e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707300484577_09426794416582296" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Arc<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707300484577_9841738563281068" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>totis
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Asteraceae - Arctoteae - Arctotis L.


  • Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes almost stemless, or subshrubs, ± canotomentose or glandular
  • Leaves alternate, sessile or petiolate, entire to lobed-pinnatisect
  • Capitula radiate, solitary, pedunculate, many-flowered
  • Involucre campanulate; bracts in 5 or 6 rows, ovate to linear, acuminate or with foliaceous apex and often with membranous margin, sometimes ciliate
  • Receptacle flat, honeycombed, margins of pits extended into linear processes
  • Ray florets female; corolla white, cream, yellow, orange, pink, purple, violet or bluish; tube compressed, oblong-linear, with linear, 3-toothed lamina up to 6 × longer than tube
  • Staminodes often present
  • Style linear or terete, often swollen globose at base, thickened above, with ± elliptic-lanceolate branches
  • Disc florets bisexual, fertile or female-sterile; corolla yellow or dark coloured; tube abruptly widened above, with 5 lanceolate, usually glandular lobes
  • Anthers calcarate, shortly caudate, with ovate apical appendage; endothecial tissue radial
  • Style terete, with ring at base and thickened above, shortly bifid
  • Cypselas obovoid-conical, ventrally smooth or rugose and without ribs, dorsally with 3-5 strong ribs or wings sometimes forming 2 dorsal furrows or concavities at maturity, sericeous or pilose or glabrous, often with basal tuft of long hairs
  • Pappus of 1 or 2 rows of large or small scales as long as corolla tube, sometimes 0
  • x = 9


  • Arctotis L.
    • Linnaeus: 922 (1753)
    • Harvey: 448 (1865)
    • Lewin: 54 (1922)
    • Bremer: 258 (1994)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 64, southern Africa and Angola
  • Southern Africa: Species ± 64, mostly Eastern and Western Cape and Namaqualand, a few species more widespread, absent from Swaziland


  • BREMER, K. 1994. Asteraceae, cladistics & classification. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon
  • HARVEY, W.H. 1865. Compositae. Flora capensis 3
  • LEWIN, K. 1922. Systematische Gliederung und geographische Verbreitung der Arctotideae-Arctotidinae. Feddes Repertorium, Beiheft 11
  • LINNAEUS, C. VON. 1753. Species plantarum. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm