e-Key<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1709019168636_4154567666770739" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span> v3 - Cybist<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1709019168636_8813444992827988" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>etes
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Amaryllidaceae - Cybistetes Milne-Redh. & Schweick.


  • Deciduous bulbous herbs
  • Bulb large, 100-150 mm in diameter, with a tough, leathery covering, producing extensible threads when torn
  • Leaves perennial, 9-14, present during or after flowering, prostrate, biflabellate, narrowly to broadly lorate, glabrous; margins hyaline, usually fringed with short branched cilia; apex truncate in mature leaves
  • Inflorescence a 13-90-flowered, spreading cluster, 150-340 mm in diameter; scape compressed, solid, up to 200 mm long, abscissing at ground level for seed dispersal; spathe valves 2, broadly lanceolate, coriaceous
  • Flowers weakly irregular, widely funnel-shaped, ivory or pale to dark pink; pedicels spreading, shorter than to ± equalling perigone at anthesis, lengthening and radiating in fruit
  • Tepals connate into a distinct subcylindric tube; segments oblanceolate, spreading and slightly recurved distally, longer than tube
  • Stamens arising below perigone throat, weakly declinate; filaments filiform, free at base, exserted; anthers dorsifixed, versatile; pollen bisulculate with spinulose exine
  • Ovary narrowly fusiform, obscurely trigonous; ovules 1-19 per locule, becoming ategmic; style declinate, filiform; stigma undivided
  • Fruit indehiscent, pyriform to subfusiform, somewhat trigonous, prominently 6-ribbed, bluntly beaked, walls papery, breaking open irregularly
  • Seeds water-rich, subglobose, 5-30 mm in diameter, with a thin corky covering; endosperm greenish in outer layers; embryo green
  • x = 11


  • Cybistetes Milne-Redh. & Schweick.
    • Milne-Redhead & Schweickerdt: 191 (1939)
    • Müller-Doblies: 359 (1994)
    • Snijman & Williamson: 127 (1994)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 1: Cybistetes longifolia (L.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick., widespread in the western winter-rainfall region in Namibia, Northern and Western Cape


  • MILNE-REDHEAD, E. & SCHWEICKERDT, H.G. 1939. A new conception of the genus Ammocharis Herb. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 52
  • MÜLLER-DOBLIES, D. & U. 1994. De Liliifloris notulae 5. Some new taxa and combinations in the Amaryllidaceae tribe Amaryllideae from arid southern Africa. Feddes Repertorium 105
  • SNIJMAN, D.A. & WILLIAMSON, G. 1994. A taxonomic re-assessment of Ammocharis herrei and Cybistetes longifolia (Amaryllideae: Amaryllidaceae). Bothalia 24