brown or purple, not noticeably to dorsiventrally compressed
  • Lemma 2-nerved
  • Spikelet light-coloured, golden brown, strongly laterally compressed
  • Lemma 3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Florets 4-10 per spikelet
  • Florets 2 or 3 per spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3 per spikelet, lower 2 sterile, usually dissimilar from upper bisexual floret
  • Florets 2 per spikelet, lower bisexual, upper bisexual or sterile
Backtrack a
  • Annuals
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
  • Glumes 5-8-nerved
  • Perennials
  • Lower glume obliquely compressed, upper glume dorsiventrally compressed
  • Glumes 1-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Ligule an unfringed membrane
  • Spikelets dissimilar, bisexual ones mixed with sterile or male ones on same inflorescence
  • Ligule a fringe of hairs or a fringed membrane, (fringe sometimes minute)
  • Spikelets all similar in sexuality on inflorescence
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence soft and silky
  • Spikelet cluster of 2 or 5 sterile spikelets with a terminal bisexual spikelet, clusters fall as a whole
  • Spikelet bisexual with one fertile and one sterile floret
  • Male or sterile spikelets with awnless lemmas
  • Inflorescence appearing bristly
  • Spikelet cluster of 1 or more sterile spikelets mixed with bisexual spikelets consisting of (1)2 or 3 florets, clusters do not fall as a whole, spikelets disarticulating above glumes
  • Sterile spikelets with glumes and lemma bearing long rigid awns
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume with an oblique dorsal awn well below apex, 2- or 3-nerved, nerves with tubercles
  • Lower 2 florets male or sterile
  • Upper glume awned from near apex or awnless, 1-nerved or 5-7-nerved, nerves not tubercled
  • Lower florets bisexual, upper floret usually reduced and sterile
Backtrack a
  • Glumes ± equal in size
  • Spikelet cuneate
  • Glumes unequal in size
  • Spikelet elliptic-oblong to lanceolate or linear-elliptic
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed
  • Inflorescence secund
  • Plants tall robust usually 500 mm high or higher
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
  • Inflorescence subsecund
  • Plants slender up to 220 mm high
Backtrack a
  • Ligule absent from upper or all leaves
  • Ligule present on all leaves
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets densely and irregularly crowded on inflorescence
  • Spikelet softly long-hairy
  • Spikelets in regular rows on inflorescence
  • Spikelet minutely soft-hairy or with long, rigid hairs
Backtrack a
  • Bisexual spikelet with 1 floret (rachilla extension sometimes present)
  • Bisexual spikelet with 2-many florets (some florets may be reduced to lemmas or differ in size and shape)
Backtrack a
  • Ligule an unfringed membrane
  • Ligule a fringed membrane or a fringe of hairs
Backtrack a
  • Some or all spikelets awned
  • All spikelets awnless or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in triads, central spikelet bisexual, two lateral spikelets male or sterile
  • Central spikelet with one floret, rachilla extension present
  • Glumes side by side
  • Spikelets not in triads, or if in triads then all spikelets alike in function
  • Glumes not displaced
Backtrack a
  • Glumes swollen and rounded on back near base
  • Glumes not swollen or rounded on back
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets falling entire with the glumes
  • Spikelets disarticulating above the glumes
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a contracted panicle
  • Lemma 5-nerved
  • Inflorescence a cylindrical spike or spike-like raceme
  • Lemma 1-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Glumes plumose with long silky hairs
  • Inflorescence globose to ovoid
  • Glumes glabrous or hairy, not plumose with long silky hairs
  • Inflorescence linear
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awn very long and extending beyond glumes, awn apical or from sinus
  • Lemma becoming indurated
  • Lemma awn short, not extending beyond glumes, awned from well below apex or at base
  • Lemma not becoming indurated
Backtrack a
  • Callus glabrous or with hairs up to half as long as lemma
  • Spikelet up to ± 5 mm long
  • Callus beaded with long white hairs as long as to longer than lemma
  • Spikelet 5.5-8.0 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Glumes longer than 10 mm
  • Glumes 1-8 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence with spikelets alternating on opposite sides and sunk in rachis
  • Annuals
  • Inflorescence with many spikelets all around, not sunk into rachis
  • Perennials, sometimes annuals
Backtrack a
  • Glumes 1, lower suppressed (terminal spikelets with 2)
  • Glumes 2 but displaced, side by side
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a contracted panicle
  • Spikelet pedicelled, disarticulating above glumes
  • Glumes similar in shape and/or texture
  • Lemma 3-5-nerved
  • Inflorescence a dense spike
  • Spikelet sessile, falling with glumes
  • Glumes very dissimilar in shape and/or texture, upper glume flat-backed
  • Lemma 1-3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet awned or mucronate (sometimes minute)
  • Spikelet neither awned nor mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 1-3-awned
  • Lemma mucronate or muticous
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 1-awned
  • Lemma 3-awned (due to fusion of the lower parts of the awns into a column, it may be seen as one awn with 3 branches)
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume a minute membranous scale
  • Lemma less firm in texture than glumes
  • Lower glume well developed
  • Lemma firmer in texture than glumes, usually becoming indurated
Backtrack a
  • Ligule a fringed membrane
  • Lemma articulation never present
  • Ligule a dense fringe of hairs
  • Lemma articulation usually present (absent in Aristida transvaalensis)
Backtrack a
  • Base of column with a pencil of long white hairs
  • Callus pungent
  • Base of column glabrous
  • Callus obtuse to truncate to rounded
Backtrack a
  • Lemma distinctly 2-lobed, lobes awned with long straight awns
  • Central awn geniculate
  • Lemma not appearing lobed, awns coming off ± together at apex, similar though lateral awns may be shorter
  • Column present or absent
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awns all or only centre awn plumose
  • Palea indurated
  • Lemma awns all glabrous, smooth or scabrid
  • Palea not indurated
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume 3-5-nerved
  • Lower glume usually 3-nerved
  • Glumes rounded on back
  • Awns spirally contorted at base
  • Caryopsis deeply grooved ventrally
  • Upper glume 1(3)-nerved
  • Lower glume nearly always 1-nerved
  • Glumes 1-keeled to middle or below
  • Awns not spirally contorted at base
  • Caryopsis not deeply grooved
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets ± embedded on central axis
  • Spikelets not embedded on central axis (sometimes appressed)
Backtrack a
  • Plant stoloniferous
  • Leaves mainly cauline
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed, 8-22 mm long
  • Upper glume awned
  • Plant densely tufted, not stoloniferous
  • Leaves mainly basal
  • Spikelet laterally compressed, 2.5-4.5 mm long
  • Upper glume awnless
Backtrack a
  • Glumes awnless
  • Inflorescence oblong
  • Spikelet disarticulating above glumes
  • Glumes (or at least one) awned
  • Inflorescence linear
  • Spikelet disarticulating with glumes
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume with large, hooked, curved or straight prickles, 5-7-nerved
  • Spikelets dorsiventrally compressed
  • Lower glume absent or a minute scale
  • Upper glume without hooked, curved or long, straight prickles, 1-nerved
  • Spikelet laterally to not noticeably compressed
  • Lower glume substantial or reduced to a scale
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume substantial
  • Lemma glabrous
  • Lower glume small or reduced to a linear scale
  • Lemma hairy, hairs in tufts or lines on either side of keel
Backtrack a
  • Ligule an unfringed membrane
  • Ligule a fringed membrane (fringe sometimes minute) or a fringe of hairs
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets viviparous, mainly upper florets distorted and enlarged
  • Spikelets usually not viviparous
Backtrack a
  • All spikelets awnless and not mucronate
  • All or some spikelets awned or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in pairs, one sessile and the other pedicelled, dissimilar in form and sex
  • Pedicelled spikelet very reduced or absent and pedicel empty
  • Spikelets solitary or clustered, if paired, spikelets all similar in form and sex
Backtrack a
  • Glumes ± equal in size
  • Glumes unequal in size, sometimes lower one reduced or absent (terminal spikelets often have both glumes well developed)
Backtrack a
  • Florets 2 or 3 per spikelet
  • Lowest 1 or 2 florets sterile or reduced to lemmas, upper floret bisexual
  • Florets 2-many per spikelet
  • Lowest floret bisexual, upper sometimes sterile or reduced
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet with 2 florets
  • Spikelet with 3 florets
Backtrack a
  • Glumes 5-nerved
  • Lower 2 sterile florets usually larger than upper bisexual floret
  • Glumes 3-nerved
  • Lower 2 sterile florets very small to more than half as long as the larger upper bisexual floret
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet (15-)28-40 mm long
  • Inflorescence a true spike
  • Spikelet falling with glumes
  • Spikelet 1.0-15.0 mm long
  • Inflorescence a contracted panicle or raceme
  • Spikelet disarticulating above glumes
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 10-15 mm long
  • Upper sterile spikelets compacted to form a club-shaped body on prolonged rachis
  • Spikelet 1-7 mm long
  • Upper spikelets, if sterile, not forming a club-shaped body
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 1-3 mm long
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Spikelet 3-7 mm long
  • Lemma 3-7(-11)-nerved, if 3 mm long, lemma 5-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Palea of mature spikelet projecting, thinner in texture than lemma
  • Spikelet shining
  • Palea of mature spikelet not projecting, same texture as lemma
  • Spikelet not shining
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3, lower 2 sterile, usually different and larger than upper bisexual floret
  • Florets 2 or more, all bisexual or upper or lowermost ones reduced and sterile
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a spike
  • Spikelets sunk into partial cavities on alternate sides of central axis
  • Lower glume absent or rarely minute (present in terminal spikelet)
  • Upper glume facing outwards
  • Inflorescence a contracted raceme or panicle, branches appressed, not sunk into central axis
  • Lower glume usually present, sometimes reduced in size
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
  • Disarticulating above glumes
  • Lemma 5-7-nerved (best seen on inner surface)
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed, falling with glumes
  • Lemma 3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet with 2 florets
  • Upper lemma indurated
  • Upper glume prominently nerved, usually gibbous
  • Inflorescence mostly cylindrical
  • Spikelet with 2 or more florets
  • No lemma indurated
  • Upper glume never gibbous
  • Inflorescence not cylindrical
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 1-3 mm long (lemma 3-nerved, if 5-nerved see Poa)
  • Spikelet 4-20 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma without median keel, usually rounded on back, at least at base
  • Lemma with medium keel
Backtrack a
  • Lemma glabrous or shortly hairy
  • Upper floret similar in form, sometimes reduced in size
  • Lemma with long hairs
  • Upper florets reduced to lemmas compacted to form a club-shaped body
Backtrack a
  • Palea of mature spikelet projecting
  • Spikelet shining
  • Palea of mature spikelet not projecting
  • Spikelet not shining
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in triads, central spikelet well developed, bisexual, 2 lateral spikelets male or sterile, smaller or reduced (sometimes reduced to awns)
  • Spikelets solitary, in pairs or in clusters, spikelets all similar or pairs sometimes dissimilar in form and sex
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in pairs, these dissimilar in form and sex, sometimes some pairs on inflorescence similar
  • Spikelets solitary, in clusters or in pairs, all spikelets similar in form and sex on inflorescence
Backtrack a
  • Pedicelled spikelet with lower glume drawn out into an awn 5-120 mm long
  • Lemmas of all spikelets awnless
  • Pedicelled spikelet with lower glume awnless or with a short awn up to 5 mm long, or entire spikelet reduced to an awn
  • Lemmas of the sessile and/or pedicelled spikelets awned (except in Rhytachne where lemmas are awnless)
Backtrack a
  • Awn short, straight
  • Internodes clavate
  • Awn long, not straight, usually geniculate
  • Internodes linear
Backtrack a
  • Long-pedicelled spikelet bisexual
  • Upper lemma long-awned
  • Subsessile spikelet male or sterile, usually awnless
  • Spikelet pairs usually similar along whole length of raceme
  • Pedicelled spikelet male or sterile, awnless
  • Sessile spikelet bisexual, upper lemma awned
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a panicle of numerous long racemes in whorls up long central axis
  • Spikelets not in homogamous pairs
  • Inflorescence a single raceme
  • Spikelet pairs in lower parts of raceme homogamous (alike in sex and shape), those in upper parts heterogamous (differing in sex and shape)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in clusters, clusters often ± subtended by enlarged spreading glumes of lower spikelets
  • Spikelets solitary, paired or clustered, not subtended by glumes of lower spikelets
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3 per spikelet
  • Lower 2 male or sterile
  • Upper bisexual, awnless
  • Florets 2 to many per spikelet
  • Llowest usually bisexual, sometimes male
  • Upper sometimes sterile and reduced, awned or awnless
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awns dissimilar - > lowest lemma awned from upper half, awn usually straight
  • Second lemma awned from near base, awn usually geniculate
  • Lemma awns similar in position and type
Backtrack a
  • Florets 2
  • Lower lemma awnless
  • Upper lemma awned with a short stout awn, awn sometimes recurved and hooked
  • Florets 2 to many, all similar, sometimes upper reduced or only lower florets awned
Backtrack a
  • Lower glumes absent in all spikelets (except terminal one), upper glume turned outwards
  • Spikelets partially sunk in cavities, obviously distichous on inflorescence
  • Lower glumes present in all spikelets, but sometimes very reduced
Backtrack a
  • Glumes ± as long as to longer than spikelet
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet, at least lower glume much shorter (in Helictotrichon galpinii glumes just shorter than spikelet)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet mucronate or minutely awned
  • Palea hyaline, projecting and conspicuous in mature spikelets
  • Spikelet with obvious awn
  • Palea not projecting from mature spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a spike
  • Spikelet 10-15 mm long, long-awned
  • Inflorescence a contracted panicle or branches scattered along central axis
  • Spikelet 2-11 mm long, short-awned
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a dense, contracted panicle
  • Upper glume 3-nerved
  • Inflorescence of numerous branches scattered up central axis
  • Upper glume 1-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Awns geniculate or bent, often twisted
  • Awns straight or mucro present
Backtrack a
  • Lower lemma awned from between lobes
  • Lowest floret bisexual
  • Lower lemma awned from lower third of back
  • Lowest floret usually male
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 2-6 mm long
  • Spikelet 7-44 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma bilobed
  • Awns obvious
  • Annuals
  • Lemma entire
  • Aawns not obvious
  • Perennials, rarely annuals
Backtrack a
  • Palea thinner in texture than lemma, obvious in mature spikelet
  • Palea similar in texture to lemma, not obvious in mature spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a spike
  • Inflorescence a condensed panicle or single raceme
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 10-20 mm long
  • Spikelet (15)28-40 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awn very short
  • Lemma awn long
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume 0- or 1-nerved
  • Lower glume 3-9-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Glumes ± similar in form and texture
  • Ovary with apical appendage
  • Glumes dissimilar in form and texture
  • Ovary glabrous or hairy, without apical appendage
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a panicle (rarely a raceme)
  • Ovary with apical appendage
  • Inflorescence a raceme with spikelets on opposite side of rachis
  • Ovary without apical appendage
Backtrack a
  • All or some spikelets awned or mucronate
  • All spikelets muticous
Backtrack a
  • Lemma margins lobed
  • Lobes with large flat awns, median lobes sometimes with smaller awns
  • Lemma becoming distinctly indurated, apex between marginal nerves bent forward
  • Glumes 9-11-nerved
  • Characters not in above combination
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 5- or 9-awned
  • Lemma 1-3-awned or mucronate (at least one lemma)
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 5-awned, awns scabrid, alternating with hyaline lobes
  • Lemmas 9-awned, awns plumose or scabrid, not alternating with hyaline lobes
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets paired, usually dissimilar in sex and form (heterogamous), often one sessile and the other pedicelled (pedicel sometimes fused to rachis but discernable)
  • Spikelets solitary, clustered or paired, all similar in sex and form
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet awnless
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet awned or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Sessile spikelet hairy to sparsely hairy
  • Lower glume with oil streaks along keels
  • Inflorescence obvious
  • Pedicels free
  • Sessile spikelet glabrous
  • Lower glume without oil streaks along keel
  • Inflorescence culm-like
  • Pedicels fused
Backtrack a
  • Sessile spikelet 9-15 mm long
  • Upper palea well developed
  • Sessile spikelet 2.5-9.0(-11) mm long
  • Upper palea reduced or absent
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a panicle of numerous long racemes in whorls on a long central axis
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet usually with 1-3 pits
  • Inflorescence a single raceme
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet without pits
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence with up to three-quarters of lower part with homogamous, awnless spikelet pairs
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet entire
  • Inflorescence with spikelet pairs usually similar along whole length of raceme
  • Upper lemma of sessile spikelet usually 2-lobed
Backtrack a
  • One or more lemmas with median awn geniculate or at least twisted in lower part
  • One or more lemmas mucronate or with a straight median awn
Backtrack a
  • Glumes unequal in size
  • Glumes ± equal in size
Backtrack a
  • Ligule a fringed membrane
  • Ligule a fringe of hairs
Backtrack a
  • Lemma hairs in tufts or fringes or in tufts mixed with dispersed hairs
  • Lemma glabrous or with dispersed hairs
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet with 2 florets
  • Spikelet with 3 to many florets
Backtrack a
  • Florets dissimilar in form
  • Upper floret specialised male or sterile
  • Lemma awned with stout hooked awn
  • Lower lemma awnless
  • Upper glume awned
  • Florets similar in form
  • Both similarly awned or lower lemma awnless
  • Upper glume awnless
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 6-16 mm long, lobes usually with short fine awns
  • Lemma 2.0-5.8 mm long, lobes usually with long stout awns
Backtrack a
  • Articulation on pedicel situated some distance below spikelet and bearded with long hairs
  • Spikelet falling with glumes
  • Articulation not present on pedicel
  • Spikelet disarticulating above glumes
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 4-7 mm long
  • Spikelet 7.5-25.0 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Articulation on pedicel situated some distance below spikelet and bearded with long hairs
  • Spikelet falling with glumes
  • Articulation not present on pedicel
  • Spikelet disarticulating above glumes
Backtrack a
  • Glumes prominently 7-11-nerved
  • Callus pungent
  • Glumes 1-5(7)-nerved
  • Callus rounded or long, narrowly obtuse
Backtrack a
  • Glumes 1-keeled to middle or below
  • Palea similar in texture to lemma
  • Glumes rounded, flat or with more than 1 keel
  • Palea thinner than lemma
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet with 2 or 3 florets, lower 1 or 2 florets male or sterile, uppermost bisexual
  • Spikelet with 2 to many florets
  • Lowest floret bisexual
  • Upper bisexual or sterile, or with lower and upper florets sterile and remaining bisexual
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3
  • Upper glume and lower lemmas dissimilar
  • Lower glume well developed, 5-nerved
  • Lower two lemmas specialised, usually larger and different from upper lemma
  • Florets 2
  • Upper glume and lower lemma often similar
  • Lower glume often reduced, 0-3-nerved
  • Lower lemma usually shorter than to as long as upper lemma
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a contracted panicle
  • Inflorescence of racemes scattered along central axis
Backtrack a
  • Glumes unequal
  • Lower glume acute to acuminate, often mucronate
  • Glumes ± equal
  • Lower glume long-awned
Backtrack a
  • Glumes obviously much shorter than spikelet
  • Glumes (at least upper glume) ± as long as to much longer than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume 3-7-nerved
  • Lower glume 1-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Lemma emarginate to well-lobed
  • Lemma entire
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume 3-nerved
  • Glumes coriaceous to subcoriaceous
  • Lower glume 5-7-nerved
  • Glumes membranous
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet spiny due to stout deflexed awns of lemmas
  • Fertile lemma firmer in texture than glumes
  • Spikelet not spiny, awns slender
  • Fertile lemma less firm than, to similar in texture to glumes
Backtrack a
  • Lemma glabrous
  • Spikelet 10-44 mm long
  • Lemma hairy
  • Spikelet 1.5-7.0(-10) mm long
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a solitary spike
  • Spikelets borne alternately up along rachis
  • Inflorescence a panicle or raceme with branches closely appressed to or stiff and at right angles to central axis, or with dense clusters of spikelets at intervals on central axis
Backtrack a
  • Lemma glabrous (rarely with tubercle-based hairs on side nerves)
  • Lemma hairy
Backtrack a
  • Glumes sparsely hairy
  • Glumes glabrous
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 5-7-nerved
  • Lemma 3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Lemma lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate
  • Inflorescence resembling a herring bone due to many stiff side branches
  • Lemma ovate, elliptic to oblong
  • Inflorescence not resembling a herring bone
Backtrack a
  • Lemma deeply lobed, 3-awned
  • Lemma entire or not deeply lobed, 1-awned or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Lemma with lateral nerves glabrous or minutely hairy
  • Glumes 3-lobed or entire
  • Base of plant with dense fibrous sheaths
  • Lemma with lateral nerves long-hairy
  • Glumes usually 2-lobed
  • Base of plant without fibrous sheaths
Backtrack a
  • Leaf blades short, distichous, pungent
  • Perennials
  • Leaf blades not pungent
  • Annuals
Backtrack a
  • Lemma mucronate
  • Lemma awned
Backtrack a
  • Glumes glabrous to minutely scaberulous
  • Glumes densely hairy with tubercle-based hairs
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence silky
  • Leaves broad, lanceolate to ovate
  • Glumes very unequal
  • Inflorescence bristly
  • Leaves narrow, linear
  • Glumes ± equal to slightly unequal
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume 1- or 2-nerved
  • Lower glume 3-11-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of short, stiff spikes spaced up to 30 mm apart, ascending at first, reflexing at maturity
  • Inflorescence dense and continuous or of dense, globose clusters at intervals on central axis
Backtrack a
  • Glumes with tubercle-based hairs
  • Glumes glabrous or hairy, hairs not tubercle-based
Backtrack a
  • Annual hydrophytes
  • Perennials, rarely annuals but then not hydrophytic
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 1-3 mm long
  • Spikelet 4-25 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma keeled
  • Spikelet strongly laterally compressed
  • Lemma rounded on back
  • Spikelet not strongly laterally compressed
Backtrack a
  • Articulation on pedicel situated some distance below spikelet and bearded with long hairs
  • Spikelet falling with glumes
  • Articulation not present on pedicel
  • Spikelet disarticulating above glumes
Backtrack a
  • Glumes with keels usually with large, prominent, stalked glands
  • Glumes with keels eglandular or glands not prominent or stalked
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 9-13 mm long
  • Spikelet 1.5-7.0(-10) mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma lobed or emarginate
  • Lemma entire, rarely minutely emarginate
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in pairs, usually one sessile and the other pedicelled, these differing in form and sex, sometimes unequally pedicelled and similar in form and sex
  • Pedicels free or fused and ± discernible
  • Spikelets apparently solitary, in pairs or clusters, similar in form and sex
Backtrack a
  • Annuals
  • Internodes fused to adjacent pedicels, pedicels hardly discernible
  • Basal sheaths usually with irritant hairs
  • Perennials
  • Pedicels discernable
  • Basal sheaths without irritant hairs
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of a number of branches ± appressed to central axis
  • Callus with tawny hairs half as long as to longer than spikelet
  • Inflorescence a single raceme
  • Hairy callus present or absent, hairs white to silver, usually less than half as long as spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume winged, without oil streaks along keels
  • Spikelet and callus glabrous
  • Rachis joints transverse
  • Callus truncate, with peg
  • Lower glume wingless, usually with oil streaks along keels
  • Spikelet and callus hairy (sometimes sparsely so)
  • Rachis joints oblique
  • Callus cuneate, without peg
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence white to silvery due to long silky hairs from callus and glumes which almost conceal spikelets
  • Inflorescence glabrous or hairy, hairs not long and silky, not concealing spikelets
Backtrack a
  • Lower 1 or 2 florets sterile, male or reduced
  • Upper floret bisexual
  • Florets 2-many, all bisexual or upper reduced
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3 per spikelet
  • Florets 2 per spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lower sterile florets usually larger than upper bisexual floret, sometimes lowest floret very small and reduced
  • Glumes 5-nerved
  • Lower sterile florets very small to more than half as long as upper bisexual floret
  • Glumes 3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a single cylindrical raceme
  • Spikelets sunk into rachis
  • Upper bisexual lemma less firm in texture than glumes
  • Inflorescence a contracted panicle or a number of racemes scattered up along central axis (racemes, not spikelets, may be sunk into central axis)
  • Upper bisexual lemma usually similar to, to firmer in texture than glumes
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma hairy
  • Upper lemma glabrous
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of a number of racemes scattered up along central axis
  • Inflorescence a contracted panicle, sometimes cylindrical
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet glabrous, abaxial to rachis
  • Spikelet hispid or hispidulous, adaxial to rachis
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume and lower lemma hairy, hairs in tufts or fringes
  • Upper glume not gibbous
  • Spikelet 7 mm long
  • Upper glume and lower lemma glabrous
  • Upper glume gibbous
  • Spikelet 1.3-4.5 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Glumes 1-nerved, rarely 3-nerved
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Glumes 3-7-nerved
  • Lemma 5-9-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Plants prickly
  • Plants not prickly
Backtrack a
  • Plant woody
  • Central axis of inflorescence very stout and stiff, resembling culms, often ending in a pungent point, inflorescence sparse
  • Lemma glabrous or very shortly hairy
  • Glumes ± equal
  • Plants not woody
  • Inflorescence not very stout and stiff usually ending in a spikelet or soft point, inflorescence dense
  • Lemma with silky hairs on lower part of nerves
  • Glumes unequal
Backtrack a
  • Lemma hairy all over with long hairs
  • Lemma glabrous or hairs present on nerves only
Backtrack a
  • Lemma lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate
  • Inflorescence resembling a herring bone due to numerous stiff side branches
  • Lemma ovate, elliptic to oblong
  • Inflorescence not resembling a herring bone
Backtrack a
  • Lemma lobed or emarginate
  • Lemma entire, rarely emarginate
Backtrack a
  • Florets 2 per spikelet
  • Florets 3-many per spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume 1-nerved
  • Lower glume 3-8-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Lemma entire, keeled
  • Glumes minutely to long-hairy on keels
  • Lemma lobed, rounded on back
  • Glumes glabrous or puberulous all over
Backtrack a
  • Glumes rounded at apex
  • Glumes acute to acuminate at apex
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet strongly laterally compressed
  • Glumes 1-nerved
  • Spikelet laterally to not noticeably compressed
  • Glumes 3-7-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Lemma lobed or emarginate
  • Lemma entire, rarely emarginate
Key 05
(Inflorescence a panicle or raceme, or with spike-like branches scattered up the central axis)
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 5- or more-awned
  • Lemma awnless, or less than 5-awned
Backtrack a
  • Lemma with two side nerves produced into large flat awns, other nerves excurrent into smaller awns
  • Lemma not deeply cleft, becoming distinctly indurated
  • Callus absent
  • Palea apically notched
  • Lemma nerves excurrent into thin awns or awns alternating with awnless lobes, awns not large and flat
  • Lemma deeply cleft, not becoming indurated
  • Callus short
  • Palea entire
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 5-awned, awns scabrid, alternating with hyaline lobes
  • Lemmas 9-awned, awns plumose or scabrid, not alternating with hyaline lobes
Backtrack a
  • Leaf blade with cross venation (usually more conspicuous on lower surface)
  • Leaf blade without obvious cross venation
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of 2-6 racemes or fascicles of spikelets scattered up central axis
  • Florets 2, lower floret sterile or male, upper floret bisexual
  • Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle
  • Florets 1-many, all bisexual or upper reduced and sterile
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume awnless
  • Upper glume gibbous, longer than spikelet
  • Lower glume awned
  • Upper glume not gibbous, shorter than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Leaf blade pseudopetiolate
  • Male and female spikelets on same inflorescence (males below females, or on lower parts of panicle)
  • Female spikelets with 1 floret, lower glume drawn out into an awn up to 20 mm long
  • Male spikelets with lemma awned
  • Plants woody
  • Leaf base not pseudopetiolate
  • Spikelets all alike on inflorescence
  • Glumes and lemmas awnless or with short mucro or awn
  • Plants herbaceous
Backtrack a
  • Florets many per spikelet
  • Florets all alike in function or upper sterile, often smaller
  • Upper glume 3- or 4-nerved
  • Lemma shortly 2-lobed or emarginate, not becoming indurated
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
  • Floret 2 per spikelet
  • Lower floret male or sterile, upper floret bisexual
  • Upper glume 5-nerved
  • Upper lemma entire, indurated, shining
Backtrack a
  • Ligule absent
  • Florets 2 per spikelet, upper lemma indurated
  • Ligule present (may be absent in some leaves)
  • Florets 1-many, upper lemma may or may not be indurated
Backtrack a
  • Ligule an unfringed membrane (sometimes minutely or sparsely ciliolate or fimbriate)
  • Ligule a fringe of hairs or a fringed membrane
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet unconventional and hard to interpret
  • Glumes absent or very reduced or specialised
  • Spikelet conventional
  • Glumes, at least upper one, usually present
Backtrack a
  • Florets apparently 1 per spikelet (sterile lemmas suppressed)
  • Glumes absent or reduced to rim, lemma boat-shaped, keels rigidly ciliate
  • Florets 3 per spikelet
  • Lower florets sterile and reduced to lemmas
  • Glumes absent or very reduced or joined, forming a cup
Backtrack a
  • Bisexual floret with lemma not strongly keeled, membranous to chartaceous
  • Leaves heterophyllous, some leaves clinging by retrosely scabrid blade margins
  • Climbing forest grasses
  • Lemma awnless
  • Caryopsis longitudinally grooved
  • Bisexual floret with lemma strongly keeled, coriaceous
  • Leaves not heterophyllous
  • Not climbing forest grasses
  • Lemma long-awned (awn 10-160 mm long)
  • Caryopsis not grooved
Backtrack a
  • Floret 1 per spikelet
  • Florets 2 or more per spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet
  • Glumes ± as long as to longer than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awnless
  • Spikelet 2.5-4.0 mm long
  • Rachilla extension not present
  • Plants of wet areas in high altitude grassland
  • Lemma awned, awn long and straight
  • Spikelet 7-9 mm long
  • Rachilla extension present
  • Forest grass
Backtrack a
  • Lemma less firm to similar in texture to glumes, not becoming indurated
  • Lemma awnless, mucronate or awned
  • Awn slender
  • Lemma firmer in texture than glumes, becoming indurated
  • Lemma awnless, mucronate or awned, awn robust
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 5.5-8 mm long
  • Callus beaded with conspicuous white hairs longer than lemma
  • Plant tall, robust
  • Spikelet up to 5.5 mm long
  • Callus absent, if present, then glabrous or hairy, hairs inconspicuous, up to half as long as lemma
  • Plant small, slender
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet falling with glumes
  • Lemma awnless or awned, central awn arising at or near apex
  • Spikelet disarticulating above glumes
  • Lemma awnless or awned, central awn arising well below apex or at base
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a panicle with spikelets not secund on branches
  • Lemma not keeled
  • Inflorescence of one-sided racemes scattered along central axis due to spikelets being secund on branches
  • Lemma keeled
Backtrack a
  • Lemma margins strongly and firmly overlapping, lemma thick and stiff
  • Palea a third or less of length of lemma, hyaline, glabrous, nerveless
  • Asymmetrically awned
  • Spikelet gibbous
  • Lemma margins slightly overlapping, involute or open, lemma thickly membranous to coriaceous
  • Palea at least half as long as lemma, pubescent or glabrous, usually 2-nerved
  • Awn central
  • Spikelet not gibbous
Backtrack a
  • Florets 2 per bisexual spikelet
  • Rachilla extension present or absent
  • Florets more than 2 per bisexual spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets paired (terminal spikelets often in triads), usually dissimilar in function, one sessile and the other pedicellate, sometimes pedicel without a spikelet, or spikelets unequally pedicelled
  • Spikelets solitary, paired or in groups, all similar in function
Backtrack a
  • Lower glumes with 1-3 pits
  • Pedicels and internodes longitudinally grooved with a translucent median line
  • Lower glume without pits
  • Pedicels and internodes not grooved with a translucent median line
Backtrack a
  • Pedicelled spikelets all awnless
  • Pedicelled spikelets usually reduced to pedicels, sometimes some pedicels bear awned spikelets similar to sessile ones on same inflorescence
Backtrack a
  • Lower floret male or sterile, upper bisexual
  • Both florets bisexual or upper male, sterile or reduced
Backtrack a
  • Lower floret with stout, geniculate awn from lower third of lemma
  • Lower floret awnless or, if awned, awn not geniculate
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume gibbous
  • Upper glume not gibbous
Backtrack a
  • Glumes very unequal in size, distinctly ribbed, upper glume without rigid hairs developing after fertilisation
  • Spikelet 2.5-3.5 mm long
  • Glumes ± equal in size, not distinctly ribbed, upper glume with rigid hairs developing after fertilisation
  • Spikelet 3.5-5.0 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma awned
  • Upper lemma awnless or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets solitary
  • Glumes similar
  • Spikelet light brown to black
  • Spikelets paired
  • Glumes very dissimilar
  • Spikelet pale-coloured
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets unequally pedicellate
  • Lower glume flattened on back
  • Inflorescence a panicle
  • Plants robust, tufted
  • Spikelets: one sessile and the other pedicelled
  • Lower glume with broad median groove
  • Inflorescence of spike-like racemes along central axis
  • Plants delicate, usually rambling or creeping
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet surrounded by an involucre of long, spreading hairs from callus
  • Spikelet not obviously surrounded by involucre of long, spreading hairs from callus or callus glabrous or absent
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume conspicuously awned
  • Lower glume awnless or minutely awned
Backtrack a
  • Lemma margins lying flat and enclosing palea
  • Lemma margins inrolled and clasping palea edges
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume up to a quarter of length of spikelet
  • Lower glume two-thirds of length of spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a panicle, open or condensed
  • Inflorescence of spike-like racemes scattered along the central axis
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume adaxial (adjacent to rachis, sometimes difficult to see)
  • Lower glume well developed
  • Lower glume abaxial (turned away from rachis), sometimes lower glume absent but spikelet still turned in this position
  • Lower glume absent or scale-like, rarely up to half as long as spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lemmas all awnless
  • Lemmas all, or at least one in spikelet, awned or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet large, 7-45 mm long
  • Ovary pilose
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet
  • Spikelet small, up to 8 mm long
  • Ovary glabrous
  • Glumes shorter than to rarely ± as long as spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lemma distinctly keeled on back, at least near base
  • Lemma rounded on back, at least at base (sometimes keeled on all nerves)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 3.0-6.0 mm long
  • Lemma 5-7(11)-nerved
  • Spikelet 1.0-3.5 mm long
  • Lemma 3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a panicle, dense, divaricately branched
  • Stamens 2
  • Inflorescence of spike-like racemes scattered along central axis
  • Stamens 3
Backtrack a
  • Glumes ± equal in size
  • Glumes unequal in size
Backtrack a
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet
  • Internodes elongated between florets
  • Glumes ± as long as spikelet
  • Internodes not elongated between florets
Backtrack a
  • Annuals
  • Lower glume minute, scale-like to almost absent, 0-nerved
  • Spikelet 2-3 mm long
  • Perennials
  • Lower glume well developed, 1-3-nerved
  • Spikelet 3-20 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 1-3 mm long, tips scarious, obtuse or blunt, often ragged
  • Lemma 3.5-11.0 mm long, tips firm, acute
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awn with ring of hairs at junction of twisted column and clavate limb
  • Lemma mucronate or awned, awn without a ring of hairs or clavate limb
Backtrack a
  • Lower lemma awnless
  • Upper lemma with short hooked awn from back near apex
  • Spikelets falling with glumes
  • Lemmas all similar, all awned or mucronate (upper lemmas may be reduced)
  • Spikelets disarticulating above glumes
Backtrack a
  • Annuals
  • Perennials
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 18-46 mm long
  • Spikelet 1.9-14.0 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lemma minutely awned or mucronate
  • Upper glume keeled
  • Lemma awn long and obvious
  • Upper glume rounded on back
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awn geniculate or at least slightly bent
  • Lemma mucronate or awned, awn straight
Backtrack a
  • Lemma with long, obvious hairs on margins
  • Glume tips straight
  • Lemma with fine bristle-like awn, rounded on back
  • Lemma pilose around lower half of midrib, or glabrous
  • Glumes with caudate curving tips
  • Lemma mucronate, keeled
Backtrack a
  • Awn of lemma, at least of lower lemma, much longer than body of lemma
  • Awn of lemma shorter than, to equal to body of lemma, rarely slightly longer than lemma or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Awn of lemma very long and flexuous, intertwining with awns from other florets, resulting in spikelet falling as a unit
  • Awn of lemma stiff, not flexuous and intertwining with awns of other florets for spikelet to fall as a unit
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 3-6 mm long
  • Ovary glabrous
  • Spikelet 7-30 mm long
  • Ovary hairy
Backtrack a
  • Lower lemma with central awn from upper third of back
  • Lemma awns all similar
  • Lower lemma with central awn from lower third of back
  • Lemma awns differ in same spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Glumes unequal in size
  • Glumes ± equal in size
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 5-20 mm long
  • Spikelet 2-4 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma rounded on back, at least near base
  • Inflorescence not lobed, spikelets not in dense one-sided clusters
  • Lemma strongly keeled
  • Inflorescence lobed with dense clusters of spikelets crowded on one side at ends of branches
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a dense, contracted panicle
  • Spikelet 3.5-4.0 mm long
  • Palea membranous projecting out of mature florets
  • Lemma entire
  • Inflorescence open, of numerous racemes scattered along elongated central axis
  • Lemma 2-lobed
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence lobed, dense clusters of spikelets crowded on one side at ends of branches
  • Inflorescence open or contracted, not lobed
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of racemes scattered along central axis
  • Spikelet 5.5-9.0 mm long
  • Inflorescence a panicle
  • Spikelet 3-6 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence open
  • Lemma awned from near base, rounded on back
  • Inflorescence contracted
  • Lemma awned or mucronate from apex or just below, keeled
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3, lower 2 sterile or male (often reduced to lemma only), upper floret bisexual
  • Florets 3 or more, if 3 then lower floret bisexual and uppermost sterile or reduced
Backtrack a
  • Glumes reduced to minute lips, separated from florets by a stipe
  • Glumes conventional, lower sometimes shorter than upper or reduced, not separated from florets by a stipe
Backtrack a
  • pper glume 5-nerved
  • Lower two lemmas usually similar, awnless or tapering into awns, (sometimes only one awned)
  • Upper glume 3-nerved
  • First lemma awned from above middle of back, awn usually straight
  • Second lemma awned from near base, awn often robust, twisted in lower part
Backtrack a
  • Lemma as broad as long, gibbous and cordate at base
  • Lemma 7-9-nerved
  • Characters not in same combination as for Briza
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awnless
  • Lemma awned or mucronate (sometimes minutely so)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 1.0-3.5 mm long
  • Spikelet 4-90 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 5-many-nerved
  • Upper glume usually 3-nerved
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Upper glume 1-nerved, 1-3-nerved in Koeleria
Backtrack a
  • Glumes ± equal in size, rarely unequal, keeled
  • Glumes very unequal in size, not keeled
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of racemes scattered along central axis
  • Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle
Backtrack a
  • Lemma rounded but keeled on 3 nerves
  • Lower glume 0-nerved
  • Lemma strongly keeled
  • Lower glume usually 1-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Annuals
  • Spikelet 1-3 mm long
  • Lemma 0.5-1.0 mm long
  • Perennials
  • Spikelet 3.5-4.0 mm long
  • Lemma 3-5 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma distinctly and strongly keeled
  • Lemma rounded on back, at least at base or keelless
Backtrack a
  • Palea thinner in texture than lemma
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet
  • Palea similar in texture to lemma
  • Lemma 5-many-nerved
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume 1-nerved
  • Upper glume 3-11-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
  • Lemma acute and entire
  • Spikelet ± terete or dorsivenrally to not noticeably compressed
  • Lemma ± truncate or 2-lobed
Backtrack a
  • Glumes unequal in size
  • Glumes ± equal in size
Backtrack a
  • Upper florets reduced to lemmas, these form a terminal club-shaped appendage
  • Lower lemmas with long silky hairs
  • Upper florets, if reduced, not forming a clavate appendage
  • Lower lemmas glabrous or short-hairy
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 6-20 mm long
  • Lemma tips firm, acute
  • Spikelet 3.0-5.5 mm long
  • Lemma tips scarious, blunt, often somewhat ragged
Backtrack a
  • Glumes much shorter than spikelet
  • Spikelet 5-7(-10) mm long
  • Annuals
  • Glumes equal to or longer than spikelet
  • Spikelet 5-46 mm long
  • Annuals or perennials
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 5-15 mm long
  • Upper florets reduced to lemmas, these forming a club-shaped appendage
  • Perennials
  • Spikelet 17-46 mm long
  • Upper florets sometimes reduced but not forming a club-shaped appendage
  • Annuals
Backtrack a
  • Lemma with flexuous awn up to 3 times longer than body of lemma, all awns of a spikelet twisting together and spikelet falling as a unit
  • Lemma awn short or long, not intertwining with other awns in spikelet and spikelet falling as a unit
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awned, awn geniculate
  • Lemma mucronate or awned, awn straight
Backtrack a
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet
  • Annuals
  • Lemma similar in texture to glumes
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet (except in H. galpinii)
  • Perennials
  • Lemma firmer in texture than glumes
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence lobed
  • Spikelets in dense, shortly pedicelled, secund clusters at ends of short branches
  • Inflorescence not lobed
  • Spikelets not in clusters at ends of short branches
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume 1-nerved
  • Upper glume 2-11-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awn more than half as long as body of lemma
  • Lemma mucronate or awn less than half as long as body of lemma
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 6-20 mm long
  • Annuals
  • Glumes rounded on back
  • Spikelet 1-3 mm long
  • Perennials
  • Glumes keeled
Backtrack a
  • Glumes slightly shorter to much longer than spikelet
  • Glumes much shorter than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a dense contracted panicle
  • Inflorescence of spike-like racemes scattered along central axis
Backtrack a
  • Lemma with central awn terminal, arising from sinus at apex
  • Lemma with central awn from back below apex
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of racemes scattered along central axis
  • Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awned from back, below apex
  • Lemma mucronate or awned, from apex
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets 1.9-3.2 mm long, laterally compressed
  • Lemma keeled
  • Spikelet 7-14 mm long, ± terete
  • Lemma ± rounded on back
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 6-20 mm long
  • Glumes usually much shorter than adjacent lemmas
  • Lemma rounded on back, at least at base
  • Spikelet 3.5-4.0 mm long
  • Glumes as long as (at least lower) to slightly shorter than adjacent lemmas
  • Lemma keeled
Backtrack a
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet or slightly shorter
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet (except in Helictotrichon galpinii)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 3-4 mm long
  • Lemma mucronate or awned, awn minute
  • Spikelet 17-46 mm long
  • Lemma awn conspicuous, much longer than body of lemma
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume 5-9-nerved
  • Ovary with a conspicuous villous appendage at apex
  • Lower glume 0-3-nerved
  • Ovary glabrous or hairy, without villous appendage at apex except in Bromus
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence usually an open to contracted panicle
  • Inflorescence usually of racemes scattered up central axis
Backtrack a
  • Ovary with a conspicuous, villous appendage at apex
  • Ovary hairy or glabrous, without villous appendage at apex
Backtrack a
  • Awn as long as or longer than body of lemma
  • Awn shorter than body of lemma or mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Annuals
  • Lemma entire, apex tapering into an awn
  • Perennials
  • Lemma lobed, awn from upper part of back
Backtrack a
  • Lemma awned from upper part of back
  • Lemma mucronate or awned from apex or sinus
Backtrack a
  • Lemma rounded on back, at least near base
  • Lemma keeled
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence of racemes along central axis, these usually forming a compact cluster
  • Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle
Backtrack a
  • All or most spikelets in inflorescence subtended by 1 or more bristles (these may not be obvious)
  • Spikelet not subtended by bristles
Backtrack a
  • Bristle(s) not falling with spikelet
  • Bristle(s) falling with spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Floret 1 per spikelet
  • Florets 2-many per spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet up to 6 mm long, awnless
  • Spikelet up to 30 mm long, awned or mucronate (either may be minute), sometimes lemma awnless but then apex awn-like and spikelet 8-15 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Lemma glabrous
  • Lemma hairy
Backtrack a
  • Lemma similar in texture to glumes
  • Upper glume not to slightly 1-keeled
  • Inflorescence a panicle
  • Lemma less firm in texture than glumes
  • Upper glume flat on back, infolded with 2 keels
  • Inflorescences spike-like racemes scattered up central axis
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 5-7-nerved
  • Glumes similar in form
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Glumes very dissimilar in form
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence open with racemes scattered up along central axis
  • Glumes ± equal
  • Lemma less firm in texture than glumes
  • Inflorescence dense and racemes appressed to central axis
  • Glumes very unequal
  • Lemma similar in texture to glumes
Backtrack a
  • Ligule a fringed membrane
  • Ligule a fringe of hairs
Backtrack a
  • Glumes similar in form
  • Spikelet terete to laterally compressed
  • Lemma awn long, geniculate
  • Glumes dissimilar in form
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed, lemma with short mucro
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence open with racemes scattered up along central axis
  • Glumes ± equal
  • Lemma less firm in texture than glumes
  • Inflorescence dense and racemes appressed to central axis
  • Glumes very unequal
  • Lemma similar in texture to glumes
Backtrack a
  • Lemma mucronate or minutely awned or awnless and sometimes awn-like
  • Lemma 3-awned (due to fusion it may appear as a single awn with 3 branches)
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 10-18 mm long
  • Lemma incised
  • Inflorescence large, plumose with many spikelets
  • Large tussock-forming plant up to 4 m tall
  • Lemma awn-like, long drawn-out to a filiform tip
  • Spikelet 2-5 mm long
  • Lemma entire
  • Inflorescence of racemes scattered along central axis
  • Small plant up to 1.2 m tall
Backtrack a
  • Glumes very unequal in size
  • Upper glume rounded on back, keelless
  • Glumes ± equal in size
  • Upper glume flat-backed, 2-keeled
Backtrack a
  • Lemma hairy, distinctly 2-lobed, lobes awned, central awn present
  • Lemma glabrous, not appearing lobed, 3 awns from apex of lemma or seemingly from top of column
Backtrack a
  • Awns of lemma all or only central one plumose (S. anomala with awn solitary and with a pencil of hairs at base of column)
  • Palea indurated
  • Awns of lemma all glabrous, smooth or scabrid, (lateral awns may be reduced or absent)
  • Palea not indurated
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume 3-5-nerved
  • Lower glume usually 3-nerved
  • Glumes rounded to flat on back, more than 1-keeled
  • Awns spirally contorted at base
  • Caryopsis with a deep ventral groove
  • Upper glume 1(3)-nerved
  • Lower glume nearly always 1-nerved
  • Glumes 1-keeled to middle or below
  • Awns not spirally contorted at base
  • Caryopsis not deeply grooved
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in triads
  • Pedicels entirely or partly fused mimicking a single spikelet
  • Spikelet long-awned
  • 2 florets per spikelet
  • Spikelets solitary, paired, clustered or in triads but then pedicels free
  • Spikelet awned or awnless, with 2-many florets
Backtrack a
  • Florets 2 per spikelet
  • Florets 3-many per spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma of bisexual spikelet less firm in texture than glumes
  • Spikelets usually paired, one sessile and the other pedicellate and dissimilar in form and function, or in triads, rarely paired or solitary and similar in form and function
  • Lemma of bisexual floret similar to firmer in texture than glumes
  • Spikelets solitary, in pairs, triads or groups, similar in form and function
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets solitary or in pairs, equally or unequally pedicelled, or sessile
  • Spikelets of pairs similar in form and sexuality
  • Spikelets in pairs, one sessile and the other pedicelled or in triads
  • Spikelets usually dissimilar in form and/or sexuality
Backtrack a
  • Lowest floret male or sterile
  • Lowest floret bisexual
Backtrack a
  • Glumes very unequal in size
  • Lower lemma resembling upper glume
  • Glumes ± equal in size
  • Lower lemma not resembling upper glume
Backtrack a
  • Plants reed-like
  • Inflorescence a large plumose panicle
  • Plants not reed-like
  • Inflorescence not large and plumose
Backtrack a
  • Glumes 1-nerved, awned
  • Lemma 3-nerved, minutely toothed
  • Glumes 3-7-nerved, awnless
  • Lemma 5-7-nerved, entire
Backtrack a
  • Pedicelled spikelet absent, reduced to a pedicel (occasionally with a spikelet on same inflorescence)
  • Spikelets all present
Backtrack a
  • Spikelets in triads, middle spikelet sessile, two lateral spikelets pedicelled
  • Spikelets usually in pairs, but terminal spikelets often in triads
Backtrack a
  • Pedicels and internodes with a longitudinally grooved translucent line
  • Glumes of sessile spikelet usually with pits
  • Pedicels and internodes without a grooved translucent line
  • Glumes of sessile spikelet without pits
Backtrack a
  • Sessile spikelet compressed laterally
  • Inflorescence of many slender, spike-like racemes in whorls on central axis
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet spinulose
  • Sessile spikelet compressed dorsiventrally
  • Inflorescence an open or dense panicle or of spike-like racemes scattered, not whorled, along central axis and densely appressed to central axis
  • Lower glume of sessile spikelet not spinulose
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a large, usually open panicle
  • Sessile spikelet usually long-awned
  • Pedicelled spikelet male or sterile, sometimes reduced to a glume
  • Inflorescence of spike-like racemes ± appressed up central axis
  • Sessile spikelet awnless
  • Pedicelled spikelet female only
Backtrack a
  • Lower floret male or sterile, usually reduced to a lemma
  • Upper floret bisexual
  • Both florets bisexual or upper sterile
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet supported on a bead-like swelling
  • Spikelet not supported on a bead-like swelling
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma awned or mucronate (either can be minute)
  • Upper lemma awnless or apiculate
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma entire
  • Upper lemma incised (sometimes minutely lobed or emarginate)
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a panicle
  • Inflorescence of spike-like racemes scattered up central axis
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume and lower lemma awned
  • Upper glume awn 3-4 times longer than body of lemma
  • Upper glume and lower lemma awnless or, if awned, awn very short
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume adaxial (adjacent to rachis)
  • Lower glume abaxial (turned away from rachis) or absent
Backtrack a
  • Upper palea acute with reflexed tip (needs careful dissection)
  • Spikelets usually in 4 or more rows
  • Upper palea without reflexed tip
  • Spikelets mostly in 1 or 2 rows
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume or both glumes long-awned
  • Both glumes awnless or with short awn point or only upper glume long-awned
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume absent
  • Lower glume present (sometimes very small)
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma shorter than spikelet
  • Upper palea obtuse, its tip not reflexed
  • Upper lemma ± as long as spikelet
  • Upper palea acute, tip often briefly reflexed
Backtrack a
  • Ligule a fringed membrane
  • Upper lemma scabrid to scaberulous
  • Ligule a fringe of hairs
  • Upper lemma usually hairy to glabrous or smooth, rarely scaberulous
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma glabrous or hairy, hairs not in tufts
  • Upper lemma hairy, hairs in tufts or tufts mixed with dispersed hairs
Backtrack a
  • Lower lemma 3-nerved
  • Lower lemma 5-9-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Callus short, oblong, rounded
  • Spikelets ± 10 mm long
  • Callus long, linear, bifid, pointed or pungent
  • Spikelet 10-35 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Longest pedicel of spikelet group just over twice as long as shortest pedicel, pedicels stout
  • Longest pedicel of spikelet group much longer than shortest pedicel, not stout
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma with 2 tufts of hairs
  • Upper palea keels wingless
  • Stamens 2
  • Leaves deflexed
  • Upper lemma with 6-8 tufts of hair, sometimes tufts mixed with dispersed hairs
  • Upper palea keels winged
  • Stamens 3
  • Leaves not reflexed
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma hairy
  • Upper lemma glabrous
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma with distinct green crest at apex
  • Upper lemma not crested at apex, sometimes beaked
Backtrack a
  • Lower lemma with 2 transverse fringes of long hairs on back
  • Upper glume tapering to an awn-like apex, with 2 tufts or a continuous transverse fringe of long hairs just above middle
  • Lower lemma and upper glume glabrous, hispidulous or hairy, hairs not in transverse fringes of long hairs on back above middle, tufts of short hairs sometimes present
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence an open or condensed panicle
  • Inflorescence of one-sided racemes scattered up central axis, sometimes with secondary branches
Backtrack a
  • Upper lemma coriaceous to crustaceous
  • Lower lemma entire
  • Upper lemma cartilaginous
  • Lower lemma emarginate or lobed
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
  • Upper glume gibbous or saccate at base, prominently ribbed
  • Spikelet ± dorsally compressed
  • Upper glume usually not gibbous nor prominently ribbed
Backtrack a
  • Upper floret laterally compressed
  • Spikelet awned or awnless
  • Upper floret dorsally compressed
  • Spikelet awnless or minutely mucronate
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet hispidulous
  • Upper palea acute, tip reflexed, slightly protuberant (needs careful dissection)
  • Spikelet hairy or glabrous
  • Upper palea obtuse or acute but then tip not reflexed
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume awned
  • Lower glume awnless or glume absent
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet abaxial (lower glume turned away from rachis)
  • Lower glume usually absent, rarely up to half as long as spikelet
  • Spikelet adaxial (lower glume turned towards rachis)
  • Lower glume present
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet awnless, 1.5-8.0 mm long (sometimes so long-acuminate as to appear awned)
  • Spikelet awned or mucronate, if awnless then 10-18 mm long (lemma sometimes awn-like)
Backtrack a
  • Glumes with long, glassy hairs
  • Lemma with fringe of hairs on margins
  • Glumes glabrous or hairy, hairs not long and glassy
  • Lemmas glabrous or hairy, hairs not in fringes on margins
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet up to 2.5 mm long
  • Spikelet 3-7 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
Backtrack a
  • Glumes ± as long as to much longer than spikelet
  • Lemma 2-lobed, dorsally rounded
  • Glumes much shorter than spikelet
  • Lemma entire, keeled
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a panicle
  • Upper glumes usually 3-nerved
  • Lemma 5-7(-11)-nerved
  • Inflorescence of spike-like racemes scattered up central axis (often resembling a herring-bone)
  • Upper glume 1-nerved
  • Lemma 3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Lower lemma awnless
  • Upper lemma (sterile floret) awned with short stout hooked dorsal awn
  • Lower lemma or both lemmas awned or mucronate, if upper lemma awned, awn not hooked
Backtrack a
  • Lemma mucronate
  • Lemma awned (lower lemma sometimes awnless)
Backtrack a
  • Pedicel articulated a distance below spikelet, beaded with long hairs at articulation point, spikelet and part of pedicel falling as a whole
  • Callus hairy, pungent
  • Glumes as long as or longer than spikelet
  • Characters not precisely as for Chaetobromus
Backtrack a
  • Central awn of lemma short and straight, shorter than body of lemma or lemma apex awn-like
  • Central awn of lemma geniculate, usually longer than body of lemma
Backtrack a
  • Glumes markedly shorter than spikelet
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Lemma incised, 3-lobed at apex, hairy
  • Basal sheaths split, forming a hard fibrous base
  • Lemma entire, glabrous
  • Basal sheaths not splitting into fibrous base
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a nonplumose panicle, 170-270 mm long
  • Inflorescence a plumose panicle, 300-800 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Plants reed-like, woody
  • Leaves mainly on culm
  • Plants with all spikelets bisexual
  • Ligule a short, fringed membrane
  • Glumes 3-5 mm long
  • Plants forming huge tussocks
  • Leaves mainly basal
  • Plants either with all spikelets bisexual or exclusively gynodioecious
  • Ligule a fringe of hairs
  • Glumes 1(-3) mm long
Backtrack a
  • Ovary apex hairy
  • Fruit an achene
  • Ovary apex glabrous
  • Fruit a caryopsis
Backtrack a
  • Glumes 15-60 mm long
  • Lemma firmer in texture than glumes
  • Glumes 2-12(-20) mm long
  • Lemma similar in texture to glumes
Backtrack a
  • Lemma glabrous, if hairy, then hairs not in tufts (if plant tall and reed-like see Merxmuellera arundinacea)
  • Lemma hairy, hairs in tufts
Backtrack a
  • Florets 3 per spikelet, lower 2 sterile, often reduced to lemmas
  • Upper floret bisexual
  • Florets 3-many per spikelet, all bisexual or upper male, sterile or reduced, or lower 2 and uppermost sterile or reduced, in between florets bisexual, rarely only male or female
Backtrack a
  • Callus present, hairy
  • Glumes reduced to minute lips, separated from florets by a stipe
  • Callus absent
  • Glumes of variable length, not reduced to lips, nor separated from florets by a stipe
Backtrack a
  • Pedicel articulated a distance below spikelet, bearded with long hairs at articulation point, spikelet and part of pedicel falling as a whole
  • Callus pungent, hairy
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet
  • Spikelet 9-18 mm long
  • Characters not precisely as for Chaetobromus
Backtrack a
  • Plants reed-like
  • Leaves mainly cauline
  • Plants not reed-like
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet awned, awn geniculate or bent and lower part usually twisted
  • Spikelet awned or awnless, awn straight
Backtrack a
  • Glumes very unequal in size, shorter than spikelet
  • Lemma glabrous (but enveloped by long hairs from callus)
  • Mature inflorescence branches flexible, usually drooping
  • Glumes ± equal in size, as long as spikelet
  • Lemma long-hairy
  • Mature inflorescence branches stiff and ascending
Backtrack a
  • Lemma with an incurved, emarginate apex and a narrow, awned lobe at each margin, sometimes with 1 or 2 shorter, additional lobes, lateral awns long
  • Characters not as for Kaokochloa
Backtrack a
  • Central awn of lemma geniculate or bent, lower part usually twisted
  • Central awn of lemma short and straight, or lemma shortly mucronate or awnless
Backtrack a
  • Spikelet 4.0-7.0 mm long
  • Spikelet 7.5-25.0 mm long
Backtrack a
  • Glumes prominently 7-11-nerved
  • Callus obliquely pungent
  • Glumes 1-5(-7)-nerved
  • Callus rounded
Backtrack a
  • Glumes 1-keeled to middle or below
  • Palea similar in texture to lemma
  • Glumes rounded, flat or with more than 1 keel
  • Palea thinner in texture than lemma
Backtrack a
  • Leaves hard, needle-like
  • Plants prickly
  • Leaves not needle-like
  • Plants not prickly
Backtrack a
  • Central axis of inflorescence usually ending in a spine, not in spikelets, lateral branches distant as rigid spines or in clusters scattered up central axis
  • Central axis of inflorescence ending in spikelets, dense and contracted
Backtrack a
  • Glumes very unequal in size, 1-nerved
  • Lemma mucronate or with a short stout awn
  • Long hairs on nerves
  • Glumes ± equal in size, 5-11-nerved
  • Lemma 3-awned
  • Tufts of hairs on lemma and scattered hairs between nerves
Backtrack a
  • Lemma glabrous
  • Lemma hairy or long-ciliate
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume 1-nerved
  • Upper glume 3-7-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Glumes as long as to longer than spikelet
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence a large, plumose panicle
  • Lemma apex appears awn-like
  • Inflorescence various, not large and plumose
  • Lemma with true awn or awnless
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume and lemmas with stout awn
  • Spikelets secund, if spikelets not secund see Eragrostis
  • Upper glume awnless, lemmas awned, mucronate or awnless
  • Spikelets secund or not secund
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence branches not one-sided
  • Spikelets not secund
  • Inflorescence with many spike-like, one-sided racemes spreading from central axis (like a herringbone)
  • Spikelets secund
Backtrack a
  • Lemma entire
  • Lemma lobed or notched (sometimes minutely so)
Backtrack a
  • Ligule a fringe of hairs
  • Lower glume 5-7-nerved
  • Ligule a fringed membrane
  • Lower glume 1-3-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Ligule a fringe of hairs
  • Ligule a fringed membrane
Backtrack a
  • Lemma entire
  • Lemma incised, emarginate to deeply lobed
Backtrack a
  • Inflorescence large, plumose
  • Lemma with long fine hairs at base reaching ± to apex of body of lemma
  • Inflorescence not large and plumose
  • Lemma without long hairs reaching to apex of body of lemma
Backtrack a
  • Lower glume 5-7-nerved (often best observed in lower part)
  • Lower glume 1-3-nerved (often best observed in lower part)
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 6-11-nerved
  • Spikelet spiny
  • Lemma 3-5-nerved
  • Spikelet not spiny
Backtrack a
  • Lowest florets bisexual, complete
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Lowest 2 florets reduced to lemmas
  • Lemma 5-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Glumes unequal in size
  • Glumes ± equal in size
Backtrack a
  • Lemma hairs short or stiff, and not obvious or glabrous
  • Lemma distinctly hairy, hairs long, usually soft
Backtrack a
  • Plant base hard, dense and fibrous
  • Lemma not deply lobed, with hairs on margin near base, sometimes lateral nerves with short appressed hairs
  • Plant without fibrous base
  • Lemma deeply lobed, with long hairs from apex to base on lateral nerves
Backtrack a
  • Lemma deeply cleft
  • Lemma not deeply cleft
Backtrack a
  • Glumes shorter than spikelet
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Glumes as long as to longer than glumes
  • Lemma 7-11-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Callus rounded
  • Callus pungent
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Lemma 5-11-nerved
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 1.8-3.0 mm long, not deeply lobed
  • Lemma 5-16 mm long, usually deeply lobed
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 3-awned, awns of lobes obvious
  • Lemma awnless, mucronate or 1-awned, entire or lobed, awns on lobes minute
Backtrack a
  • Lowest lemma awned, central awn more than twice as long as body of lemma
  • Lowest lemma awnless, mucronate or awned, awn less than twice as long as body of lemma
Backtrack a
  • Upper glume 1-nerved
  • Upper glume 3-7-nerved (often clearer on inner surface)
Backtrack a
  • Lemma saccate at base, hairs club-shaped
  • Spikelet laterally compressed
  • Palea shorter than lemma
  • Lemma not saccate at base, hairs acute
  • Spikelet dorsiventrally compressed (± terete)
  • Palea ± equal to lemma
Backtrack a
  • Lemma 3-nerved
  • Lemma 5-9-nerved