SANBI Flora Keys - Normal Page Name
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • Subfamily Paronychioideae (Stipules present; petals 0 or small; sepals free; styles partly fused):
    • Tribe Polycarpeae (Fruit a capsule; leaves opposite):
      • Drymaria
      • Krauseola
      • Polycarpaea
      • Polycarpon
      • *Spergula
      • Spergularia
    • Tribe Paronychieae (Fruit a nutlet; leaves opposite):
      • Hemiaria
      • *Paronychia
      • Pollichia
    • Tribe Corrigioleae (Fruit a nutlet; leaves alternate):
      • Corrigiola
  • Subfamily Alsinoideae (Stipules 0; sepals free; styles ± free; fruit a capsule or rarely a nutlet: Scleranthus):
    • Tribe Alsineae (Fruit a capsule; petals mostly 4 or 5, sometimes 0; styles usually 3-5):
      • *Arenaria
      • Cerastium
      • *Holosteum
      • *Moenchia
      • *Sagina
      • *Stellaria
    • Tribe Selerantheae (Fruit a nutlet; petals 0; styles 2):
      • *Scleranthus
  • Subfamily Caryophylloideae (Stipules 0; calyx tubular; styles ± free):
    • Tribe Caryophylleae (Styles 2; capsule opening by 4(-6) teeth):
      • Dianthus
      • *Petrorhagia
      • *Vaccaria
    • Tribe Sileneae (Styles 3-5; capsule opening by as many or twice as many teeth as styles):
      • *Agrostemma
      • Silene
  • Note: tribes Paronychieae and Corrigioleae are sometimes (also by Dyer 1975) placed in the family Illecebraceae.