e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703144277992_2534848918921986" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Gentian<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703144277992_8094479831424461" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.


Compiled by C.L. Bredenkamp & J.E. Victor


  • Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, erect or straggling, rarely shrublets or trees
  • Leaves mostly opposite, sometimes verticillate, very rarely alternate; stipules 0
  • Inflorescence cymose or rarely racemose, flowers sometimes solitary or crowded into fascicles or globose heads, rarely verticillate (Enicostema)
  • Flowers bisexual or rarely unisexual, regular or rarely slightly irregular, (3)4- or 5(6-16)-merous, often heterostylous
  • Calyx mostly gamosepalous, usually with a short to well developed tube and imbricate or sometimes valvate or open lobes, sometimes lobes much reduced or suppressed, rarely sepals nearly free
  • Corolla gamopetalous, usually with contorted lobes, usually as many as calyx lobes
  • Stamens arising on corolla tube or in throat, free or rarely connate by anthers, as many as corolla lobes and alternating with them; anthers sometimes twisted, opening by longitudinal slits, rarely by terminal pores (Exacum)
  • Disc 0, annular or of 5 hypogynous glands
  • Ovary superior, either 1-locular with parietal placentas, or 2-locular by intrusion of locular walls and with axile placentation
  • Fruit a capsule, dehiscing septicidally, rarely berry-like, usually many-seeded
  • Seeds few to many, with fleshy or oily endosperm


  • Gentianaceae
    • Baker & Brown: 544 (1903)
    • Marais & Verdoorn: 171 (1963)
    • Friedrich-Holzhammer: 1 (1967)
    • Paiva & Nogueira: 3 (1990)
    • Takhtajan: 426 (1996)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera 89, species ± 1200, fairly cosmopolitan and mostly in temperate and subtropical regions
  • Southern Africa: Genera 9, species 70
    • Nymphoides and Villarsia are dealt with under Menyanthaceae
    • Faroa salutaris Welw. is recorded from southern Africa by Marais & Verdoorn (1963) and by Paiva & Nogueira (1990). No specimens of this species from southern Africa were seen


  • BAKER, J.G. & BROWN, N.E. 1903. Gentianeae. Flora of tropical Africa 4,1
  • FRIEDRICH-HOLZHAMMER, M. 1967. Gentianaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 110
  • MARAIS, W. & VERDOORN, I.C. 1963. Gentianaceae. Flora of southern Africa 26
  • PAIVA, J.A.R. & NOGUEIRA, I. 1990. Gentianaceae. Flora zambesiaca 7,4
  • TAKHTAJAN, A. 1996. Diversity and classification of flowering plants. Columbia University Press, New York


  • Gentianaceae genera:
Anthocleista Chironia Enicostema Exacum
Neurotheca Orphium Pycnosphaera Sebaea