e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706690314329_3107272192339925" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Meli<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706690314329_6416512713687734" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
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  • Leaves imparipinnate, pinnately 1- or 3-foliolate or simple
  • Fruit a berry or drupe or a loculicidal capsule
  • Seeds not winged but sometimes arillate
  • Leaves usually paripinnate
  • Fruit a septifragal capsule
  • Seeds winged, not arillate
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  • Leaves simple or rarely irregularly pinnate
  • Leaves compound
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  • Leaves simple
  • Stamens free almost to the base
  • Fruit a large inflated capsule, valves separating only near the apex
  • Leaves simple or rarely variable and irregularly pinnate with deeply lobed or partite leaflets
  • Stamens completely united or united almost to the apex
  • Fruit a leathery or woody capsule, valves separating almost to the base
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  • Leaves 2- or 3-pinnate
  • Staminal tube purplish
  • Fruit a drupe
  • Leaves regularly once-pinnate
  • Fruit a capsule or a drupe
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  • Staminal tube cup-shaped, filaments united for whole or most of their length
  • Fruit a drupe
  • Staminal tube elongate, filaments united only in lower half to two-thirds
  • Fruit a capsule
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  • Filaments with paired deltate appendages at apex
  • Capsule with 3 leathery valves without appendages
  • Filaments without appendages
  • Capsule with 4 or 5 woody valves covered with conspicuous ridges and antler-like appendages
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  • Flowers with an androgynophore to which the bases of the petals are adnate
  • Stamens 5, free
  • Flowers without an androgynophore
  • Petals free
  • Stamens 8-10, filaments partly or completely united
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  • Androgynophore much longer than the ovary
  • First leaflets of seedlings entire
  • Androgynophore shorter than or equalling the ovary
  • First leaflets of seedlings lobed or toothed
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  • Capsule globose or subglobose
  • Seeds orbicular to suborbicular, winged all the way round
  • Capsule elongate, at least twice as long as broad
  • Seeds with a terminal wing