e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707299500014_4249917253883133" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Ap<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707299500014_34988157943551235" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>tenia
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Mesembryanthemaceae - Mesembryanthemoideae - Aptenia N.E.Br.


  • Small perennial shrubs or climbers, prostrate or decumbent, with fibrous roots, rarely with fleshy rootstock; stems 4-angled or terete, weakly lignified, green and succulent with additional vascular bundles, epidermal bladder cells tall and closely packed
  • Leaves decussate or occasionally becoming alternate in inflorescences, with or without petiole, flat or semicylindrical, heart-shaped, ovate or linear, papillose with loosely arranged bladder cells, rarely deciduous
  • Flowers solitary or in few-flowered dichasia, pedicellate, 15-35 mm in diameter; open in daylight
  • Sepals 4, 2 often larger, basally fused or free towards base
  • Petals united at base into a short tube; white, pale pink, cream to yellowish, staminodes 0 or present
  • Nectary consisting of 4 separate grooves
  • Ovary conical above; placentas axile; stigmas 4, subulate, minute
  • Fruit a 4-locular capsule, of Mesembryanthemum type, with or without valve wings; expanding keels extending to centre of fruit
  • Seeds D-shaped, 1.3-1.5 mm long, rough, blackish brown
  • x = 9
  • Flowering spring, summer and autumn
  • Distinguishing characters:
    • Green succulent stems with closely arranged bladder cell idioblasts
    • Seeds large and blackish brown


  • Aptenia N.E.Br.
    • Brown: 412 (1925)
    • Herre: 78 (1971)
    • Bittrich: 5 (1986)
    • Smith et al.: 28 (1998)
    • Gerbaulet: 66 (2001)
  • Platythyra N.E.Br.
    • Brown: 412 (1925)
    • Herre: 250 (1971)
  • Litocarpus L.Bolus
    • Bolus: t. 261 (1927) name illegitimate

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 4, naturally in the summer-rainfall areas
    • Aptenia cordifolia (L.f.) Schwantes and A. lancifolia L.Bolus are frequently found in shady places on rocky outcrops in regions of higher rainfall
    • The natural distribution of A. cordifolia is unclear as it becomes easily established in areas beyond its natural distribution
    • Aptenia is used world-wide as an ornamental in suitable climates


  • BITTRICH, V. 1986. Untersuchungen zu Merkmalsbestand, Gliederung und Abgrenzung der Unterfamilie Mesembryanthemoideae (Mesembryanthemaceae Fenzl). Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Allgemeine Botanik. Hamburg 21
  • BOLUS, H.M.L. 1927. Delosperma tradescantioides. Flowering Plants of South Africa 7
  • BROWN, N.E. 1925. Mesembryanthemum and some new genera separated from it. Gardeners' Chronicle 78
  • GERBAULET, M. 2001. Mesembryanthemum [Aizoaceae] - Mesembryanthemoideae. In H.E.K. Hartmann,The Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants. Fischer, Jena
  • HERRE, H. 1971. The genera of the Mesembryanthemaceae. Tafelberg, Cape Town
  • SMITH, G.F., CHESSELET, P., VAN JAARSVELD, E.J., HARTMANN, H., HAMMER, S., VAN WYK, B-.E., BURGOYNE, P., KLAK, C. & KURZWEIL, H. 1998. Mesembs of the world. Briza, Pretoria