e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701689782642_9661827784313828" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - A<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701689782642_12855455098030366" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>denia
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Passifloraceae - Adenia Forssk.


  • Perennials, usually with tuber-like stem base giving rise to erect or climbing branches, sometimes spinose; dioecious, rarely monoecious
  • Leaves simple or digitately compound, with 1 or 2 glands at apex of petiole, sometimes with glands on underside of leaf; stipules acicular
  • Flowers unisexual, solitary or clustered or in cymes; sometimes peduncle ending in a tendril; corona a ring of hair-like processes, sometimes partly membranous, or a laciniate rim or 0
  • Male flowers: receptacle/hypanthium usually narrowly cylindric or cup- to saucer-shaped; sepals (4)5(6); lobes usually longer than tube; petals (4)5(6), arising in calyx tube or in sinuses, usually shorter than calyx lobes; glands 5 or 0; stamens free or connate, arising from calyx tube or centre of receptacle, usually shorter than petals; rudimentary ovary usually present
  • Female flowers: receptacle funnel-shaped; calyx lobed or segmented; petals 5 arising in calyx tube; glands present or 0; staminodes present, connate at base; ovary sessile or stipitate, usually ovoid, with several ovules on 3(-5) parietal placentas; style short or 0, 3(4)-branched; stigmas usually fleshy, papillate
  • Fruit a stipitate, 3(-5)-valved capsule; pericarp coriaceous to rather fleshy and hence fruit berry-like, reddish, yellowish, or brownish, sometimes as large as a hen's egg
  • Seeds usually compressed, with crustaceous, pitted testa
  • x = 6 (high polyploidy)


  • Adenia Forssk.
    • Forsskål: 77 (1775)
    • Liebenberg: 513 (1939)
    • De Wilde: 1 (1971)
    • De Wilde: 106 (1976)
  • Modecca Lam.
    • Lamarck: 208 (1979)
    • Harvey: 499 (1862)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species 93, fairly cosmopolitan in tropical countries
  • Southern Africa: Species 10, widespread, except in Western Cape


  • DE WILDE, W.J.J.O. 1971. A monograph of the genus Adenia Forsk. (Passifloraceae). Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 71-18
  • DE WILDE, W.J.J.O. 1976. Passifloraceae. Flora of southern Africa 22
  • FORSSKÅL, P. 1775. Flora aegyptiaco-arabica. Möller, Copenhagen
  • HARVEY, W.H., 1862. Passifloreae. Flora capensis 2
  • LAMARCK, J.B.A.P.M. DE. 1797. Encyclopédie méthodique 4. H. Agasse, Paris
  • LIEBENBERG, L.C.C. 1939. A revision of the South African species of Adenia. Bothalia 3