Bulb large, 100-150 mm in diameter, with a tough, leathery covering, producing extensible threads when torn
Leaves perennial, 9-14, present during or after flowering, prostrate, biflabellate, narrowly to broadly lorate, glabrous; margins hyaline, usually fringed with short branched cilia; apex truncate in mature leaves
Inflorescence a 13-90-flowered, spreading cluster, 150-340 mm in diameter; scape compressed, solid, up to 200 mm long, abscissing at ground level for seed dispersal; spathe valves 2, broadly lanceolate, coriaceous
Flowers weakly irregular, widely funnel-shaped, ivory or pale to dark pink; pedicels spreading, shorter than to ± equalling perigone at anthesis, lengthening and radiating in fruit
Tepals connate into a distinct subcylindric tube; segments oblanceolate, spreading and slightly recurved distally, longer than tube
Fruit indehiscent, pyriform to subfusiform, somewhat trigonous, prominently 6-ribbed, bluntly beaked, walls papery, breaking open irregularly
Seeds water-rich, subglobose, 5-30 mm in diameter, with a thin corky covering; endosperm greenish in outer layers; embryo green
x = 11
Cybistetes Milne-Redh. & Schweick.
Milne-Redhead & Schweickerdt: 191 (1939)
Müller-Doblies: 359 (1994)
Snijman & Williamson: 127 (1994)
Distribution & Notes:
Southern Africa: Species 1: Cybistetes longifolia (L.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick., widespread in the western winter-rainfall region in Namibia, Northern and Western Cape
MILNE-REDHEAD, E. & SCHWEICKERDT, H.G. 1939. A new conception of the genus Ammocharis Herb. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 52
MÜLLER-DOBLIES, D. & U. 1994. De Liliifloris notulae 5. Some new taxa and combinations in the Amaryllidaceae tribe Amaryllideae from arid southern Africa. Feddes Repertorium 105
SNIJMAN, D.A. & WILLIAMSON, G. 1994. A taxonomic re-assessment of Ammocharis herrei and Cybistetes longifolia (Amaryllideae: Amaryllidaceae). Bothalia 24
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Welcome to Biodiversity Advisor 2.0!
Biodiversity Advisor, developed by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and its Data Partners, is a system that will provide integrated biodiversity information to a wide range of users who will have access to geospatial data, plant and animal species distribution data, ecosystem-level data, literature, images and metadata.
The integrated information comes from our much-loved Botanical Database of Southern Africa (BODATSA) also known as Plants of Southern Africa (POSA), Zoological Database of Southern Africa (ZODATSA), Biodiversity Geographic Information System (BGIS), SANBI's institutional repository (Opus) and others.
The system is still under development, so you may find a few bugs/issues. If you do, please report it via the error reporting button available in various sections of the website or provide us with any useful feedback you may have via the ‘Give us feedback’ option available in the sidebar menu. You can create a free account for yourself by clicking on the user profile icon which will take you through to the login page. Here you can choose the ‘Create an account’ option or simply fill in your details if you have an account already. Having an account on Biodiversity Advisor will provide users with free access to biodiversity resources.
In future, Team SANBI will be able to log in using their day-to-day login details, BGIS users will be able to use their existing accounts and details, and general users will be able to log in using their LinkedIn profile, but for now you will need to create an account.
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Welcome to Biodiversity Advisor 2.0!
Biodiversity Advisor, developed by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and its Data Partners, is a system that will provide integrated biodiversity information to a wide range of users who will have access to geospatial data, plant and animal species data, ecosystem-level data, literature, images and metadata.
The integrated information comes from our much-loved Botanical Database of Southern Africa (BODATSA) also known as Plants of Southern Africa (POSA), Zoological Database of Southern Africa (ZODATSA), Biodiversity Geographic Information System (BGIS), SANBI's institutional repository (Opus) and others.
The system is still under development, so you may find a few bugs/issues. If you do, please report it via the error reporting button available in various sections of the website or provide us with any useful feedback you may have via the ‘Give us feedback’ option available in the sidebar menu. You can create a free account for yourself by clicking on the user profile icon which will take you through to the login page. Here you can choose the ‘Create an account’ option or simply fill in your details if you have an account already. Having an account on Biodiversity Advisor will provide users with free access to biodiversity resources.
In future, Team SANBI will be able to log in using their day-to-day login details, BGIS users will be able to use their existing accounts and details, and general users will be able to log in using their LinkedIn profile, but for now you will need to create an account.