e-Key v3 - Classificatio<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706531829339_8696376946463602" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>n of Rubi<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706531829339_09303336719269217" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • This scheme is largely adapted from Robbrecht (1988) but is based entirely on local material. Tribe Knoxieae (Pentanisia) is placed in Rubioideae, following Bridson (1998)
  • Subfamily Cinchonoideae (Shrubs or trees. Stipules entire or bifid. Raphides 0. Corolla lobes imbricate, contorted or valvate. Stylar pollen presentation often present. Heterostyly frequent. Ovules many (few) per locule. Fruit dry (capsule) or slightly fleshy. Seeds sometimes winged.):
    • Tribe Cinchoneae (Inflorescence dense, many-flowered. Corolla lobes valvate or contorted. Fruit a capsule. Seeds winged.):
        • Crossopteryx
        • Hymenodictyon
    • Tribe Naucleeae (Flowers in pedunculate spherical heads. Corolla lobes imbricate. Fruit small capsules, clustered in hard, spherical heads. Seeds not winged.):
        • Breonadia
    • Tribe Isertieae (Flowers solitary or in lax terminal cymes. Corolla lobes imbricate. Fruit ± fleshy, with many angular seeds. Stipules 2-lobed.):
        • Heinsia
  • Subfamily Ixoroideae (Shrubs or trees. Stipules entire or with an awn. Raphides 0. Stylar pollen presentation mostly present. Heterostyly rare. Corolla lobes contorted. Ovules many (few) per locule. Fruit mostly fleshy, sometimes ± dry with many seeds embedded in placental pulp.):
    • Tribe Gardenieae
      • Subtribe Gardeniinae (Stipules ovate to triangular, often apiculate. Flowers often large. Fruit mostly large, dry-walled with many seeds embedded in pulp.):
        • Burchellia
        • Catunaregam
        • Coddia
        • Gardenia
        • Hyperacanthus
        • Mitriostigma
        • Oxyanthus
        • Rothmannia
      • Subtribe Diplosporinae (Stipules overtopped by 2 awns. Flowers relatively small. Fruit mostly small with seeds not embedded in pulp.):
        • Sericanthe
        • Tricalysia
    • Tribe Pavetteae (Leaves often with bacterial nodules. Stipules partly to ± completely connate, mostly long-acuminate to awned. Pollen presenter ± fusiform, entire. Fruit ± fleshy, mostly small.):
        • Leptactina
        • Pavetta
        • Tarenna
    • Tribe Coffeae (Stipules very shortly connate, apiculate. Style filiform, with 2 linear, divergent arms. Fruit a small drupe. Seeds with a deep ventral groove: 'coffee beans'.):
        • Coffea
    • Tribe Octotropideae (Hypobathreae) (Stipules triangular to ovate, sometimes acuminate, ± free. Pollen presenter ± clearly developed, if bifid then usually coherent except at apex. Fruit ± fleshy, pericarp often with fingerprint-like pattern.):
        • Feretia
        • Kraussia
  • Subfamily Antirheoideae (Shrublets, shrubs, sometimes scandent perennial herbs with woody rootstock, or small trees. Raphides 0. Stipules entire. Corolla lobes mostly valvate, rarely imbricate or contorted. Ovules 1 per locule, pendulous. Stylar pollen presentation mostly present. Fruit a drupe with pyrenes.):
    • Tribe Vanguerieae (Corolla mostly 5-lobed, valvate. Inflorescence always axillary. Ovary 2-12-locular. Stigma cylindric or capitate. Fruit fleshy with several pyrenes. Widespread, especially in eastern parts.):
        • Ancylanthos
        • Canthium
        • Eriosemopsis
        • Fadogia
        • Keetia
        • Lagynias
        • Pachystigma
        • Plectroniella
        • Psydrax
        • Pygmaeothamnus
        • Pyrostria
        • Rytigynia
        • Vangueria (including Tapiphyllum)
        • Vangueriopsis
    • Tribe Guettardeae (Corolla 4-9-lobed, imbricate. Inflorescence terminal or axillary. Ovary 4-9-locular. Fruit fleshy, with 4-9 pyrenes. Coastal dune scrub in N KwaZulu-Natal):
        • Guettarda
    • Tribe Alberteae (Corolla 5-lobed, contorted to left, ± irregular. Inflorescence terminal on lateral branches. Ovary 2-locular. Fruit small, crowned with enlarged, brilliantly coloured calyx lobes. KwaZulu-Natal and N Eastern Cape.):
        • Alberta
    • Tribe Cephalantheae (Corolla 5-lobed, imbricate. Flowers and small fruit crowded in dense, globose heads. Northern Province to KwaZulu-Natal.):
        • Cephalanthus
  • Subfamily Rubioideae (Mostly herbaceous, sometimes dwarf shrubs, shrubs or trees. Raphides present. Stipules frequently bifid or fimbriate. Corolla lobes valvate. Heterostyly very common. Stylar pollen presentation mostly absent. Ovules 1, erect, rarely pendulous, or many, rarely few per locule. Fruit dry or fleshy.):
    • Tribe Hedyotideae (Annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs, rarely shrubs. Stipules usually fimbriate. Ovules many, rarely few per locule.):
        • Agathisanthemum
        • Amphiasma
        • Carphalea
        • Conostomium
        • Kohautia
        • Oldenlandia
        • Otiophora (perhaps better placed in a tribe of its own)
        • Pentas
        • Pentodon
    • Tribe Spermacoceae (Herbaceous. Stipules fimbriate. Flowers mostly in small, dense, axillary clusters. Ovules 1 per locule. Fruit dry, dehiscent into mericarps.):
        • *Diodia
        • Phylohydrax
        • *Richardia
        • Spermacoce
    • Tribe Knoxieae (Herbaceous. Stipules fimbriate. Inflorescence terminal. Corolla mostly blue. Ovules 1 per locule, pendulous. Fruit dry, dehiscent into mericarps.):
        • Pentanisia
    • Tribe Rubieae (Herbaceous, often adhesive due to prickles. Leaves and stipules similar, in pseudowhorls of 4-8. Flowers terminal or axillary. Ovules 1 per locule, erect. Fruit dry or fleshy.):
        • Galium
        • Rubia
        • *Sherardia
    • Tribe Anthospermeae (Perennial herbs to shrubs. Stipules mostly setose. Flowers mostly unisexual, wind-pollinated. Style ± 0, stigmas (1)2, long, feathery. Ovules 1 per locule, erect. Fruit dry, breaking into mericarps.):
        • Anthospermum
        • Carpacoce
        • Galopina
        • Nenax
    • Tribe Paederieae (Evil-smelling shrublets to shrubs, sometimes climbing. Stipules entire. Ovule 1 per locule, erect. Fruit dry, breaking into 2 or 3 pyrenes or mericarps.):
        • Gaillonia
        • Paederia
    • Tribe Psychotrieae (Shrubs or trees. Stipules entire. Leaves often drying reddish brown, either with domatia or bacterial nodules. Stipules entire. Ovule 1 per locule, erect. Fruit small, drying reddish to black, sometimes strongly ribbed.):
        • Psychotria