e-Key v3 - Normal Page Name
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • Subfamily Chenopodioideae
    (Plants herbaceous; leaves well developed. Inflorescences mostly richly flowered, paniculate; perianth lobes usually 5, not or rarely modified in fruit; ovary superlor or semi-inferlor. Fruits surrounded by the persistent perianth or by bracteoles. Embryo annular or curved; endosperm present.)
    • Tribe Beteae (Fruit subtended by persistent perianth lobes, opening by a circumscissile lid. Ovary half-inferior.)
      • *Beta
    • Tribe Chenopodieae (Plants often with bladdery hairs. Flowers proterogynous, ebracteolate. Ovary superior.)
      • Chenopodium
      • *Einadia
    • Tribe Atripliceae (Flowers usually unisexual; male flowers with a perianth, female ones perianthless, bracteolate. Fruit surrounded by the accrescent bracteoles.)
      • Atriplex
      • Exomis
      • Manochlamys
    • Tribe Camphorosmeae (Inflorescences usually spiciform or paniculate; flowers usually ebracteolate; perianth persistent in fruit, chartaceous, membranous or scarious.)
      • Bassia
      • Kochia
  • Subfamily Salicornioideae: (Plants succulent; stems often articulate. Leaves reduced. Flowers usually in groups of 3, sunken into cavities in the axis of spiciform inflorescences; perianth often 2-4-lobed. Embryo annular or curved, rarely straight.)
    • (This subfamily is sometimes placed in its own family, Salicorniaceae J.Agardh (1858), e.g. by Scott (1977a))
    • Tribe Halopeplideae (Leaves alternate, amplexicaul. Stems entire.)
      • Halopeplis
    • Tribe Salicornieae (Leaves usually opposite, connate. Stems articulate.)
      • Halosarcia
      • Salicornia
      • Sarcocornia
  • Subfamily Salsoloideae: (Plants herbaceous or succulent. Leaves, if developed, mostly linear, Flowers usually 1-3, in the axils of the bracts, usually bracteolate. Embryo spiral; endosperm 0.)
    • (This subfamily is sometimes placed in its own family, Salsolaceae Moq. (1849), e.g. by Scott (1977a, b))
    • Tribe Suaedeae (Braeteoles scarious, small. Embryo plano-spiral.)
      • Suaeda
    • Tribe Salsoleae (Bracteoles large, surrounding the flower bud, Embryo mostly conical-spiral.)
      • Salsola