e-Key v3 - Classification of Rosaceae
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • Classification of Rosaceae (adapted from Mabberley 1997)
  • Subfamily Rosoideae (Gynoecium superior, of 2 or more free carpels, each with 1 ovule, ripening as achenes or drupelets):
    • Tribe Potentilleae (Carpels many on convex, fleshy or dry receptacle):
      • *Duchesnea
      • *Fragaria
      • Geum
      • Potentilla
      • Rubus
    • Tribe Sanguisorbeae (Receptacle urn-shaped, usually hard, enclosing 2 or more achenes):
      • Acaena
      • Agrimonia
      • Alchemilla
      • Cliffortia
      • Leucosidea
      • *Sanguisorba
    • Tribe Roseae (Receptacle soft at maturity, enclosing many free carpels):
      • *Rosa
  • Subfamily Maloideae (Gynoecium inferior, of 2-5 carpels, ripening as a pome):
      • *Cotoneaster
      • *Crataegus
      • *Cydonia
      • *Pyracantha
      • *Pyrus
  • Subfamily Prunoideae (Gynoecium superior, carpel 1, with 1 ovule, ripening as a drupe):
      • Prunus